Cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria: coronary heart disease - why 83% of patients die
Coronary heart disease is one of the most deadly diseases on the planet. It is in 70% of men and 84% of women after 30 years. According to statistics, nine out of ten sudden deaths are associated with coronary heart disease. What is being done to treat the disease in Russia and how productive we are todayWe will talk with the chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Leo Antonovich Bokeria.
- Good afternoon, Leo Antonovich. I would like to clarify at once – are these statistics correct?
Unfortunately, I can only state the fact that yes, the data is correct. Today, coronary heart disease is one of the most dangerous and mass diseases existing in the world. One of the reasons that makes the disease so critically dangerous is its insidiousness. In the first stage of development, you will not even realize that you are sick at all, because pain is practically absent. And then they come out very gradually. So when the patient asks for help, the situation is often already extremely deplorable.
And by what symptoms can you tell whether a person has coronary heart disease or not?
Depending on how pronounced oxygen starvation of the heart, how long it lasts, and how quickly it arose, several forms of coronary heart disease are distinguished.
-Asymptomatic, or “silent” form of IBS- does not cause complaints from the patient.
-Stress angina- chronic form, manifested by shortness of breath and pain behind the sternum during physical exertion and stress, under the action of some other factors.
-Unstable angina- any attack of angina pectoris that significantly exceeds the strength of previous or accompanied by new symptoms. Such intensifying attacks indicate a worsening of the course of the disease and can be precursors of myocardial infarction.
-Arrhythmic form- manifested by heart rhythm disorders, most often atrial fibrillation. It occurs acutely and can go into chronic.
-Myocardial heart attack- acute form, death of a section of the heart muscle, caused most often by the separation of the plaque from the wall of the coronary artery or a clot and complete blockage of its lumen.
-Sudden cardiac deathcardiac arrest, in most cases, caused by a sharp decrease in the amount of blood supplied to it as a result of complete blockage of the large artery.
These forms can be combined and superimposed on one another. For example, arrhythmia often joins angina pectoris, and then a heart attack occurs.
Accordingly, the symptoms differ, depending on what form and stage of the disease the patient has.
Asymptomatic form - there are no manifestations of the disease, it is detected only during examination.
- Stress angina - pain behind the sternum of a pressing nature (as if they put a brick), give it to the left hand, neck. Shortness of breath when walking, climbing stairs.
- Arrhythmic form - shortness of breath, strong heartbeat, interruptions in the work of the heart.
- Myocardial infarction - severe pain behind the sternum, resembling an attack of angina, but more intense and not removed by conventional means.
In its first stage, coronary heart disease is present in almost all women and more than two-thirds of men after 30 years. By 35-40, the disease begins to gradually worsen, depending on the lifestyle of the patient. That’s when they mostly ask for help.
What should a person with such a diagnosis count on?
You need to understand that if you regularly have a heartache and began to block the arteries going to the heart, then you can die at any time. It's like an aneurysm. Only if aneurysms are isolated cases, then ischemia is spread extremely massively, and almost every person after 30 years is at risk. Sudden cardiac death due to ischemia is the cause of 90% of unexpected deaths.
And if you have already been diagnosed with coronary heart disease or have its symptoms, then you should definitely pay attention to sleep, nutrition and add physical activity. Keep in mind that about 83% of patients with coronary heart disease die because of this disease, as a result of heart attacks or cardiac arrest. This is really an extremely dangerous disease that kills a person if it is not closely dealt with.
83% of patients with coronary heart disease die because of this disease, as a result of heart attacks or cardiac arrest.
Is it possible to somehow cure coronary heart disease?
The course of coronary heart disease is irreversible. It means that There is no cure for it completely. The most you can do is control its flow. At the same time, the later the patient seeks help, the more difficult it is to stop the development of ischemia further.
Moreover, today there is practically no mass and effective drug that could help in the treatment of coronary disease. For the most part, the effectiveness of drugs is at the level of 30-35%, which is extremely small.
- Thank you for the interview. Do you have something to say to our readers before we finish?
