Use tangerines
Mandarin is one of the favorite citrus fruit for many people. There was a time when tangerines were in short supply, and the children were able to enjoy the taste of this fruit only once a year, getting 1-2 things in the part of the Christmas gift. Perhaps this is why tangerines are associated with childhood and Christmas holidays. Now this fruit is present on the shelves of food markets and shops all year round. The tangerine flavor is now known to all, and seductive citrus scent is uplifting. Of course, in anticipation of the “New year” when everyone is in a hurry to purchase a variety of products, including tangerines, is to learn about this fruit a bit more and consider the useful properties and harms of this citrus.
Mistakenly call all small orange citrus fruit just “Mandarin”, because it varieties a lot more than you think. Satsuma is a sweet Mandarin seedless, Satsumas — the sour, the Mandarin santra — the most thick-skinned of his brothers. In Mandarin there are hybrids, such as natsumikan (Mandarin + orange), tangelo (tangerine + grapefruit), incurin (Ichang + Satsuma mandarins), calamondin (Mandarin + kumquat). In some countries, in Mandarin otherwise called “tangerine”, but actually, there is a clear distinction: tangerines is a bright orange varieties, tangerines — zheltoplodnaya. Despite the diversity of varieties and their names, citrus fruits have almost the same useful vitamins.
Speaking about the benefits of tangerines, we note that the most useful property is the ability to restore our bodies for the autumn and winter vitamins. Mandarin is well quenches thirst and nourishes the body with the right amount of ascorbic acid, as well as for colds, partly contributes to temperature decrease. Tangerines anti-bacterial action helps to fight germs, which is also important in the cold. Peel tangerines and cough and improves digestion.
Mandarin is a decongestant, protivoshokovymi means, a beneficial effect on the bronchi with a sweat (venelinova amino acids). Recently proven that eating Mandarin oranges significantly reduces the risk of heart diseases, prevents atherosclerosis and deposition of cholesterol on vascular walls. By the way, in order to get the maximum benefit from the mandarins, experts in nutrition suggest eating them along with a white mesh, enveloping slices of fruit, that it contains strengthen the cardiovascular system glycosides.
The beneficial properties of mandarins are learning constantly, and we must learn to get the maximum benefit from this fruit. Tangerines is a great antidepressant. In the same way as the fresh juice of mandarins, its bright orange color is able to calm the nervous system and raise the General tone of the body. Peel tangerines not less useful than the flesh. It contains much more pectin, essential oils, organic acids and flavonoids. It is recommended to use in the preparation of candied tangerine and tinctures. However, be careful, some producers, growing tangerines, treat them with chemicals that accumulate in the skin. Like other fruits, tangerines are sometimes rubbed with special wax to give them a bright glossy appearance, the rind of these mandarins should not be consumed. The use of Mandarin especially necessary for pregnant women. In the second trimester of pregnancy there is a deficiency of vitamin C, what is moms in a hurry to fill it? Of course, the tangerines! It is known that consumption of oranges can cause an allergic reaction as my mother, and unborn child, but it is important to comply with the rules that will avoid such problems. One or two clementines a day, quite safe. Tincture of tangerine peel (rind of one tangerine in a glass of boiling water, boil, cool), will help to avoid/to ease morning sickness, relieve nausea and vomiting. And relaxing massages with essential oils of mandarins protect the skin of expectant mothers, helps to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. The use of Mandarin, is seen in the prevention of fungal infections of nails.
Source: /users/147

Mistakenly call all small orange citrus fruit just “Mandarin”, because it varieties a lot more than you think. Satsuma is a sweet Mandarin seedless, Satsumas — the sour, the Mandarin santra — the most thick-skinned of his brothers. In Mandarin there are hybrids, such as natsumikan (Mandarin + orange), tangelo (tangerine + grapefruit), incurin (Ichang + Satsuma mandarins), calamondin (Mandarin + kumquat). In some countries, in Mandarin otherwise called “tangerine”, but actually, there is a clear distinction: tangerines is a bright orange varieties, tangerines — zheltoplodnaya. Despite the diversity of varieties and their names, citrus fruits have almost the same useful vitamins.

Speaking about the benefits of tangerines, we note that the most useful property is the ability to restore our bodies for the autumn and winter vitamins. Mandarin is well quenches thirst and nourishes the body with the right amount of ascorbic acid, as well as for colds, partly contributes to temperature decrease. Tangerines anti-bacterial action helps to fight germs, which is also important in the cold. Peel tangerines and cough and improves digestion.

Mandarin is a decongestant, protivoshokovymi means, a beneficial effect on the bronchi with a sweat (venelinova amino acids). Recently proven that eating Mandarin oranges significantly reduces the risk of heart diseases, prevents atherosclerosis and deposition of cholesterol on vascular walls. By the way, in order to get the maximum benefit from the mandarins, experts in nutrition suggest eating them along with a white mesh, enveloping slices of fruit, that it contains strengthen the cardiovascular system glycosides.

The beneficial properties of mandarins are learning constantly, and we must learn to get the maximum benefit from this fruit. Tangerines is a great antidepressant. In the same way as the fresh juice of mandarins, its bright orange color is able to calm the nervous system and raise the General tone of the body. Peel tangerines not less useful than the flesh. It contains much more pectin, essential oils, organic acids and flavonoids. It is recommended to use in the preparation of candied tangerine and tinctures. However, be careful, some producers, growing tangerines, treat them with chemicals that accumulate in the skin. Like other fruits, tangerines are sometimes rubbed with special wax to give them a bright glossy appearance, the rind of these mandarins should not be consumed. The use of Mandarin especially necessary for pregnant women. In the second trimester of pregnancy there is a deficiency of vitamin C, what is moms in a hurry to fill it? Of course, the tangerines! It is known that consumption of oranges can cause an allergic reaction as my mother, and unborn child, but it is important to comply with the rules that will avoid such problems. One or two clementines a day, quite safe. Tincture of tangerine peel (rind of one tangerine in a glass of boiling water, boil, cool), will help to avoid/to ease morning sickness, relieve nausea and vomiting. And relaxing massages with essential oils of mandarins protect the skin of expectant mothers, helps to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. The use of Mandarin, is seen in the prevention of fungal infections of nails.
Source: /users/147