Biorhythms for Champions
Scientists advise to choose the time for training based on their individual biorhythms. For example, if you are so-called "lark" and your physical peak activity in the morning, and the training is carried out in the morning or daytime — this category of people is the highest physical peak around noon.
While "owls" accounting period comes to 20:00. Moreover, studies have shown that if you follow this principle, the performance increases by an average of 25%.
However, the "lark" scientists do not advise it for training to Wake up too early, because any body need some time to fully Wake up. And violence over the body will bring less results than you expect. It is therefore very important to always listen to your own feelings. But they should not be confused with their own laziness.
The Influence Of The Moon
The results of the training in the gym is also influenced by the phase of the moon. For example, in Tibetan medicine it is believed that each day of the year has its own energy, which depends on the position of the moon relative to the Earth. Almost all of our bodies are constantly experiencing the ebb and flow of energy that affect biochemical processes in the body. Moreover, there are three separate, independent from each other and do not coincide in phase of the kinds of biorhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual.
How to use the phases of the moon?
In the process of growing moon our body is most active, capable of change and high loads. In maximum mode function heart, liver and digestive system. This period is an excellent time to cleanse the body and build muscle.
In the period of the full moon we are at the peak of physical endurance, it is much easier perceived load and, accordingly, is able to show the best sports results. But it is worth considering that during this period aktiviziruyutsya internal organs located in the pelvic area and this may cause exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system.
With the waning moon decreases and our energy, decreases the rate of metabolism in the body, can appear edema, the acute illness of bone (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, rheumatism). Therefore, in this period should not increase the usual load and care must be taken, working with more weight. But that's when the moon is waning, we have the most restful sleep.
And in the new moon, especially in the first phase, our body increases the intensity of the circulation. This may cause exacerbation of diseases of the nervous system. Therefore, in this period should give preference to measures-improving character. A great time to go for natural and healthy food.
To each his own As already mentioned, exercise should take place on an individual schedule. However, there are common pros and cons of training for a certain time of day.
Minus: If you are an office employee and your work day starts at 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning, be prepared for the fact that you have to train yourself to Wake up much earlier.
Plus morning sports you will not be able to divert no household chores, no meeting with friends. Besides, morning fitness great help to not only chase a dream but to get a charge of vivacity for the whole day.
Minus: Not everyone has the opportunity to write in your schedule a regular day of training.
Plus Daily workout can be a great way to "switch" your brain from the strenuous and monotonous work and to remove emotional stress.
The evening
Less: Stressful day can take a lot of effort. Besides, due to the fact that most of us prefer to do fitness in the evening, in the gym at this time can be very crowded.
Plus: a Great way to relieve the brain after a hard day and cheer up for example before the evening promenade with friends.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: fitfixed.com
While "owls" accounting period comes to 20:00. Moreover, studies have shown that if you follow this principle, the performance increases by an average of 25%.

However, the "lark" scientists do not advise it for training to Wake up too early, because any body need some time to fully Wake up. And violence over the body will bring less results than you expect. It is therefore very important to always listen to your own feelings. But they should not be confused with their own laziness.
The Influence Of The Moon
The results of the training in the gym is also influenced by the phase of the moon. For example, in Tibetan medicine it is believed that each day of the year has its own energy, which depends on the position of the moon relative to the Earth. Almost all of our bodies are constantly experiencing the ebb and flow of energy that affect biochemical processes in the body. Moreover, there are three separate, independent from each other and do not coincide in phase of the kinds of biorhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual.
How to use the phases of the moon?
In the process of growing moon our body is most active, capable of change and high loads. In maximum mode function heart, liver and digestive system. This period is an excellent time to cleanse the body and build muscle.
In the period of the full moon we are at the peak of physical endurance, it is much easier perceived load and, accordingly, is able to show the best sports results. But it is worth considering that during this period aktiviziruyutsya internal organs located in the pelvic area and this may cause exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system.
With the waning moon decreases and our energy, decreases the rate of metabolism in the body, can appear edema, the acute illness of bone (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, rheumatism). Therefore, in this period should not increase the usual load and care must be taken, working with more weight. But that's when the moon is waning, we have the most restful sleep.
And in the new moon, especially in the first phase, our body increases the intensity of the circulation. This may cause exacerbation of diseases of the nervous system. Therefore, in this period should give preference to measures-improving character. A great time to go for natural and healthy food.
To each his own As already mentioned, exercise should take place on an individual schedule. However, there are common pros and cons of training for a certain time of day.
Minus: If you are an office employee and your work day starts at 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning, be prepared for the fact that you have to train yourself to Wake up much earlier.
Plus morning sports you will not be able to divert no household chores, no meeting with friends. Besides, morning fitness great help to not only chase a dream but to get a charge of vivacity for the whole day.
Minus: Not everyone has the opportunity to write in your schedule a regular day of training.
Plus Daily workout can be a great way to "switch" your brain from the strenuous and monotonous work and to remove emotional stress.
The evening
Less: Stressful day can take a lot of effort. Besides, due to the fact that most of us prefer to do fitness in the evening, in the gym at this time can be very crowded.
Plus: a Great way to relieve the brain after a hard day and cheer up for example before the evening promenade with friends.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: fitfixed.com