50 reasons to Wake up at 5 am. part 2
Seventy two million three hundred forty seven thousand five hundred seventy three
People say: get up early, step further. But still... 5 am... I Think it's too much, isn't it? However, it's not as hard as it might seem at first glance.
Here are some arguments that will help convince you that getting up at 5 am – it's wonderful.
25. Can make inhalation aromatherapy with eucalyptus oil or mint to clear my nasal passages, and in a short time I feel great. I'm just a master of this habit, but the results are impressive. I never thought that the sense of smell can greatly affect health.
26. Do coaching by phone or Skype with clients who are also in the top 1 percent of people. Already 1 year I communicate with dozens of clients from 5.30 or 6.00. Think this is the best time for such activities. Quietly, not in a hurry, feel rested and energetic (charged as a result of physical exercises and Breakfast).
27. Listen to the program of personal and professional development and begin to use 1-2 of the method in the morning. So step by step acquire the experience and confidence.
28. Do otocenie and can read a whole book in 30 minutes. It is a revolutionary method of reading, allowing you to absorb the essence of the book in a very short time. You can change your life. Joking apart!
29. Write a pleasant greeting for someone of beloved family members and leave on the fridge. It takes less than 20 seconds. Effect: good mood for the whole day (for you and for the recipient).
30. Start the day in a state of activity, and not in suspense from the moment of awakening, due to the feeling that one is late. If you want better control of their lives every day, start by confirming that you really care and not negotiable. And don't give up on what matters to you!
31. You have time to do therapy, Ho'oponopono and achieve more harmonious relationships with people. The Ho'oponopono method is also called "forgiveness therapy" and is the pronunciation of the four healing phrases: "I'm sorry", "Forgive me, please", "Thank you!""I love you". All you need to do is to think about the other person and to repeat these four phrases for a few minutes (ideally 10-15-minute session gives you very quick effect).
32. Energizing, making 4-stroke breathing (4 breaths, and the subsequent four deep expiration). Shallow breathing is very common in those who have been long working at a Desk. So deep breathing helps to quickly raise the energy level.
33. Can do your hobby: it can be a painting, sculpture or photography. Do something just for fun without ignoring their desires... Start with yourself!
34. Planning a summer vacation dreams (and looking for the best rates without the stress). When you have a few free hours and study details of the proposal, probably, will save the budget...
35. For at least 30 days daily record objectives for the next 12 months. Every day, write on a new page, without looking at the previous one. Thus, you allow the order to "negotiate them among themselves" about the hierarchy of values, depending on how important they are to you. Guaranteed there will be moments when you think, "That's it."...
36. Identify the 5 most important things that you should complete. Counting the time required to complete them, and consider what result you expect.
37. Drink half a liter of water and boost your energy after sleeping when the body lacks moisture. Recommendation: drink water with a slightly higher temperature than body temperature, so as not to force the body to expend energy when the water was up in the stomach.
38. Write for 15 minutes, all things for which you are grateful and will get rid of any traces of anxiety. It is easy to make, and the effect is guaranteed for the whole day. You don't need to be sedated endorphins naturally stand out!
39. Set aside time to create a panel with pictures that are the epitome of your realized goals. Some call this mural "Vision Board" or "Dream Board".
40. Every morning look at this picture for 10-20 minutes and charge the emotions associated with the achievement of these goals. It is to know why you do what you do, and what is the ultimate goal of your efforts.
41. Use these emotions to make plans and work towards achieving goals. Enter into the state of inspiration. We are talking not about willpower to complete some work. Inspiration will tell you what things it is better to do it now.
42. You can write a book that all my life I dreamed to publish. Write a page a day. A year is 365 pages. The book is ready! Find a publisher that will publish it!
43. Write articles on your blog and inspire others to realize their potential. Let me give you a hint: do not keep in mind all these good ideas, because not enough space for other good ideas! Write articles, books, share with others. Whatever you do, you free yourself from these ideas that could have been the other brilliant ideas!
44. Charged with confidence and pass it with every fiber of everyone you meet the person... So you become the person they most want to see, because you have a beneficial effect.
45. Leaving on time for work and come into the office relaxed and smiling. The 10 minutes that you have in reserve to defend against stress, if you get to red traffic lights or in traffic jams at intersections. So little effort, but how much good!
46. Rid of 95% of the stress, which is now struggling. As combine more of the above habits, you reach the state of... deficit stress. Don't take my word for it – check for yourself!
47. Immediately command respect any person that you talk to about it. In the minds of many to Wake up at 5 a.m. almost the same as to run a marathon. A little time will pass and things will start to ask you: how do you manage to be so calm, relaxed and confident. And you, smiling, will ask the question: "are you Ready to hear what you say?"...
48. You start the day with yourself and raise your self-esteem, because you're the most important person in your own life! I think it is obvious to all that if you care primarily about yourself, then you can much better take care of others. It is impossible to share what he himself lacks.
49. You are a member favorite "Club 5 o'clock in the morning"!
50. You give the power spent to overcome the external circumstances, and become a person focused, balanced and harmonious, which achieves only by overcoming internal obstacles – the only thing that really prevents... published
Source: www.ecology.md
People say: get up early, step further. But still... 5 am... I Think it's too much, isn't it? However, it's not as hard as it might seem at first glance.
