What time is better to wake up in the morning?
Human biological processes are cyclical and consistent with solar and lunar rhythms. A person's belonging to a certain biorhythm is determined by the chronotype - the level of performance in a certain period of the day or night.
The typical nature of daily activity for this person determines his belonging to larks, owls or pigeons.
Larks wake up early, almost with sunrise, before lunch can do a lot of things. At 9:00 p.m., they make their bed ready for bed.
Owls are their opposite: in the morning it is better not to touch them, they are irritable and inactive, in the afternoon they experience a surge of energy and strength, go to bed at midnight.
Pigeons get up early or late - for breakfast, are active all day, go to bed an hour before midnight.
Dr. Paul Kelly, a leading researcher at the University of Oxford, conducted research that proved that disruption of biorhythms has negative consequences. A person adapts to the requirements of society: gets up to work, works when it should, and so on. But how does this affect his health?
We cannot change our 24-hour rhythms by waking up at a particular time. Our livers and hearts follow a different sequence of work, and we tell them to move 2-3 hours back or forward.”
According to Kelly, society should adjust to the mode of pigeon activity as the most optimal. In order not to harm owls or larks.
“We all live in a sleep-deprived society. This problem causes suffering to people around the world. And she has to be fought. The most common form of civilized torture is the early rise and start of the working day before 10 a.m.
The rhythmization of mental, physical and chemical processes in the body is genetically determined. Disruption of the biological clock and circadian rhythm negatively affects the brain, hormone generation, energy level and sense of time.
At the end of the XVIII century in civilized countries began to introduce an eight-hour working day and shift work, not taking into account the biological cycles of the human body. The business began to develop, it was profitable to work 24/7.
And human clock They started messing around. We've moved away from nature and our ancestors, who focused on sunshine cycles, working when seen rather than business strategy.
Dr. Paul Kelly conducted the experiment in several British schools. It was to shift the start time of classes from 8:30 to 10 in the morning. So that each student could wake up by 10 and not just attend classes, but actively participate in the learning process.
Achievement and attendance in the tested schools increased. Children also became more active and cheerful, the level of depressive states decreased.
Paul Kelly suggests maximally applying this rule to other areas of activity to protect people from overload, fatigue, abuse of coffee and energy.
In his opinion, the result will justify itself. People will become more productive, motivated, purposeful and satisfied with life. They will work better and benefit society more.
DepositPhotos Biorhythms and human performance They are in a direct relationship. You need to try to adjust your body regime and daily routine in order to protect your health.
We do not tell the sun when to rise and when to set, so why do we do this to ourselves? Man is a small galaxy, do not disturb its work.
On how to get rid of insomnia and learn to come on time, read in our next articles. Follow the links.
The typical nature of daily activity for this person determines his belonging to larks, owls or pigeons.

Larks wake up early, almost with sunrise, before lunch can do a lot of things. At 9:00 p.m., they make their bed ready for bed.
Owls are their opposite: in the morning it is better not to touch them, they are irritable and inactive, in the afternoon they experience a surge of energy and strength, go to bed at midnight.

Pigeons get up early or late - for breakfast, are active all day, go to bed an hour before midnight.
Dr. Paul Kelly, a leading researcher at the University of Oxford, conducted research that proved that disruption of biorhythms has negative consequences. A person adapts to the requirements of society: gets up to work, works when it should, and so on. But how does this affect his health?

We cannot change our 24-hour rhythms by waking up at a particular time. Our livers and hearts follow a different sequence of work, and we tell them to move 2-3 hours back or forward.”
According to Kelly, society should adjust to the mode of pigeon activity as the most optimal. In order not to harm owls or larks.

“We all live in a sleep-deprived society. This problem causes suffering to people around the world. And she has to be fought. The most common form of civilized torture is the early rise and start of the working day before 10 a.m.
The rhythmization of mental, physical and chemical processes in the body is genetically determined. Disruption of the biological clock and circadian rhythm negatively affects the brain, hormone generation, energy level and sense of time.

At the end of the XVIII century in civilized countries began to introduce an eight-hour working day and shift work, not taking into account the biological cycles of the human body. The business began to develop, it was profitable to work 24/7.
And human clock They started messing around. We've moved away from nature and our ancestors, who focused on sunshine cycles, working when seen rather than business strategy.

Dr. Paul Kelly conducted the experiment in several British schools. It was to shift the start time of classes from 8:30 to 10 in the morning. So that each student could wake up by 10 and not just attend classes, but actively participate in the learning process.
Achievement and attendance in the tested schools increased. Children also became more active and cheerful, the level of depressive states decreased.

Paul Kelly suggests maximally applying this rule to other areas of activity to protect people from overload, fatigue, abuse of coffee and energy.
In his opinion, the result will justify itself. People will become more productive, motivated, purposeful and satisfied with life. They will work better and benefit society more.

DepositPhotos Biorhythms and human performance They are in a direct relationship. You need to try to adjust your body regime and daily routine in order to protect your health.
We do not tell the sun when to rise and when to set, so why do we do this to ourselves? Man is a small galaxy, do not disturb its work.
On how to get rid of insomnia and learn to come on time, read in our next articles. Follow the links.