Leo Boqueria is back on the air, the legendary doctor told everything you need to know about heart affairs and a long life

Yesterday I unexpectedly met a former classmate with whom I had not seen for more than forty years. All I knew about him was that he had transferred from the penultimate medical school. In conversation Valera called the famous name - Bokeria Leo Antonovich.

Bokeria Leo Antonovich It turned out that Valera had to transfer because of serious heart problems. The acquired defect required the intervention of surgeons. In Moscow, a friend of his father, also a doctor, promised to help, especially since there was a referral to the Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. The operation was successful.

While Valera came to his senses, he heard more than once how successful they began to treat using a barochamber. This was especially true of pediatric cardiac surgery. And the laboratory engaged in hyperbaric oxygenation was headed at that time by a young scientist and surgeon Bokeria Leo Antonovich.

After recovery, my former classmate had to optimize the load, go to pharmacology, which Valera does not regret.
And Bokeria Leo Antonovich aroused great interest in him both as a talented specialist and as a kind-hearted person. Following the educational activities of the world-famous doctor and following his advice, Valery has been successfully maintaining good health for many years.

I will not hide it, I also became curious how Bokeria Leo Antonovich tells what you need to know about heart affairs and a long life. Previously, she read a book by no less famous cardiac surgeon Nikolai Amosov about the health system “1000 movements”, listened to the advice of Nikolai Mikhailovich’s successor, Boris Todurov.

The airwaves of the program "We need to discuss" And here is a very recent broadcast of the progamma “We need to discuss”, where Leo Bokeria tells the leading Laura Giugelia about his life and the secrets of longevity. We offer you to find out what Bokeria Leo Antonovich shares.

It seems that Laura Giugelia was surprised to hear the instant reaction of Leo Antonovich: “What is there to examine?” Only they torture themselves, their relatives harass... If a person walks at least two days a week, he lives 12 years longer.

It is understood that it was about vigorous walking for a distance of about 10 kilometers, not a walk to a nearby supermarket.
But the signal of danger to the heart, according to the famous doctor, is shortness of breath. A severe chest pain, giving to the left hand, is a sign that you need to immediately call an ambulance.

On the health effects of jogging along the way, the conversation touched on running. Bokeria agrees that the health-improving effect of running, as they say, takes place. But it is worth carefully monitoring the compliance of physical activity on the body with the state of health of a particular person. Boqueria half-jokingly remarked, I know nothing about sports medicine. But if there were no health problems because of sports, there would be sports medicine, right? Sport is a very serious burden. It's another thing, walking. It is useful to all”.


According to the observations of the famous cardiac surgeon, women are less likely than men to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Leo Bokeria explains this by the fact that the female body is better balanced, because women give birth, give life.

Excess weight adversely affects the heart overweight. Swimming with a layer of fat, it reduces its ability to pump the required volume of blood, the level of oxygen saturation of organs decreases, ischemia develops. When a person competently, gradually gets rid of excess weight, he returns strength to the heart.

During more than fifty years of practice, Leo Antonovich became convinced of the very important influence of heredity on health or ill health. Until now, they cannot establish why with the same food and the presence of the same bad habits in some people, the so-called bad cholesterol leads to the formation of plaques, and others at least henna. Meanwhile, the legendary doctor believes that it is genetics.

Pay attention, he immediately notes that “anger, anger is an increase in pressure” with all the ensuing consequences. That is, no less than genetics, the character of a person is also important for strengthening or destroying heart health.

Instead of conclusions, Bokeria Leo Antonovich is convinced: “Greatness, complacency, friendliness are the basis of everything. If a person realizes this and lives this way, he will live longer in good health.”

Look at the centenarians among relatives, acquaintances. Do you agree with Leo Boqueria’s conclusions and advice? By the way, in many ways they are consonant with the conclusions of Nikolai Amosov and Boris Todurov. But there are nuances. These are really other stories... Live happily ever after!


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