The 10 best dishes of Georgian cuisine, with detailed recipes
Fifty million three hundred ninety five thousand two hundred eleven
Among the Georgians there is a belief that when God distributed among the Nations of the earth, the Georgians were busy and were not going to participate in the General bustle. They sat and leisurely drank wine and ate meat. The Lord is so touched that he took and gave Georgia the land which was reserved for himself.
Everything in Georgia is associated with food, feasts and wine! Take any picture of any Georgian artist, and you will definitely see images of stately Georgian men for generously covered table, on which there is most certainly wine. What first comes to mind when you hear "Georgia"? Of course, this lobio, satsivi, khachapuri, Suluguni cheese, tkemali... Names that sound like music! 1. Khachapuri These pellets from an air test with the stringy cheese inside is insane. It's impossible to stop! You pinch off a piece, then another piece and another... Khachapuri come in several forms: cameras – in the form of boats, egg, added on top of the cheese filling, in Imereti – in the form of cakes with cheese from the Imereti cheese, mingrelsky – in the form of cakes with cheese filling, sprinkle with cheese. Try to cook Imereti khachapuri. Ingredients:
In warm (not hot!) milk, add a pinch of sugar and yeast, pour a little sunflower oil (2 tablespoons), sprinkle with flour and put in a warm place for 15 minutes.
Add to the yeast mixture, yoghurt (yogurt), one egg and half of pre-sifted flour. Knead, gradually adding cooled melted butter, salt and remaining flour. From time to time pour into the palm a few drops of vegetable oil to the dough not sticking to hands.
Formed from the dough ball, sprinkle with flour and let him go 1 hour. Knead again and leave to rise for 1 hour.
RUB cheese on a coarse grater, add the egg and beat in the softened butter.
The dough and toppings divide into 5-6 parts. Each piece of dough rolled into a pancake thickness of 1 cm, put the filling, leaving 3-4 cm from the edge. Connecting edge, turn tucks down and gently rolled to a thickness of 1 centimeter. Grease khachapuri with a mixture of yolk and cream, pinned several times with a fork. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 180-200 degrees. Grease with butter, allow to cool a little and serve. Eighty five million four hundred sixty thousand six hundred ninety two
2. Phala Truly Georgian dishes can please vegetarians! Phala — snack in the form of a paste made of boiled (steamed) vegetables with nut sauce. Phala can be from a young cabbage, green beans, eggplant, beets or beet tops, spinach. Take a fresh piece of pita bread, spread Phal, put it in your mouth and zazhmurte with pleasure! Ingredients :
Method of cooking Thoroughly wash the spinach and drop in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes, recline and allow to drain. Press.
Walnuts, garlic, onions, greens grind in a meat grinder or in a blender. Add the spices, salt and pepper. Knead. Pressed spinach also mince. If the mass turned out watery, again squeeze.
Mix the spinach with nut sauce. Add a little wine vinegar. The resulting mass spread in the form of balls, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and lightly sprinkle with walnut oil. Eighty seven million three hundred eighty three thousand four hundred sixty five
3. Lobio Lobio in Georgian means "beans". There are many options lobio, which differ from other varieties of beans used, additional ingredients and seasonings. But mandatory in lobio recipe uses onion, oil and red wine vinegar. In addition to these basic ingredients you can use walnuts, Imeretian cheese, tomatoes, tklapi, with all that cilantro, celery, Basil, leeks, mint, thyme, black or red pepper, Imeretian saffron, cinnamon, cloves, mixture of hops-suneli, garlic. Ingredients :
Method of cooking Beans soaked overnight in cold water. 1 onion cut large enough to add to beans and cook with the lid closed until cooked beans. During this time, the onions practically dissolved and will give all your taste. The beans should be completely soft and to warm up with a spoon into a paste.
Finely chop the cilantro, shred the garlic. The second onion cut into thin half-rings. Will warm up the beans so that the beans part remained intact. Stirring constantly, add adjika, coriander, Khmeli-suneli, salt.
