How to cook young potatoes with garlic
Potatoes are an indispensable food product for the entire Slavic family. It is not only nutritious, but also very tasty, and it does not matter what method of heat treatment for its preparation you choose. We all love potatoes and look forward to the beginning of the summer when the season begins.
Today's edition. "Site" Share the secret of how to cook the most sweet. There are many ways to make potatoes, but this one will be your favorite, we guarantee!
Young potatoes with garlic Ingredients
Perfect complement. fried Chicken liver cutlets, as well as crispy little pickles. By the way, we have already talked about how to prepare low-salt cucumbers in just 1 hour.
Put the recipe for the perfect potato on your page so you don’t lose it!
Today's edition. "Site" Share the secret of how to cook the most sweet. There are many ways to make potatoes, but this one will be your favorite, we guarantee!
Young potatoes with garlic Ingredients
- 500g small young potatoes
- greenbow
- dillbundle
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 200 ml of vegetable oil
- salt
- black pepper
- In a deep pan pour vegetable oil and set to warm on medium heat.
- Crush the cloves of garlic with the back of the knife and send them into the heated oil.
- Wash the potatoes well so that there are no traces of earth left on the skin. If the potatoes are of different sizes, then put a very small one in a bowl whole, and cut the larger one into 2-3 parts.
- When the garlic is well fried, take it out of the pan and send the prepared potatoes into the butter. Do not cover the lid to form a ruddy crust.
- Stir the potatoes when they turn brown from below, and wait until the golden crust forms on the other side. After reducing the fire and leave the potatoes to fry for another 5-7 minutes, covering the lid.
- Wash the onions and dill and chop finely.
- Finished salty potatoes, stir and spread in a deep bowl, using noise so as not to capture excess oil.
- It remains only to sprinkle the dish with greenery and serve on the table.
Perfect complement. fried Chicken liver cutlets, as well as crispy little pickles. By the way, we have already talked about how to prepare low-salt cucumbers in just 1 hour.
Put the recipe for the perfect potato on your page so you don’t lose it!