Heartbreaking story of a puppy, Leo, found on the beach with paralyzed legs ...
When vacationing in Thailand Canadian Megan Penman found this poor defenseless puppy who barely dragged the paralyzed hind legs along the beach, she decided to help him, why would it not worth it ... Exactly from this moment and began touching and gives us hope history dog by named Leo. If not for this woman, this charming little dog there would be no chance of life ...
«I found this baby right on the beach in Thailand, when he could hardly move and could barely dragged behind a paralyzed hind legs». i>
«If I had not taken him away, perhaps a month or two - and it has not been among the living», i> - with tears in front of Megan says Penman.
«I could not find in Thailand, any animal rescue center, so I decided to take him with me to Canada». i>
Leo waiting until he will have medical care in one of the veterinary clinics in Thailand.
Unfortunately, Leo broke his spine. Now he will never be able to go ...
It's been two months - and this cute little dog ready to travel!
This is his new permanent home.
Due to the high material costs, Megan had to find new permanent Leo owners.
But the dog with such beautiful eyes do not have to wait long ...
In order to completely recover the puppy had to go through many other operations.
Now Leo has a loving family that surrounds him affection and care.
As his urinary system is not fully recovered, he will have to walk in diapers.
Jamie was for Leo loving foster mom.
«Finally with the help of a wheelchair, Leo can again move. He loves it! » I>
Our world will exist as long as there are such good people. This is fascinating, the dog had to go through a lot, but the love and care of good hosts were able to cure all his wounds. Tell us about this incredibly touching story to your friends, so they know that there is always a chance for salvation.
«I found this baby right on the beach in Thailand, when he could hardly move and could barely dragged behind a paralyzed hind legs». i>
«If I had not taken him away, perhaps a month or two - and it has not been among the living», i> - with tears in front of Megan says Penman.
«I could not find in Thailand, any animal rescue center, so I decided to take him with me to Canada». i>
Leo waiting until he will have medical care in one of the veterinary clinics in Thailand.
Unfortunately, Leo broke his spine. Now he will never be able to go ...
It's been two months - and this cute little dog ready to travel!
This is his new permanent home.
Due to the high material costs, Megan had to find new permanent Leo owners.
But the dog with such beautiful eyes do not have to wait long ...
In order to completely recover the puppy had to go through many other operations.
Now Leo has a loving family that surrounds him affection and care.
As his urinary system is not fully recovered, he will have to walk in diapers.
Jamie was for Leo loving foster mom.
«Finally with the help of a wheelchair, Leo can again move. He loves it! » I>
Our world will exist as long as there are such good people. This is fascinating, the dog had to go through a lot, but the love and care of good hosts were able to cure all his wounds. Tell us about this incredibly touching story to your friends, so they know that there is always a chance for salvation.
The man invited the strangers to paint his car. But in the end was a real work of art!
Celebrities and their counterparts. These people resemble each other like twins.