Then switch off the stove and immediately add the chopped greens, onion and garlic. Stir, cover and allow to stand for 15-20 minutes. Give lobio with fried pork or Gomi (cornmeal). Sixty eight million two hundred eighty three thousand nine hundred sixty five
4. Satsivi with chicken are pieces of chicken soaked in delicate sauce with a tart nutty flavor. The fresher the nuts, the finer will be the flavor and aroma. Cinnamon, cloves, Imereti saffron make this dish a true Georgian sound. Without satsivi not do any Christmas table. Ingredients :
Preparation method Boil the chicken. Broth strain and cool. Slice the onion finely and sauté until translucent about 10 minutes. Finely chop the cilantro.
Chop the nuts, passing them through a meat grinder or using a food processor. Mix them with spices and chopped coriander. The buds of cloves mash, add the nut mixture together with the cinnamon. Spread the nuts ladle the cooled soup to gruel. Mash garlic with salt, add the nuts and stir.
The remaining broth (or 1.2-1.5 litres), put on the fire again. When the broth comes to a boil, reduce heat and, stirring constantly, gradually add the walnut mass. Then bring the sauce to a boil, let it simmer for a few minutes. Add browned onions and pieces of cooked chicken, let the dish to simmer again, add the vinegar. Stir and cook for another 5 minutes.
Turn off, cover and let it brew. Satsivi can be served hot or cold with fresh bread shoti, cooked in a special oven, tone, or Gomi (cornmeal). Twenty eight million three hundred forty six thousand nine hundred thirty two
5. Chakhokhbili Chakhokhbili — hot aromatic stew of chicken, moderately spicy, with bright and rich taste as is cooked in its own juice with little added liquid. The name of this dish comes from the Georgian word "jojoba", which means "pheasant". But do not worry if you do not find carcasses sweeptstakes game. You can feel free to use the chicken. Ingredients :
Carve the chicken, cut into pieces. Onion finely chop and saute in separate pan until transparent. Place the chicken in a pot with thick walls (preferably cast iron), add the vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and stew on low heat under a lid for 20-30 minutes in their own juice. Add the onions to the chicken.
Tomatoes cut into cubes and stew for 3-4 minutes, then add to the tomato paste and simmer for another few minutes. Add the tomato vinaigrette to the chicken. If liquid in pan is not enough, you can add a little water.
Chop half of the cilantro. Added to chakhokhbili adjika, cilantro, cleaned and chopped hot pepper. Simmer the chicken for another 30-40 minutes. The chicken needs to literally disperse the fibers. Now add utsho-suneli, coriander and chopped garlic. Salt, add the remaining ½ bunch cilantro, stir, cover with a lid and switch off. Allow to stand for 15 minutes and serve. Forty seven million five hundred thirty nine thousand five hundred twelve
6. Grub, Grub means "beef soup". The thick, Sizzling, spicy, full-bodied, fragrant, spicy beef soup with walnuts, plums, zucchini, mushrooms, herbs and garlic. Originally, the recipe used beef, but you can cook soup and lamb, and chicken. Method of preparation
The method of cooking a Brisket cut, fill with water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 1.5 hours. At this time, tklapi soak in water in a small bowl.
Cut onion coarsely and saute until transparent. Rice put it into the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. At this time, grind the garlic, chop the bell pepper. Grind nuts with a knife or mince.
Mix peppers, nuts, garlic. Mix up a small amount of broth. Send spicy walnut mixture into the pot with the broth. There also add chopped fresh herbs. Then add tklapi (or 5-6 tablespoons of plum sauce, or 1 jar (450 grams) pureed tomatoes), salt, pepper, Bay leaf, allow to boil for 10-15 minutes and switch off. Twenty one million five hundred seventy two thousand thirty four
7. Khinkali "Bags" of elastic thin dough with a spicy and juicy meat filling. Don't hurt Georgians comparison with our dumplings. And God forbid you use a fork and knife! Khinkali is eaten only with your hands! Slightly tilting khinkali, touch it the dough, SIP the hot broth, making characteristic sounds, then with a spoon add to the hole a simple garlic sauce (chopped garlic with water) or Satsebeli and already enjoying the stuffing... the Tail is left on the plate. The number of tails is determined by the weakest consumer. Do not hit the dirt face! Ingredients :
Method of preparation First prepare the stuffing. Add to the meat chopped onions and garlic. Then gradually beat in the minced water: as much as you can take the meat. 500 grams of minced meat, we need about 100-150 milliliters of water. After that add chopped coriander.