I would like to say that you should not perceive coronary heart disease as something chronic, sluggish and not too dangerous. This is one of the most insidious heart diseases, which is the cause of a huge number of deaths. If you have symptoms of ischemia or you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis - take care of yourself, change the regime of the day, diet, start giving your body physical activity.published
Interviewed by Christina Orlova
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: blogistars.com/by/b/leo/?tid=341092063
- Good afternoon, Leo Antonovich. I would like to clarify at once – are these statistics correct?
Unfortunately, I can only state the fact that yes, the data is correct. Today, coronary heart disease is one of the most dangerous and mass diseases existing in the world. One of the reasons that makes the disease so critically dangerous is its insidiousness. In the first stage of development, you will not even realize that you are sick at all, because pain is practically absent. And then they come out very gradually. So when the patient asks for help, the situation is often already extremely deplorable.
And by what symptoms can you tell whether a person has coronary heart disease or not?
Depending on how pronounced oxygen starvation of the heart, how long it lasts, and how quickly it arose, several forms of coronary heart disease are distinguished.
-Asymptomatic, or “silent” form of IBS- does not cause complaints from the patient.
-Stress angina- chronic form, manifested by shortness of breath and pain behind the sternum during physical exertion and stress, under the action of some other factors.
-Unstable angina- any attack of angina pectoris that significantly exceeds the strength of previous or accompanied by new symptoms. Such intensifying attacks indicate a worsening of the course of the disease and can be precursors of myocardial infarction.
-Arrhythmic form- manifested by heart rhythm disorders, most often atrial fibrillation. It occurs acutely and can go into chronic.
-Myocardial heart attack- acute form, death of a section of the heart muscle, caused most often by the separation of the plaque from the wall of the coronary artery or a clot and complete blockage of its lumen.
-Sudden cardiac deathcardiac arrest, in most cases, caused by a sharp decrease in the amount of blood supplied to it as a result of complete blockage of the large artery.
These forms can be combined and superimposed on one another. For example, arrhythmia often joins angina pectoris, and then a heart attack occurs.
Accordingly, the symptoms differ, depending on what form and stage of the disease the patient has.
Asymptomatic form - there are no manifestations of the disease, it is detected only during examination.
- Stress angina - pain behind the sternum of a pressing nature (as if they put a brick), give it to the left hand, neck. Shortness of breath when walking, climbing stairs.
- Arrhythmic form - shortness of breath, strong heartbeat, interruptions in the work of the heart.
- Myocardial infarction - severe pain behind the sternum, resembling an attack of angina, but more intense and not removed by conventional means.
In its first stage, coronary heart disease is present in almost all women and more than two-thirds of men after 30 years. By 35-40, the disease begins to gradually worsen, depending on the lifestyle of the patient. That’s when they mostly ask for help.
What should a person with such a diagnosis count on?
You need to understand that if you regularly have a heartache and began to block the arteries going to the heart, then you can die at any time. It's like an aneurysm. Only if aneurysms are isolated cases, then ischemia is spread extremely massively, and almost every person after 30 years is at risk. Sudden cardiac death due to ischemia is the cause of 90% of unexpected deaths.
And if you have already been diagnosed with coronary heart disease or have its symptoms, then you should definitely pay attention to sleep, nutrition and add physical activity. Keep in mind that about 83% of patients with coronary heart disease die because of this disease, as a result of heart attacks or cardiac arrest. This is really an extremely dangerous disease that kills a person if it is not closely dealt with.
83% of patients with coronary heart disease die because of this disease, as a result of heart attacks or cardiac arrest.
Is it possible to somehow cure coronary heart disease?
The course of coronary heart disease is irreversible. It means that There is no cure for it completely. The most you can do is control its flow. At the same time, the later the patient seeks help, the more difficult it is to stop the development of ischemia further.
Moreover, today there is practically no mass and effective drug that could help in the treatment of coronary disease. For the most part, the effectiveness of drugs is at the level of 30-35%, which is extremely small.
- Thank you for the interview. Do you have something to say to our readers before we finish?
I would like to say that you should not perceive coronary heart disease as something chronic, sluggish and not too dangerous. This is one of the most insidious heart diseases, which is the cause of a huge number of deaths. If you have symptoms of ischemia or you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis - take care of yourself, change the regime of the day, diet, start giving your body physical activity.published
Interviewed by Christina Orlova
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: blogistars.com/by/b/leo/?tid=341092063