Here are some arguments that will help convince you that getting up at 5 am – it's wonderful.
25. Can make inhalation aromatherapy with eucalyptus oil or mint to clear my nasal passages, and in a short time I feel great. I'm just a master of this habit, but the results are impressive. I never thought that the sense of smell can greatly affect health.
26. Do coaching by phone or Skype with clients who are also in the top 1 percent of people. Already 1 year I communicate with dozens of clients from 5.30 or 6.00. Think this is the best time for such activities. Quietly, not in a hurry, feel rested and energetic (charged as a result of physical exercises and Breakfast).
27. Listen to the program of personal and professional development and begin to use 1-2 of the method in the morning. So step by step acquire the experience and confidence.
28. Do otocenie and can read a whole book in 30 minutes. It is a revolutionary method of reading, allowing you to absorb the essence of the book in a very short time. You can change your life. Joking apart!
29. Write a pleasant greeting for someone of beloved family members and leave on the fridge. It takes less than 20 seconds. Effect: good mood for the whole day (for you and for the recipient).
30. Start the day in a state of activity, and not in suspense from the moment of awakening, due to the feeling that one is late. If you want better control of their lives every day, start by confirming that you really care and not negotiable. And don't give up on what matters to you!
31. You have time to do therapy, Ho'oponopono and achieve more harmonious relationships with people. The Ho'oponopono method is also called "forgiveness therapy" and is the pronunciation of the four healing phrases: "I'm sorry", "Forgive me, please", "Thank you!""I love you". All you need to do is to think about the other person and to repeat these four phrases for a few minutes (ideally 10-15-minute session gives you very quick effect).
32. Energizing, making 4-stroke breathing (4 breaths, and the subsequent four deep expiration). Shallow breathing is very common in those who have been long working at a Desk. So deep breathing helps to quickly raise the energy level.
33. Can do your hobby: it can be a painting, sculpture or photography. Do something just for fun without ignoring their desires... Start with yourself!
34. Planning a summer vacation dreams (and looking for the best rates without the stress). When you have a few free hours and study details of the proposal, probably, will save the budget...
35. For at least 30 days daily record objectives for the next 12 months. Every day, write on a new page, without looking at the previous one. Thus, you allow the order to "negotiate them among themselves" about the hierarchy of values, depending on how important they are to you. Guaranteed there will be moments when you think, "That's it."...
36. Identify the 5 most important things that you should complete. Counting the time required to complete them, and consider what result you expect.
37. Drink half a liter of water and boost your energy after sleeping when the body lacks moisture. Recommendation: drink water with a slightly higher temperature than body temperature, so as not to force the body to expend energy when the water was up in the stomach.
38. Write for 15 minutes, all things for which you are grateful and will get rid of any traces of anxiety. It is easy to make, and the effect is guaranteed for the whole day. You don't need to be sedated endorphins naturally stand out!
39. Set aside time to create a panel with pictures that are the epitome of your realized goals. Some call this mural "Vision Board" or "Dream Board".
40. Every morning look at this picture for 10-20 minutes and charge the emotions associated with the achievement of these goals. It is to know why you do what you do, and what is the ultimate goal of your efforts.
41. Use these emotions to make plans and work towards achieving goals. Enter into the state of inspiration. We are talking not about willpower to complete some work. Inspiration will tell you what things it is better to do it now.
42. You can write a book that all my life I dreamed to publish. Write a page a day. A year is 365 pages. The book is ready! Find a publisher that will publish it!
43. Write articles on your blog and inspire others to realize their potential. Let me give you a hint: do not keep in mind all these good ideas, because not enough space for other good ideas! Write articles, books, share with others. Whatever you do, you free yourself from these ideas that could have been the other brilliant ideas!
44. Charged with confidence and pass it with every fiber of everyone you meet the person... So you become the person they most want to see, because you have a beneficial effect.
45. Leaving on time for work and come into the office relaxed and smiling. The 10 minutes that you have in reserve to defend against stress, if you get to red traffic lights or in traffic jams at intersections. So little effort, but how much good!
46. Rid of 95% of the stress, which is now struggling. As combine more of the above habits, you reach the state of... deficit stress. Don't take my word for it – check for yourself!
47. Immediately command respect any person that you talk to about it. In the minds of many to Wake up at 5 a.m. almost the same as to run a marathon. A little time will pass and things will start to ask you: how do you manage to be so calm, relaxed and confident. And you, smiling, will ask the question: "are you Ready to hear what you say?"...
48. You start the day with yourself and raise your self-esteem, because you're the most important person in your own life! I think it is obvious to all that if you care primarily about yourself, then you can much better take care of others. It is impossible to share what he himself lacks.
49. You are a member favorite "Club 5 o'clock in the morning"!
50. You give the power spent to overcome the external circumstances, and become a person focused, balanced and harmonious, which achieves only by overcoming internal obstacles – the only thing that really prevents... published
Source: www.ecology.md
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