Knead the dough from flour, salt and 150 grams flour. Roll out the dough. In the middle of each pastry sheet, put 1 tablespoon with a slide of ground meat (before uploading a stir the mincemeat again).
Gather the edges of the dough like an accordion as tightly as possible. The more you get folds, all the better. Ideally, they should be 19.
Tear off excess dough from the top and put khinkali on a cutting Board, lightly sprinkled with flour. Drop khinkali in boiling water (broth) and waiting for them to emerge. Cook for just 2-3 minutes and take out. Spread on a plate and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper. Eighty one million one hundred seventy three thousand two hundred fifty four
8. Adjapsandali glossy Purple eggplants, pot-bellied, red sweet pepper, juicy carrots, sugar, tomatoes, onion, garlic, fragrant herbs and spices – all these colors and flavors infused in one dish called adjapsandali. Vegetables for ajapsandali stew in a large cast-iron cauldron without adding water, and it is especially delicious the next day. Ingredients :
Way of cooking Eggplant cut into cubes 1. 5x1.5 cm. Sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes. Washed and dried. Fry eggplant in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Postpone. On this same pan fry the chopped onion until Golden brown. Add carrots, grated on a coarse grater, strips of sweet pepper. Fry, stirring occasionally, 10 minutes.
The tomatoes remove the skins (they can be dipped in boiling water for 30 seconds) and grind. Garlic finely chop and add to the tomatoes. Mix the eggplant and the mixture of onions, carrots and pepper. Add the tomatoes and let simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.
Grind the cilantro, parsley and Basil. Add to the pan with herbs and spices. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Turn off and allow to cool under cover another 30 minutes. Twenty seven million eight hundred sixty two thousand six
9. Chakapuli In the first week of April Tbilisi covers the swirl of white petals. Blossoms, zucchini, mushrooms and plums that grow there every step of the way. It will take literally a couple of weeks, and in the branches will appear small fruits had not yet formed until the end of the bone. Sour, with a pronounced bitterness plums, tarragon young and the young mutton – binding ingredients chakapuli. Traditionally chakapuli prepare for Easter and to celebrate Giorgoba St. George's day, the patron Saint of Georgia. But if you freeze the young plum, it will be able to arrange a holiday at any time of the year! Ingredients :
Method of preparation Meat cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan. Greens, garlic, onions shred and divide in half. One half is sent to the meat, add the wine and half the plums.
Put the saucepan on a high heat, after boiling, diminish the fire and simmer for about 40-50 minutes. Add the remaining greens, onions and prunes, cover with a lid and tormented for 10-15 minutes. Switch off and let stand another 15 minutes. Fifty two million one hundred eighty thousand nine hundred thirty three
10. Satsebeli Satsebeli in Georgian means "sauce". Traditional tomato sauce with addition of coriander, hops suneli and garlic served with corn porridge, grilled chicken, khinkali, shashlik. But even if all of the above ain't on the table, then break off a piece of fresh bread, dip it in Satsebeli and enjoy the bright taste of the most Sunny and the most hospitable of the country. Ingredients :
Method of preparation With ripe tomatoes, remove the skins, after rinsing them with boiling water. Cut and give a little stand. During this time, will separate the juice, which we merge. Put the tomatoes to stew for as long as they are a bit thick.
