Recommendations of cardiologist Alexander Inaccess to support the heart
The heart loves and hopes, the heart hurts and accepts, it is cold, and it is hot as a flame. Since ancient times, the heart has attached importance not only to the most important muscular organ, but also to the organ of cognition, the organ of feelings and religious perception. The heart occupies a central place in the spiritual life of man, it is endlessly mentioned in the Bible, and the holy fathers call it the “treasure of reason”. “Our heart is a treasure. Empty him at once and you are a beggar. – Honore de Balzac
Editorial "Site" I decided to ask an experienced cardiologist Alexander Neavista why the heart is given such an important place not only in medicine, but also in the spiritual world. What is the heart and why is it the most important of all? How to save heart-health?
Why is the heart the most important organ in the physical and spiritual world? “I am a therapist and cardiologist, dealing with patients every day. I know quite well how the heart works: what valves it has, what conductive system, how it contracts, how it beats. I know how and when it's sick. Of course, there is an inextricable connection between the emotional life of a person and his heart.
When a person experiences some emotions, the heart immediately responds to this: it beats harder or freezes for a moment. Under the influence of strong feelings, a person involuntarily places his hand on his heart. The heart hurts with unpleasant emotions, with some tragic news. And the brain, the head, the mind? Isn't that all about faith? How many great intellectuals! How can you imagine all this without a head? ?
How complex is the human heart? “It would seem, muscle, valves ... Meanwhile, the heart is infinitely complex. The muscle will not contract by itself. But there's a thing about the heart -- the conductive system is the nerves that go through the heart. Electric currents run through them, causing the heart to contract. In this conductive system, there's atrial ventricular bundle of Hisas -- also a whole system.
And this nerve knot is so complex, so incomprehensible, so wisely and interestingly arranged, that we even have an aphorism: the atrioventricular knot is an island of wonders in the ocean of the unknown. When you start to learn more about it... Oh my God, there's so much wisdom and unknown processes going on. Amazing!
Why are heart diseases the most common, especially in Russia? “For all its complexity, for all its wisdom, the cardiovascular system is very fragile. That's why people get sick so often. The cardiovascular system is involved in everything: in ensuring physical mobility and intellectual activity, it is engaged in the transport of nutrients, oxygen.
And yet so vulnerable! As soon as a person begins to live, the heart begins to work. The fetus' heart is already working.”
Why do men most often suffer from cardiovascular disease? “Take care of men! Female hormones have a vasodilating effect and are protectors of heart health. So, the absence or small amount of female hormones is the first cause of morbidity among men. The second is smoking. This is a great evil and aggression.
Men are warriors, men are strategists, men are bosses, men are responsible for their country, for their collective. The president is usually also a man. Men, by fate, are subject to a stronger load on the nervous system and heart.”
How do stress and depression affect the work of the heart? A doctor I know wrote a dissertation on how rich people and monks suffer hypertension, asthma and ulcers. It turned out that they were sick equally often. But monks get sick easier! Why? They don't have that oppression of spirit. For a businessman to get sick, to break down is a tragedy. He gets nervous, he gets nervous, he gets stressed. And the monks, they are complacent!
At what age should you start taking care of your heart? “Parents must first think. When a baby is born, it must be protected - one, temper - two, feed correctly when he grows up and it is time to tear him from his chest - three. Physical activity is mandatory. You need to protect your heart from birth. To tell how important it is and what diseases occur even in young people.”
DepositPhotos When do exacerbations of cardiovascular disease occur? “Exacerbations occur year-round. Especially when there are magnetic storms. What do we know about infrasound? This is a very serious thing. I have long given this advice to patients: buy a barometer and watch this device.
If the arrow fell, although the weather seems to have not changed, be prepared for the fact that unpleasant sensations will begin - pressure jumps, arrhythmia attacks. When I wrote my doctorate many years ago, I studied how weather affects arrhythmia. I even worked with the Hydrometeorological Centre for this.”
How to deal with someone who has a heart attack? "We must spare! Prevention of heart disease - an extremely important thing. The great therapist Grigory Antonovich Zakharyin said: “Only preventive medicine and hygiene can victoriously argue with the ailments of the masses.” That was said over a hundred years ago. You need to be especially careful with your home. Not with strangers, not at work, but at home. The biggest wounds are inflicted at home.
What happens to a person who has a heart transplant? Does it change? “Changes, like anyone who has had a major operation. I have a positive attitude towards transplantation and have repeatedly sent people to this operation. If the heart was fully responsible for the person’s personality, it would be a different person after the transplant.
Father Anatoly was the rector of the church at the Institute of Transplantology. I've known him a long time. I asked him if he noticed that people change after a heart transplant. He replied categorically that he did not.”
The heart is an important and irreplaceable organ! From the correct operation of the entire cardiovascular system directly depends on the state of other organs and systems of the body. In other words, heart health is responsible for a person’s life expectancy.
In conditions of constant stress, poor ecology and negligent attitude to their own health, the heart needs special care. Quit smoking, control food, move more and regularly visit the doctor for preventive examinations - the heart will thank you more than anything!
It's better to have preventive checkups once a year than to lie on the operating table once in a lifetime, right? If you find our article useful, share it with your friends!

