Kitchen decoration in Scandinavian eco style

Scandinavian style in a modern interior is relevant, interesting, original and fashionable. With its help, you can increase the size of the room (of course, only visually), as well as make the room more cozy and ergonomic. This is achieved through the use of traditional light shades and simple decorative forms. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the Scandinavian style cuisine.
This style is perfect for small-sized apartments, where kitchens simply amaze with their size. In addition, this solution can be used when combining the kitchen with the living room or any other adjacent rooms.
Of course, the interior of the kitchen in Scandinavian style is comfortable and functional. I wonder if he's as good as they say he is.
Features of the Scandinavian style in this case mean the advantages, the main of which must be listed:
Excellent lighting. Many people know that Scandinavians rarely enjoy sunny days. In addition, in the cold season, it gets dark sooner and later it shines. Therefore, Scandinavians have always had a desire to make their home as bright as possible. In the interior of Scandinavian cuisine, it is necessary to let more light into the rooms, in no way blocking its penetration. Practical. It is known that the native inhabitants of Scandinavia are practical and pedantic. Of course, this affects all areas of activity, including furniture. The Scandinavian style kitchen has built-in appliances and furniture, spacious and convenient storage systems. Anything that can be removed is removed from view. The interior of the kitchen in Scandinavian style. Scandinavia is a forest territory. Therefore, kitchen furniture, characteristic of the Scandinavian interior, should not be painted or deeply processed. Chairs, tables, floors and other interior elements receive minimal processing, so they retain a pleasant natural look.
Modern Scandinavian style cuisine – the choice of wall color.
Scandinavian style cuisine is shades of sandy, white, beige, blue, soft gray and light brown colors. Also well suited so-called “complex shades”, which include the color of ghee milk, which will vary depending on the level of illumination of the room.
Of course, the most common option for Scandinavian style is white walls. It's his highlight.
An integral part of the Scandinavian style is watches made in a laconic style. They can be black and white or light, depending on the color solution of the wall. It is also possible to use unusual types of watches.
Furniture When decorating a kitchen in the Scandinavian style, it is necessary to use a minimum number of furniture items. Even if it is a large and spacious kitchen. For Scandinavian style, you need to choose spacious and functional furniture. The main motto here is “Laconic in everything”.
Furniture should be made of natural wood using metal, glass and wicker decorative elements. The shape of the furniture is correct, rectangular. It looks good natural wood of cognac and light brown shades.
In most cases, the cabinets of the headset in the kitchen, made in the Scandinavian style, are covered with transparent or light matte paint. Modern equipment (refrigerator, washing machine, household appliances) of metal color perfectly reflects light, and are suitable for the general style.
As noted above, the Scandinavian style kitchen should have white as its primary color. It's also mandatory for furniture. Of course, you do not need to allow the space to merge into one large white spot, so the kitchen countertop is recommended to be made dark. Especially luxurious kitchen will look with a black countertop.
If furniture for the interior of the kitchen in Scandinavian style was chosen dark shades, then the walls should be painted white.
In addition, the kitchen may be completely or partially missing the upper modules. If the lower cabinets are a mandatory attribute, then the upper compartments can be presented in the form of open shelves.
In the corner of the room it is best to put a high closed cabinet or pencil case. Furniture facades should be smooth, without handles, with subtle or completely hidden fittings.
In the dining area, it is recommended to place a bar counter or a small table. It is interesting to note that it was Scandinavians who were the first in Europe to abandon the tradition of installing a large table in the kitchen.
Naturally, the apron for such a kitchen should also be white. The most common solution in this case is subway tiles or brick tiles. In addition, sometimes red facing brick or finishing with wooden panels is used. It should be noted that the interior created for the kitchen in the Scandinavian style, has many options: from glass to mosaics.
Again, we note that the remaining walls of the Scandinavian kitchen should be painted white. As an exception, wallpaper with a print can be glued: the wallpaper should have a white background, and glue them on the wall, which has a table, or on the wall with a window.
In Scandinavia, sunny days are a rarity, so the kitchen in the Scandinavian style should be just full of light. In the kitchens of northern countries, it is customary to install various lamps, and in large quantities:
- zone lighting;
- Bra;
- floor lamps;
- point lamps and other lamps.
The interior of the kitchen in Scandinavian style should not contain curtains. At least those that can cover the sunlight. However, if the apartment is located on the first floor or opposite the windows of the kitchen - neighbor windows, you can use translucent or light curtains of thin fabrics. If the window in the kitchen is small, it is recommended to make only a small lambrequin under the ceiling.
Floors perfectly suit the Scandinavian style:
- board coverings;
- laminate with imitation of massive boards;
- massive boards.
If the walls, furniture, ceilings and floors are white, how to make sure that everything does not merge into one white spot? For this, Scandinavians use bright textiles. The kitchen decorated in Scandinavian style should have various bright towels, tablecloths, pillows on the sofa, covers for chairs, mats at the entrance and other minor but noticeable details.
In addition, special attention is paid to the fabrics of pastel flowers, which are usually decorated with ethnic ornaments (but monochromatic variants are also suitable).
On the windowsill you can put several flower pots, ceramic vases and plates with fruit. If the interior of the Scandinavian style needs to be made warmer, then it is recommended to use turquoise or amber color when designing.
What about the walls?
The kitchen in Scandinavian style should be decorated with posters or large photos in a laconic framework. As a rule, all images are black and white. Also in the form of jewelry, you can make a shelf for books or collectible figures.
Source: yellowhome.ru
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