Why some herbal teas should be consumed in moderation
Celebration is an integral and certainly not the worst part of our lives. However, pleasant gatherings with friends and relatives at the festive table often lead to deterioration of health or exacerbation. chronicity. It is not surprising that on holidays the work of doctors only increases.
How to protect yourself from health problems? When should I go to the doctor and when can I do it on my own? We sought advice from a gastroenterologist, who explained how the digestive system works, what should be done for various problems and What choleretic herbs It is better to take it if it is not contraindicated.
Choleretic herbs
Regarding cholereticMany people prefer folk herbs over pharmacy drugs. For example, brew tea from peppermint leaves. The fact is that the plant contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect on the bile ducts. This herbal tea relieves nausea and heaviness, improves appetite.
Remembering cholereticIt is impossible not to say about dandelions during flowering. For tincture, you need to dig up the roots of unfaded dandelions, wash them, cut, pour water and boil. The cooled broth is drunk warm about half a glass before each meal.
Choleretic action has beet juice, which can be squeezed from undercooked grated red beets. Just a sip of such liquid 30 minutes before meals will help with stagnation of bile. Note that the product also has a slight laxative effect.
Of course, first and foremost, gastroenterologistIt will definitely determine that there are no contraindications for drinking herbal tea, because the consequences of uncontrolled self-treatment do not always bring the desired result.
Recently, we have already cited the advice of a Japanese gastroenterologist, who urged to abandon the pills. And also shared the general advice of the doctor, how to normalize the work of your digestive system. Use this advice wisely.
How to protect yourself from health problems? When should I go to the doctor and when can I do it on my own? We sought advice from a gastroenterologist, who explained how the digestive system works, what should be done for various problems and What choleretic herbs It is better to take it if it is not contraindicated.

Choleretic herbs
- I have breakfast at 7am and lunch after 16am. The ultrasound showed biliary tract dyskinesia. What do I do? “You need to eat well: often and little. Any problems with digestion, a person creates himself. And the large gaps between meals provoke the transformation of flakes and clots in the gallbladder into stone.”
- Is it better to eat a biscuit or butter bun? “Better the second one. The fact is that fatty foods provoke the release of bile. You can have a bun with good quality butter, or you can also have a slice of hard cheese. But dry cookies, even in combination with hot drinks, I can not recommend, because with such a snack, the gallbladder will not completely empty.”
- How do you eat breakfast? "Tightly. Moreover, the products should be full and high-calorie. For example, you can have a good breakfast of cottage cheese with sour cream, butter porridge or even cheese sandwiches.”
- What's the best dinner? “For dinner, preference should be given to dairy products, vegetable salads, casseroles and other light dishes. It is good when dinner is quickly digested and absorbed, otherwise it is unlikely that it will be possible to sleep normally and in the morning the person will be sluggish.
- How doctors treat one unloading day a week. “I note that fasting and even fasting days are contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes or peptic ulcer disease. If a person is healthy, then he can spend the whole day on light dishes rich in plant fiber. The main thing is to drink plenty of water and listen to your feelings.”
- Why do you want to eat chalk during pregnancy? The body says that the baby is lacking calcium. Hemoglobin levels should also be measured, probably below normal. Pregnant women often experience iron deficiency anemia, in which case they are simply recommended iron-rich foods.”
- Why do you get pancreatitis at a young age? “At risk are those who suffer from gallstones, as well as drinkers. Heavy smokers are at about the same risk. Harmful habits worsen the blood supply to organs, and if some part of the pancreas is not fed properly, then its death is quite possible.”
384168 - What are the characteristics of chronic pancreatitis? “With such a disease, you will have to monitor blood sugar levels. Often with chronic inflammation of the pancreas, diabetes mellitus appears. Such patients often have to administer enzymes to establish the process of digestion and assimilation of food.”
- For about six months I feel pain under a spoon. What could that be? “Sucking hunger pains are a frequent cause of patient treatment. However, a gastroscopy is needed for diagnosis. If the pain does not subside after eating, then you can suspect the presence of an acid-dependent disease, such as peptic ulcer or inflammation of the duodenum. And may be the cause of excess hydrochloric acid, as often happens in young people who allow long intervals between meals.”
- After overeating, I feel heaviness in my right side. Probably because of the stagnation of bile. How do you speed up the outflow? What herbs to drink? “You have to do an ultrasound first and make sure there are no gallstones. If everything is normal, then you can drink choleretic drugs or tinctures of herbs. But if there are stones, then it is forbidden to drink such funds, otherwise the stone can block the main bile flow, and then you can not do without emergency surgical intervention.
Regarding cholereticMany people prefer folk herbs over pharmacy drugs. For example, brew tea from peppermint leaves. The fact is that the plant contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect on the bile ducts. This herbal tea relieves nausea and heaviness, improves appetite.
Remembering cholereticIt is impossible not to say about dandelions during flowering. For tincture, you need to dig up the roots of unfaded dandelions, wash them, cut, pour water and boil. The cooled broth is drunk warm about half a glass before each meal.

Choleretic action has beet juice, which can be squeezed from undercooked grated red beets. Just a sip of such liquid 30 minutes before meals will help with stagnation of bile. Note that the product also has a slight laxative effect.
Of course, first and foremost, gastroenterologistIt will definitely determine that there are no contraindications for drinking herbal tea, because the consequences of uncontrolled self-treatment do not always bring the desired result.
Recently, we have already cited the advice of a Japanese gastroenterologist, who urged to abandon the pills. And also shared the general advice of the doctor, how to normalize the work of your digestive system. Use this advice wisely.