Why You Should Eat Buckwheat More Often

My mother adores Dr. Komarovsky, follows all his recommendations unconditionally and teaches me the mind, although I am no longer a little girl. So now, so long did not see, and instead of heartfelt conversations over a cup of tea began to discuss a new note of the doctor about useful cereals.

“Not for nothing, Natushka, since childhood, you have been spinning your nose from the manka!” clapped the stunned mother. I’ve always thought of her as the most useful croup, but here’s how it turns out.

Editorial "Site" He also tries to take care of his reader as if he were his own child, so he will tell you today. What is the most useful porridge The ones that we are used to including in our diet, and those that some do not even know.

Useful microelements are contained in the shell of cereals, that is, the more cereal is cleaned, the less useful it is. Therefore, the usefulness of mankey, for example, can be equated to zero, if its nutritional properties are not taken into account. The only benefit that can bring the use of manna porridge is a prolonged feeling of satiety.

What cereals are useful
  1. Buckwheat.
    Nutritionists around the world agreed that buckwheat is the most useful among others. Due to the large number of useful elements contained in it, it helps to prevent and alleviate vascular diseases and poor health with low hemoglobin. This cereal should be cooked exclusively on water so that it does not lose its positive properties.

  2. Oatmeal
    Contrary to the popular belief that oatmeal is useful in any form, this is not true. Evgeny Komarovsky insists: “The benefits or harms of oatmeal most fundamentally depend on how it is processed. Therefore, instant oatmeal, which was simply poured with boiling water - and now it is ready, is considered almost the most harmful porridge. And the most useful cereal that needs to be cooked.” This porridge does not have a pronounced own taste, so it can be supplemented with any products - both salty and sweet. It is most useful to eat oatmeal with dried fruits and milk. It has a beneficial effect on digestion and skin condition, so those who want to remain slim and beautiful as long as possible should definitely include oatmeal in their diet.

  3. Perlovka
    Pearl cereal contains a large amount of iron, protein and fiber, which cleanses the intestines. This is one of the mandatory products for those who play sports or constantly face physical exertion. Dr. Komarovsky notes that the usefulness of this porridge also depends on its heat treatment: “Unfortunately, now we have lost the skill of properly preparing barley. Previously, it had to be poured with water, left soaked overnight and only then languished in a heated oven, he says.

  4. millet
    This cereal is recommended for people who are treated with antibiotics, as it contributes to their elimination from the body along with toxins. Also millet porridge relieves fatigue and is useful for those who have a tendency to obesity.

  5. corn
    Corn porridge is a whole storehouse of useful elements. It contains silicon, iron, sodium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, vitamin PP and carotene, so it improves overall well-being and increases the vitality of a person. It is easily digested and does not cause allergies, so it is recommended to cook it for children.

  6. Rhys
    “The attitude to rice should be something like oatmeal. White refined rice, which we buy in stores and cook it constantly, has nothing to do with the benefits. Here's brown unpeeled rice - this is trace elements, and fiber, and a high protein content. Therefore, millions of people around the world consider rice as the basis of their daily diet, while feeling great and multiplying, says Evgeny Olegovich.

  7. leon
    Flaxseed contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are usually only found in fish. That is, in many regions it is impossible to find good fish, but flax grows, which means that the problem can be solved. And mothers should know this unique property of flaxseed, explains the doctor.

I love to cook unusual dishes from pearl porridge. What's your favorite and what else? cereal Do you know? Tell me in the comments!

Follow the link to learn how to make porridge from flax seeds and share an article on social networks if you also want to take care of someone with parental warmth.


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