Scientists have learned how the nano-particles affect human DNA
The group of experts scientifically-the technological Institute of Massachusetts and Harvard University, analyzed the data, aimed at establishing the degree of impact of nano particles on human DNA, often present in cosmetics and food products. The scientific activities of scientists financed by the state budget of the United States of America with the transfer of funds from the national Department of health of the region. Note that the nano particles are applied literally everywhere! They often complement the food and a means of cosmetic skin care. As the scientists, during the contact with these small particles in the human body, the displacement of the free radical products, which further triggers a damage to human DNA.
Confirm the approved hypothesis on the subject of toxic activity, the experts were able to synthesize by several particles with the further enforcement of them in the tissue and blood cells Chinese rodents. On people, of course, such a study has not been conducted.
Source: globalscience.ru

Confirm the approved hypothesis on the subject of toxic activity, the experts were able to synthesize by several particles with the further enforcement of them in the tissue and blood cells Chinese rodents. On people, of course, such a study has not been conducted.
Source: globalscience.ru