6 reasons to wake up at 6 am

People often associate early awakening and life success. Blogger Egoz Eyhi in the past two years, wakes up at 6:00 am. He believes that this habit has changed his life.
Here are 6 reasons that, in my opinion, are motivated to get up earlier. Editors Website sincerely believe that soon become larks.
1. You will have time to understand the sebeMnogie people do not achieve their goals because they lack focus. If you start from that day to find out on what you should focus first and foremost, it is unlikely to think about their big order during the day.
As we know, in the morning, your brain works most effectively. Use this time to take the life under the control of reason and not emotion.
2. You will have time to plan your denZhavoronki have the opportunity to plan your date in advance, before you go to work. The earlier made your plan for the day, the more efficient and productive you will spend your time.
Plan the evening tomorrow - is counterproductive. It is foolish to make plans when your brain is stale and wants only one thing - rest.
3. Morning - is an excellent time to work on soboyKto said that you have to rush to the office immediately after waking up? At the same time, many of us complain that they constantly do not have time for family, fun or gym.
If you start to wake up at 6 in the morning, you will have a few hours before the start of the day to get to the gym. When you exercise in the morning, your body is saturated with endorphins. It's the hormones that are released during active physical activities and give us a feeling of joy and euphoria. The charge of endorphins produced in the morning, it may be enough for you to be energetic and cheerful all the time.
4. You start zavtrakatVy his entire life hear that breakfast - the most important meal of the day. If you wake up a few hours before the beginning of the day, it just will not be able to miss it.
Research Hopkins School of Public Health, Bloomberg revealed that the habit full breakfast is extremely important beneficial to your health. Just as your car needs gasoline to go, your body needs food to function properly. Especially in the morning.
5. So many successful people do! New York Magazine in an article about Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter, he tells the reader that he starts his day at 5:30 am. Dorsey uses the time before the start of the working day for meditation and 10-kilometer run.
Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, begins to respond to emails partner every morning at 4:30.
Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, is a big supporter of that waking up early. In one of his interview with Business Insider, he admitted that he wakes up at 5:45 and immediately gets to work. First, he is sitting at the computer for a while, and then later only breakfast.
6. You'll be two steps ahead vsehPrivychka to wake up early, as studies show, can help you unleash your creativity. Plus, it develops your confidence: you begin to work even when all your competitors are sleeping.
All of the most unpleasant things I learned working to solve before 8 am. This habit allows me to live the whole next day with a high level of energy and a sense of accomplishment. The habit to perform the most unpleasant things early in the morning reduces my stress levels and anxiety.
And further. If you can teach yourself to wake up at two and a half hour earlier than usual, you get the advantage of working in 150 minutes a day. This 17 and a half hours a week and 70 hours - a month. 840 hours per year. The choice is yours.
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