Add in the tomatoes, chopped garlic, chopped hot pepper. Grind herbs and add to the tomatoes together with salt and spices. Proverjaem just a couple of minutes and switch off. Allow to stand, covered for 30 minutes. Ninety six million eight hundred fourteen thousand four hundred ninety
In Georgia there is a tradition during the feast on the table, there are always devices and glasses in case someone will suddenly join the feast. Try to cook these dishes of national Georgian cuisine and wait for the guests! published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/gruzinskaya-kukhnya-10-luchshikh-blyud-s-podrobnymi-retseptami
Among the Georgians there is a belief that when God distributed among the Nations of the earth, the Georgians were busy and were not going to participate in the General bustle. They sat and leisurely drank wine and ate meat. The Lord is so touched that he took and gave Georgia the land which was reserved for himself.
Everything in Georgia is associated with food, feasts and wine! Take any picture of any Georgian artist, and you will definitely see images of stately Georgian men for generously covered table, on which there is most certainly wine. What first comes to mind when you hear "Georgia"? Of course, this lobio, satsivi, khachapuri, Suluguni cheese, tkemali... Names that sound like music! 1. Khachapuri These pellets from an air test with the stringy cheese inside is insane. It's impossible to stop! You pinch off a piece, then another piece and another... Khachapuri come in several forms: cameras – in the form of boats, egg, added on top of the cheese filling, in Imereti – in the form of cakes with cheese from the Imereti cheese, mingrelsky – in the form of cakes with cheese filling, sprinkle with cheese. Try to cook Imereti khachapuri. Ingredients:
- Yoghurt or кефир500 ml
- Молоко200 ml
- Egg куриное3 PCs.
- Melted butter масло100 g
- Vegetable масло100 g
- Мука800-1000 g
- Dry дрожжи10 g
- Сахар1 tsp.
- , Listo taste
- Imereti cheese (or Adyghe soaked cheese)1 kg
- Creamy масло75 g
- Сметана1 tbsp
- Желток1 PCs.
In warm (not hot!) milk, add a pinch of sugar and yeast, pour a little sunflower oil (2 tablespoons), sprinkle with flour and put in a warm place for 15 minutes.
Add to the yeast mixture, yoghurt (yogurt), one egg and half of pre-sifted flour. Knead, gradually adding cooled melted butter, salt and remaining flour. From time to time pour into the palm a few drops of vegetable oil to the dough not sticking to hands.
Formed from the dough ball, sprinkle with flour and let him go 1 hour. Knead again and leave to rise for 1 hour.
RUB cheese on a coarse grater, add the egg and beat in the softened butter.
The dough and toppings divide into 5-6 parts. Each piece of dough rolled into a pancake thickness of 1 cm, put the filling, leaving 3-4 cm from the edge. Connecting edge, turn tucks down and gently rolled to a thickness of 1 centimeter. Grease khachapuri with a mixture of yolk and cream, pinned several times with a fork. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 180-200 degrees. Grease with butter, allow to cool a little and serve. Eighty five million four hundred sixty thousand six hundred ninety two
2. Phala Truly Georgian dishes can please vegetarians! Phala — snack in the form of a paste made of boiled (steamed) vegetables with nut sauce. Phala can be from a young cabbage, green beans, eggplant, beets or beet tops, spinach. Take a fresh piece of pita bread, spread Phal, put it in your mouth and zazhmurte with pleasure! Ingredients :
- Leaves шпината500 g
- Орехи75 peeled walnuts-100 g
- Large луковица1 PCs.
- Чеснок2-3 PCs.
- Кинза1 beam
- Гранат1 PCs.
- Ocho, equipment or furniture сунели1 tsp.
- White wine vinegar or pomegranate сок1 tbsp
- Salt, freshly ground black perespa taste
- Walnut oil Orehovo request
Method of cooking Thoroughly wash the spinach and drop in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes, recline and allow to drain. Press.
Walnuts, garlic, onions, greens grind in a meat grinder or in a blender. Add the spices, salt and pepper. Knead. Pressed spinach also mince. If the mass turned out watery, again squeeze.