Editorial "Site" I decided to ask an experienced cardiologist Alexander Neavista why the heart is given such an important place not only in medicine, but also in the spiritual world. What is the heart and why is it the most important of all? How to save heart-health?
Why is the heart the most important organ in the physical and spiritual world? “I am a therapist and cardiologist, dealing with patients every day. I know quite well how the heart works: what valves it has, what conductive system, how it contracts, how it beats. I know how and when it's sick. Of course, there is an inextricable connection between the emotional life of a person and his heart.
When a person experiences some emotions, the heart immediately responds to this: it beats harder or freezes for a moment. Under the influence of strong feelings, a person involuntarily places his hand on his heart. The heart hurts with unpleasant emotions, with some tragic news. And the brain, the head, the mind? Isn't that all about faith? How many great intellectuals! How can you imagine all this without a head? ?

How complex is the human heart? “It would seem, muscle, valves ... Meanwhile, the heart is infinitely complex. The muscle will not contract by itself. But there's a thing about the heart -- the conductive system is the nerves that go through the heart. Electric currents run through them, causing the heart to contract. In this conductive system, there's atrial ventricular bundle of Hisas -- also a whole system.
And this nerve knot is so complex, so incomprehensible, so wisely and interestingly arranged, that we even have an aphorism: the atrioventricular knot is an island of wonders in the ocean of the unknown. When you start to learn more about it... Oh my God, there's so much wisdom and unknown processes going on. Amazing!

Why are heart diseases the most common, especially in Russia? “For all its complexity, for all its wisdom, the cardiovascular system is very fragile. That's why people get sick so often. The cardiovascular system is involved in everything: in ensuring physical mobility and intellectual activity, it is engaged in the transport of nutrients, oxygen.
And yet so vulnerable! As soon as a person begins to live, the heart begins to work. The fetus' heart is already working.”

Why do men most often suffer from cardiovascular disease? “Take care of men! Female hormones have a vasodilating effect and are protectors of heart health. So, the absence or small amount of female hormones is the first cause of morbidity among men. The second is smoking. This is a great evil and aggression.
Men are warriors, men are strategists, men are bosses, men are responsible for their country, for their collective. The president is usually also a man. Men, by fate, are subject to a stronger load on the nervous system and heart.”

How do stress and depression affect the work of the heart? A doctor I know wrote a dissertation on how rich people and monks suffer hypertension, asthma and ulcers. It turned out that they were sick equally often. But monks get sick easier! Why? They don't have that oppression of spirit. For a businessman to get sick, to break down is a tragedy. He gets nervous, he gets nervous, he gets stressed. And the monks, they are complacent!

At what age should you start taking care of your heart? “Parents must first think. When a baby is born, it must be protected - one, temper - two, feed correctly when he grows up and it is time to tear him from his chest - three. Physical activity is mandatory. You need to protect your heart from birth. To tell how important it is and what diseases occur even in young people.”

DepositPhotos When do exacerbations of cardiovascular disease occur? “Exacerbations occur year-round. Especially when there are magnetic storms. What do we know about infrasound? This is a very serious thing. I have long given this advice to patients: buy a barometer and watch this device.
If the arrow fell, although the weather seems to have not changed, be prepared for the fact that unpleasant sensations will begin - pressure jumps, arrhythmia attacks. When I wrote my doctorate many years ago, I studied how weather affects arrhythmia. I even worked with the Hydrometeorological Centre for this.”

How to deal with someone who has a heart attack? "We must spare! Prevention of heart disease - an extremely important thing. The great therapist Grigory Antonovich Zakharyin said: “Only preventive medicine and hygiene can victoriously argue with the ailments of the masses.” That was said over a hundred years ago. You need to be especially careful with your home. Not with strangers, not at work, but at home. The biggest wounds are inflicted at home.

What happens to a person who has a heart transplant? Does it change? “Changes, like anyone who has had a major operation. I have a positive attitude towards transplantation and have repeatedly sent people to this operation. If the heart was fully responsible for the person’s personality, it would be a different person after the transplant.
Father Anatoly was the rector of the church at the Institute of Transplantology. I've known him a long time. I asked him if he noticed that people change after a heart transplant. He replied categorically that he did not.”

The heart is an important and irreplaceable organ! From the correct operation of the entire cardiovascular system directly depends on the state of other organs and systems of the body. In other words, heart health is responsible for a person’s life expectancy.
In conditions of constant stress, poor ecology and negligent attitude to their own health, the heart needs special care. Quit smoking, control food, move more and regularly visit the doctor for preventive examinations - the heart will thank you more than anything!
It's better to have preventive checkups once a year than to lie on the operating table once in a lifetime, right? If you find our article useful, share it with your friends!
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