All, can not be silent! The ashes of Clara Zetkin knocking at my heart

All, I can not be silent. The ashes of Clara Zetkin knocking at my heart. Officially declare that I no longer read the comments to posts of feminist communities. I am a woman of an elderly, impressionable. I have my nerves.
This is the case. From time to time someone in the aforementioned community gives the disturbed link to someone else's post. People, mind you, in his LiveJournal writes some pretty innocent stupidity. Well, for example, "did you know that a woman's brain is five-hundred grams lighter than the brain of a real man?!". Well written, and he quietly rejoices. To him a look all sorts of men, and also something they write in comments, like, know-know, around to see, the way it is. Well, in General, spend time. And then suddenly the crowd accumulates strange women and let him argue. They go at a gallop circles and squiggles, a bundle of terms and explain to this dummy how worthwhile, the principles of the structure of the brain. They say, see, dear, the degree of intelligence and ability for abstract thinking can be explained rather by the speed of operation of neurons and complexity of their travel along the nerve fibers may be the strength of the electrical impulse by which they are these fibers move. The specific gravity of the brain is rather important for the evolution of monkeys, but not for human evolution. Moreover, recent studies have shown that the communication between the two hemispheres in women more than in men, in consequence of which their thinking more outside the box and adapt to unexpected stress... and blablabla... followed by half a dozen references to scientific papers, which, according to feminists, the author of the post would do well to review just for General development.
But the author is no fool and not a finger to do. He firmly remembers that his brain harder, and all the rest – ladies ' demagoguery from inferiority complex. So he is making brilliant sophistic move. That is moved by touching. It looks like this: "Adiponectin! We carry bruecke! We read books! We are engaged in the physics of neurons! How lovely!" and then a powerful chord "but if you well-e... a-a-a-Ali, would you have been happy and would not toiled foolishness!"
Stunned feminists for some time silent. Select words. Then one of them build linguistic graceful design, the meaning of which boils down to: "went to the hj, asshole." But he, of course, there is not. Because for him, the fun begins. He goes to the feminist community, where is the link, and using his last strength their prize a pound of brains, put forward counterarguments. These arguments are usually two, with slight variations, depending on education and malice of the author. First – you are, because the real kid you the fuck not served (will not get married, do not look in your direction, you're so ugly, too smart, understand a lot about myself), and second – you, girl, something in my childhood it was not so with dad (mom, nanny, head), your parents are not pushy? maybe you strap on the ear beat? otherwise whence this (optional) activity – aggressiveness – depression?!
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a feminist. I am so much worse. I'm an explosive mixture of feminology and felinophile. I believe that the existence of women in our blessed society from birth to death – just one long insult. Kind of a slap in the face of a lifetime. And the choice of women is small, as just noticed can't remember who, between feminism and masochism. (There are, of course, a third option, but it requires great ingenuity and some of marginality – living, dancing, and deftly dodging the thundering blows of society. The society you, of course, still catch up and kick it, but it will not be soon. Closer to the memorial service.)
But I'm not about himself. I am, if someone does not understand, about men. Thank God I don't live in the first year, so I know that guys are different. For example, smart. I swear — sometimes. And kind. And strong. And good men I saw with my own eyes. But if I did not know all this, and would have come in the feminist community years to eighteen, being a tabula Rasa, Yes, it would be like on a reference, then by God, went in the night to shoot the men as stupid, aggressive, unpredictable and dangerous beasts. Schaub did not get in the way of the skunk.
Hunting the sexist – from the air, from the earth, from an ambush. Hunt down the beast, to drive, to catch. And then to take by the scruff and spent two hours to explain to him the disease, as it is not good to be a beast, and that is much better to be a man, well, true. Once you try it. And how you respected the animal, not ay-ay-ay...
Meanwhile, the most mighty and invincible sexist – her Majesty biology. Following intense instinctive program, the man never admits his female equal. Especially not his. ))) Any demonstration of the superiority of woman annoying a man like disorder and confusion. Not on the spot! Not like need! Not even a woman! Freak! The violation of sexual hierarchy and subordination completely castrated human male. Therefore, he will defend his position from the top teeth and claws, not disdaining any weapons.
The more primitive and cruder soul men – the more he is sexist. Thus, feminists, objecting to the sexist, require the impossible – to rise above themselves and their atavistic program, in General, are trying to reshape the primacy in the human. Meaningless, quite frankly, class.
My hat's off to men who find in themselves enough strength to truly relate to the woman as an equal partner, even after sex. This requires great courage, and I'm not kidding. By nature it is not given – it is the result of thoughtful reflection and, sorry, self-education. In the end, feminists — you're still going to laugh — there were husbands and Boyfriends, these brave guys who support their crazy friends in their unequal struggle with society. Where are they? Why about them do not say a word? Huh? This. All chasing some wild assholes to slap them with a fly swatter on his forehead. This energy, Yes in the peace purposes.
In short. Dear women, sisters, girlfriends. God with them, with the sexist, let them run free in herds, they themselves will die, when the time comes. Place the feminists in the courts and rehabilitation centers for women in the progressive editions of Newspapers, at rallies or, at worst, the barricades. But not in the midst of petty squabbles with underdeveloped players and backroom deals. If the itch to educate – educate women. Them good, especially our women, from childhood, frightening men. Of course, in absentia, arguing with brainless troglodytes is much easier than to explain to the woman, crushed by the divorce that the psychologist is not a psychiatrist, depression is a sickness, it is treatable, and to hire a lawyer and sue uncontrolled ex-husband is not a shame and a tragedy, and the only possible way.
Why am I all that?.. Ah, Yes. WOMEN! Take care of yourself. FEMINISTS! Not figs to batter from a gun on sparrows, take care of business. GUYS! Be careful when walking, one never knows — head advantage.
It was feminist-obscene, thank you for your attention. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: karma-amrak.livejournal.com/37706.html