Mix the spinach with nut sauce. Add a little wine vinegar. The resulting mass spread in the form of balls, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and lightly sprinkle with walnut oil. Eighty seven million three hundred eighty three thousand four hundred sixty five
3. Lobio Lobio in Georgian means "beans". There are many options lobio, which differ from other varieties of beans used, additional ingredients and seasonings. But mandatory in lobio recipe uses onion, oil and red wine vinegar. In addition to these basic ingredients you can use walnuts, Imeretian cheese, tomatoes, tklapi, with all that cilantro, celery, Basil, leeks, mint, thyme, black or red pepper, Imeretian saffron, cinnamon, cloves, mixture of hops-suneli, garlic. Ingredients :
- Фасоль500 g
- Large луковицы2 PCs.
- Кинза1 big bunch
- Чеснок3-4 cloves
- Salt, hot sauce, Khmeli-suneli, coriander, monotype to taste
Method of cooking Beans soaked overnight in cold water. 1 onion cut large enough to add to beans and cook with the lid closed until cooked beans. During this time, the onions practically dissolved and will give all your taste. The beans should be completely soft and to warm up with a spoon into a paste.
Finely chop the cilantro, shred the garlic. The second onion cut into thin half-rings. Will warm up the beans so that the beans part remained intact. Stirring constantly, add adjika, coriander, Khmeli-suneli, salt.
Then switch off the stove and immediately add the chopped greens, onion and garlic. Stir, cover and allow to stand for 15-20 minutes. Give lobio with fried pork or Gomi (cornmeal). Sixty eight million two hundred eighty three thousand nine hundred sixty five
4. Satsivi with chicken are pieces of chicken soaked in delicate sauce with a tart nutty flavor. The fresher the nuts, the finer will be the flavor and aroma. Cinnamon, cloves, Imereti saffron make this dish a true Georgian sound. Without satsivi not do any Christmas table. Ingredients :
- Курица1 PCs.
- Peeled walnuts орехи500 g
- Луковица4-5 PCs.
- Чеснок1/2 heads
- Кинза1 big bunch
- White wine vinegar or pomegranate сок1 tbsp
- Ground кориандр1 tbsp
- Ground Imereti шафран1 tbsp
- Ground of korican the tip of a knife
- Salt, to taste Perico
- Creamy massoglia lubrication
Preparation method Boil the chicken. Broth strain and cool. Slice the onion finely and sauté until translucent about 10 minutes. Finely chop the cilantro.
Chop the nuts, passing them through a meat grinder or using a food processor. Mix them with spices and chopped coriander. The buds of cloves mash, add the nut mixture together with the cinnamon. Spread the nuts ladle the cooled soup to gruel. Mash garlic with salt, add the nuts and stir.
The remaining broth (or 1.2-1.5 litres), put on the fire again. When the broth comes to a boil, reduce heat and, stirring constantly, gradually add the walnut mass. Then bring the sauce to a boil, let it simmer for a few minutes. Add browned onions and pieces of cooked chicken, let the dish to simmer again, add the vinegar. Stir and cook for another 5 minutes.
Turn off, cover and let it brew. Satsivi can be served hot or cold with fresh bread shoti, cooked in a special oven, tone, or Gomi (cornmeal). Twenty eight million three hundred forty six thousand nine hundred thirty two
5. Chakhokhbili Chakhokhbili — hot aromatic stew of chicken, moderately spicy, with bright and rich taste as is cooked in its own juice with little added liquid. The name of this dish comes from the Georgian word "jojoba", which means "pheasant". But do not worry if you do not find carcasses sweeptstakes game. You can feel free to use the chicken. Ingredients :
- Курица1,5-2 kg
- Луковица3-4 PCs.
- Large помидоры4 PCs.
- Tomato паста2 tbsp
- Fresh acute перчик1 PCs.
- Чеснок4-5 cloves
- Аджика1 tsp.
- Кинза1 beam
- Utsho-suneli and coriandro 3/4 tsp.
