How to make cheese from kefir

From ordinary kefir you can make cheese, very similar in taste to feta. Feta is a traditional Greek white cheese made from sheep’s milk, with the addition of goat’s.

But since we're not in Greece, we're going to be experimenting with the cow we're used to. You can make a delicious product if you know how to make it.


Kefir cheese Ingredients
  • 2 l kefir 2.5% fat content
  • 3 tsp salt

  1. Purchase store kefir of any trademark of the corresponding fat content. Pour it in the pot.

  2. Add two teaspoons of salt with a slide. Stir it. Bring to a boil on a small fire.

  3. When kefir begins to boil, bubbles form on its surface, curd mass will come up, serum will remain below. If you see these signs, take the pot off the fire.

  4. Prepare the dishes. Take a deep bowl. Put a dummy on it and a double-folded gauze on top.

  5. Put the white mass on the gauze with a scoop. Then wait a few minutes to make the glass whey.

  6. Wrap the cheese in gauze, tying its ends with knots, so that the cheese is stacked into a single mass. Only when it is completely cooled and the whey is drained, move the cheese to the refrigerator.

  7. In an hour, you can take out, cut and feast. Homemade kefir cheese ready.

It will freeze the way you put it in the fridge. Therefore, you can first create the one that you like. If you serve it to guests as a cheese cut, press it from all sides to make a brick.

This one kefir Suitable for making salads, snacks, as well as filling for pies and other pastries. You can just put it on bread, it will also taste good.

On how to cook hard and processed cheese at home, read our articles. Follow the links.


See also

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