How to make cottage cheese from kefir

Buy cottage cheese In the market or in the store, not everyone succeeds. Unscrupulous manufacturers often use additives to extend the shelf life of the product, and sellers in the dairy rows do not inspire confidence.

In order not to delete such a useful product from the diet, many housewives prepare cottage cheese on their own. This process is long and time-consuming. But there's a simpler way!

How to make cottage cheese from kefir today "Site" He'll tell you how kefir. Preparation slack for exactly 5 minutes. And there is no need to ferment and boil anything!

The cottage cheese is not acidic, soft and suitable for everything. From 1 liter of kefir, 3.2% fatty, up to 350 g of tender cottage cheese is obtained, and from fermented meat even more and tastier.

And cottage cheeseAll you need is a bag of kefir. Do not save money, because the quality of the original product depends on it. Look carefully at the expiration date. Kefir should be fresh, and the shelf life - no more than 5 days.

Put kefir overnight in the freezer. You don't even have to pour it out of the original packaging. Take out the bag in the morning, let it thaw a little and take the package off.

Frozen bar wrap in several layers of gauze and hang over the sink or bowl. The cheese will be ready when the serum stops draining.

That's the secret! Preparation of the most delicate cottage cheese does not take much time. Quick, simple and economical! By the way, kefir can lie in the freezer longer than a day and different amounts of cottage cheese are obtained from kefir of different fat content.

The finished product can be eaten fresh with jam, honey or sour cream, or you can prepare an original homemade cheese or a delicious paste for sandwiches.

Cheese paste for sandwiches

The ingredients
  • 300g cottage cheese
  • fresh dill, cilantro
  • half-pepper
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 2 cloves of garlic

Grind the greens and Bulgarian pepper. Put the garlic through the press. Mix everything with cottage cheese and salt to taste. Bon appetit!

Be sure to try to cook cottage cheese yourself, make sure that you can make a delicate product at home, spending very little time. For the recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients, the main of which is the desire to eat fresh cottage cheese.

Don't throw the serum away! On its basis, you can make dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, bread, pies and any other pastries. In addition, whey contains lactose, which has a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the skin, rejuvenating it and making it more elastic.

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