- Plant maslona eyes
Carve the chicken, cut into pieces. Onion finely chop and saute in separate pan until transparent. Place the chicken in a pot with thick walls (preferably cast iron), add the vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and stew on low heat under a lid for 20-30 minutes in their own juice. Add the onions to the chicken.
Tomatoes cut into cubes and stew for 3-4 minutes, then add to the tomato paste and simmer for another few minutes. Add the tomato vinaigrette to the chicken. If liquid in pan is not enough, you can add a little water.
Chop half of the cilantro. Added to chakhokhbili adjika, cilantro, cleaned and chopped hot pepper. Simmer the chicken for another 30-40 minutes. The chicken needs to literally disperse the fibers. Now add utsho-suneli, coriander and chopped garlic. Salt, add the remaining ½ bunch cilantro, stir, cover with a lid and switch off. Allow to stand for 15 minutes and serve. Forty seven million five hundred thirty nine thousand five hundred twelve
6. Grub, Grub means "beef soup". The thick, Sizzling, spicy, full-bodied, fragrant, spicy beef soup with walnuts, plums, zucchini, mushrooms, herbs and garlic. Originally, the recipe used beef, but you can cook soup and lamb, and chicken. Method of preparation
- Beef грудинка1 kg
- Walnut орехи200 g
- 1 Cup
- Луковица4-5 PCs.
- Кинза1 big bunch
- Петрушка1 big bunch
- Чеснок3-4 cloves
- Acute перец1 PCs.
- Khmeli-suneli, Laurel liempo taste
- Salt, freshly ground black perespa and fragrant taste
- Тклапи2 slice (10x10
The method of cooking a Brisket cut, fill with water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 1.5 hours. At this time, tklapi soak in water in a small bowl.
Cut onion coarsely and saute until transparent. Rice put it into the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. At this time, grind the garlic, chop the bell pepper. Grind nuts with a knife or mince.
Mix peppers, nuts, garlic. Mix up a small amount of broth. Send spicy walnut mixture into the pot with the broth. There also add chopped fresh herbs. Then add tklapi (or 5-6 tablespoons of plum sauce, or 1 jar (450 grams) pureed tomatoes), salt, pepper, Bay leaf, allow to boil for 10-15 minutes and switch off. Twenty one million five hundred seventy two thousand thirty four
7. Khinkali "Bags" of elastic thin dough with a spicy and juicy meat filling. Don't hurt Georgians comparison with our dumplings. And God forbid you use a fork and knife! Khinkali is eaten only with your hands! Slightly tilting khinkali, touch it the dough, SIP the hot broth, making characteristic sounds, then with a spoon add to the hole a simple garlic sauce (chopped garlic with water) or Satsebeli and already enjoying the stuffing... the Tail is left on the plate. The number of tails is determined by the weakest consumer. Do not hit the dirt face! Ingredients :
- Flour пшеничная500 g
- Вода300 ml
- Mixed minced meat (fatty pork + beef)500 g
- Луковица2 large
- Чеснок2-3 cloves
- Кинза1 beam
- , Listo taste
Method of preparation First prepare the stuffing. Add to the meat chopped onions and garlic. Then gradually beat in the minced water: as much as you can take the meat. 500 grams of minced meat, we need about 100-150 milliliters of water. After that add chopped coriander.
Knead the dough from flour, salt and 150 grams flour. Roll out the dough. In the middle of each pastry sheet, put 1 tablespoon with a slide of ground meat (before uploading a stir the mincemeat again).
Gather the edges of the dough like an accordion as tightly as possible. The more you get folds, all the better. Ideally, they should be 19.
Tear off excess dough from the top and put khinkali on a cutting Board, lightly sprinkled with flour. Drop khinkali in boiling water (broth) and waiting for them to emerge. Cook for just 2-3 minutes and take out. Spread on a plate and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper. Eighty one million one hundred seventy three thousand two hundred fifty four
8. Adjapsandali glossy Purple eggplants, pot-bellied, red sweet pepper, juicy carrots, sugar, tomatoes, onion, garlic, fragrant herbs and spices – all these colors and flavors infused in one dish called adjapsandali. Vegetables for ajapsandali stew in a large cast-iron cauldron without adding water, and it is especially delicious the next day. Ingredients :
- Баклажаны1 kg
- Помидоры500 g
- Sweet перец500 g
- Лук250 g
- Морковь250 g
- Sharp green перец1 pod
- Чеснок1 head
- Cilantro, parsley, basiliko 1 beam
- Ocho systems (Khmeli-suneli)2 tsp.
