50 reasons to Wake up at 5 am. part1

People say: get up early, step further. But still... 5 am... I Think it's too much, isn't it? However, it's not as hard as it might seem at first glance.
Here are some arguments that will help convince you that getting up at 5 am – it's wonderful.
1. You belong to 1 per cent of the most effective people in the world! This is an exclusive club, and to be his full member is a great honor.
2. You can devote time exclusively to yourself, because... you deserve it! You're the most important person in your life!
3. No annoying phone calls, emails, texting.
4. Unable to train. You can smoothly jog on the roads at this time little cars.
5. You can strategically plan your business (future business if self-employed). If not in the morning when you're rested... when? In the evening, when you feel exhausted?
6. A tasty and easy to eat without looking all the time on the clock.
7. You can see the sunrise. Not in the photos, but the real dawn, which can be called one of the best free things in the world!
8. Enjoying a Cup of tea or coffee.
9. You have to have daily 30-60 minutes that you can devote to reading and you will become an expert in your field! Reading in the morning for 300 days in a year, you can read 50 to 100 books.
10. You have time to do your morning toilet and dress impeccably. Forget the question: "Where's my shirt, socks, belt, scarf, etc?".
11. Plan priorities, so it's easy to say "no" when colleagues, bosses or friends unnecessarily something you require. Why? Because so you'll know exactly what you need to do and how much you have left of free time.
12. Write a pleasant greeting for someone of beloved family members and leave on the fridge. It takes less than 20 seconds. Effect: good mood for the whole day (for you and for the recipient).
13. Energizing, making 4-stroke breathing (4 breaths, and the subsequent four deep expiration). Shallow breathing is very common in those who have been long working at a Desk. So deep breathing helps to increase energy levels in the body.
14. Leaving on time for work and come into the office relaxed and smiling. The 10 minutes that you have in reserve to defend against stress, if you get to red traffic lights or in traffic jams at intersections.
15. Rid of 95% of the stress, which is now struggling. As combine more of the above habits, you reach the state of... deficit stress.
16. Exercise and speed up your metabolism so that you feel full of energy from the first hour after awakening. Do not have to go to the gym, just 15 minutes at home: deep breathing, stretching, squats, press... nothing complicated.
17. Can schedule the beginning of the day. Clarity of expectations related to the results you want to get will largely determine what you will achieve. The uncertainty of intentions, only leads to uncertain results.
18. Do things that you are not able to take in the evening when you feel tired after a hard day's work. For example, new business, foreign language, area in which you want to become an expert.
19. Call a friend and you are mutually congratulate yourself with what has already woke up and are in this select group of 1 percent. If you have a friend who wakes up at this time, you can call the person who is already a member of the "Club 5 o'clock in the morning." Send me a message and I will connect you with a veteran club.
20. Can do consulting, coaching or mentoring with a young man during a morning stroll (without spending extra time already scheduled). You help the student or to the student, not missing a morning walk. A great way to start your day!
21. Ultraproductive work for 1-2 hours without any interruptions, the efficiency in the morning hours almost two times higher. You manage to make from a quarter to half of the cases scheduled for the day. Might be more comfortable and confident that they will be able to complete everything scheduled for the day, which is just beginning.
22. You can prepare Breakfast for your family or partner. I want to see smile in the morning?.. It's very simple!
23. Engaged in auto-training in front of a mirror or during exercise: "All I need, now I have", "I like myself", "I am a responsible person," etc., You teach your mind to think positively, and that's motivating, not discouraging. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ecology.md