- Imereti шафран1/2 tsp.
- Salt, freshly ground black perespa taste
- Plant maslona eyes
Way of cooking Eggplant cut into cubes 1. 5x1.5 cm. Sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes. Washed and dried. Fry eggplant in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Postpone. On this same pan fry the chopped onion until Golden brown. Add carrots, grated on a coarse grater, strips of sweet pepper. Fry, stirring occasionally, 10 minutes.
The tomatoes remove the skins (they can be dipped in boiling water for 30 seconds) and grind. Garlic finely chop and add to the tomatoes. Mix the eggplant and the mixture of onions, carrots and pepper. Add the tomatoes and let simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.
Grind the cilantro, parsley and Basil. Add to the pan with herbs and spices. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Turn off and allow to cool under cover another 30 minutes. Twenty seven million eight hundred sixty two thousand six
9. Chakapuli In the first week of April Tbilisi covers the swirl of white petals. Blossoms, zucchini, mushrooms and plums that grow there every step of the way. It will take literally a couple of weeks, and in the branches will appear small fruits had not yet formed until the end of the bone. Sour, with a pronounced bitterness plums, tarragon young and the young mutton – binding ingredients chakapuli. Traditionally chakapuli prepare for Easter and to celebrate Giorgoba St. George's day, the patron Saint of Georgia. But if you freeze the young plum, it will be able to arrange a holiday at any time of the year! Ingredients :
- Ягнятина1 kg
- Green лук500 g
- Тархун2 beam
- Кинза1 beam
- Сливы2 Cup
- Dry white вино1,5 — 2 cups
- Чеснок2 cloves
- Sharp green перец1/2 pods
- Hops-сунели1 tsp.
- Salt, freshly ground black perespa taste
Method of preparation Meat cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan. Greens, garlic, onions shred and divide in half. One half is sent to the meat, add the wine and half the plums.
Put the saucepan on a high heat, after boiling, diminish the fire and simmer for about 40-50 minutes. Add the remaining greens, onions and prunes, cover with a lid and tormented for 10-15 minutes. Switch off and let stand another 15 minutes. Fifty two million one hundred eighty thousand nine hundred thirty three
10. Satsebeli Satsebeli in Georgian means "sauce". Traditional tomato sauce with addition of coriander, hops suneli and garlic served with corn porridge, grilled chicken, khinkali, shashlik. But even if all of the above ain't on the table, then break off a piece of fresh bread, dip it in Satsebeli and enjoy the bright taste of the most Sunny and the most hospitable of the country. Ingredients :
- Помидоры1 kg
- Red pepper стручковый1 PCs.
- Cilantro (coriander)1 large bunch
- Чеснок1/2 heads
- Hops-сунели1 tbsp
- Coriander молотый1 tbsp
- , Listo taste
Method of preparation With ripe tomatoes, remove the skins, after rinsing them with boiling water. Cut and give a little stand. During this time, will separate the juice, which we merge. Put the tomatoes to stew for as long as they are a bit thick.
Add in the tomatoes, chopped garlic, chopped hot pepper. Grind herbs and add to the tomatoes together with salt and spices. Proverjaem just a couple of minutes and switch off. Allow to stand, covered for 30 minutes. Ninety six million eight hundred fourteen thousand four hundred ninety
In Georgia there is a tradition during the feast on the table, there are always devices and glasses in case someone will suddenly join the feast. Try to cook these dishes of national Georgian cuisine and wait for the guests! published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/gruzinskaya-kukhnya-10-luchshikh-blyud-s-podrobnymi-retseptami