11 amazing facts about Leonardo DiCaprio, you did not know
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most famous and talented actors in Hollywood. He starred in "Titanic," "Romeo + Juliet", "The Great Gatsby" and other films. DiCaprio has not received the "Oscar" for his role, but boasts a stormy affair with the most beautiful girls in the world. Many men want to be like him and women went crazy for him. It seems that we know almost everything about this actor, but today we will open new facts about this amazing man.
11. He never tried drugs
In an interview with one of the editions of the actor she said that had never tried drugs, "That's because I was only three or four years, when I was faced with all this rubbish. Then I have often been to Hollywood parties and, of course, was tempted. Hollywood - a cruel place ... We have seen a lot of those who fell victim to such a lifestyle, and it is a great misfortune. " Asked how DiCaprio then succeeded so convincingly play a drug addict in "The Wolf of Wall Street," the actor replied that he had consulted with the Drug Addiction and watching videos on YouTube.
10. He has a daughter
During the filming of the movie "Blood Diamond", Leo worked with 24 orphaned children from the SOS Children's Village in Maputo, Mozambique. Children's Village SOS - the largest international charity in support of orphans and children left without parental care and children at risk of the loss of family. Leo had during filming attached to one of the orphans and even adopted her, but does not educate a girl, and transfers the money each month for its maintenance costs and often called her.
9. He is able to save
When Leo was very young and could not yet boast of wealth, he never left a tip in bars and restaurants, which often rested. And now, instead of expensive cars, he preferred the Toyota Prius. He does not fly in a private jet, and to buy tickets economy class. But DiCaprio donates a lot of money to charity, it is recognized as one of the most generous benefactors of the present day.
8. He has his own brand of coffee
Leonardo DiCaprio together with La Colombe Torrefaction, specializing in roasting coffee, decided to finance a number of environmental projects. For this purpose, a new line of coffee-class - «LYON». All profits from the sale of this coffee goes to finance ekomeropriyaty, held DiCaprio Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund WWF.
7. DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg hated each other
In 2013, in an interview with Mark Wahlberg revealed that DiCaprio originally wanted with him to star in the movie "Basketball Diaries", and Mark himself was not thrilled with his partner. Still, the actors managed to work well together.
6. Shark Attack
In 2006, Leo has been diving in Cape Town, South Africa. For the safety of the star, DiCaprio was lowered into the water in a special cage, it's the actor saved by a huge white shark. Predator repeatedly tried to bite him, but he survived. Since then, the actor is deathly afraid of sharks. One more time the actor was on the verge of death when during a jump from an airplane in his parachute did not open. Fortunately, the instructor was close enough to save him.
5. He speaks fluent German
Leo's mother was born in Germany and trained his son to her native language. DiCaprio's parents divorced when he was very young baby, so it was brought up mother and grandmother, a German. Leo is very close to his mother, they can often be seen together on the red carpet.
4. He wanted to change his name to Lenny Williams
When Leo was 10, his agent advised him to change his name to Lenny Williams, to give him more willing roles. Agent seemed that the actor's name sounds too "ethnic". Leo did not listen to advice, and now we can not imagine the modern cinema without Leonardo DiCaprio.
3. He generously donates money to charity
As mentioned earlier, DiCaprio much involved in charity work. Only one in 2013, he donated millions of dollars out of their fees. The actor spent the auction of works of art and 31 rescued, 7 million. Dollars. All the money went to charity initiatives. He also donated 61,000 dollars to support the rights of gays and 3 million. Dollars to save tigers in Nepal. This is just the tip of the iceberg. However, Kate Winslet, he donated money Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the Titanic passenger, were used to pay for nursing home services.
2. He once was a part of «The Pussy Posse»
At the beginning of his career, Leo was a regular at bars. Boys, with whom he hung out, soon became known as «The Pussy Posse». The company includes Tobey Maguire, Harmony Korine, David Blaine and several other actors.
1. He never married
At DiCaprio was so stormy romances with famous beauties, but he never had never married. He met with Demi Moore and Blake Lively, and even Naomi Campbell. Perhaps he is too keen on a career, or he just likes the relationship without commitment. Now there are rumors that the actor still made a marriage proposal to his beloved Kelly Rohrbach. Let us hope that someday this actor is still married, and finally will catch "Oscar».

11. He never tried drugs
In an interview with one of the editions of the actor she said that had never tried drugs, "That's because I was only three or four years, when I was faced with all this rubbish. Then I have often been to Hollywood parties and, of course, was tempted. Hollywood - a cruel place ... We have seen a lot of those who fell victim to such a lifestyle, and it is a great misfortune. " Asked how DiCaprio then succeeded so convincingly play a drug addict in "The Wolf of Wall Street," the actor replied that he had consulted with the Drug Addiction and watching videos on YouTube.
10. He has a daughter
During the filming of the movie "Blood Diamond", Leo worked with 24 orphaned children from the SOS Children's Village in Maputo, Mozambique. Children's Village SOS - the largest international charity in support of orphans and children left without parental care and children at risk of the loss of family. Leo had during filming attached to one of the orphans and even adopted her, but does not educate a girl, and transfers the money each month for its maintenance costs and often called her.

9. He is able to save
When Leo was very young and could not yet boast of wealth, he never left a tip in bars and restaurants, which often rested. And now, instead of expensive cars, he preferred the Toyota Prius. He does not fly in a private jet, and to buy tickets economy class. But DiCaprio donates a lot of money to charity, it is recognized as one of the most generous benefactors of the present day.

8. He has his own brand of coffee
Leonardo DiCaprio together with La Colombe Torrefaction, specializing in roasting coffee, decided to finance a number of environmental projects. For this purpose, a new line of coffee-class - «LYON». All profits from the sale of this coffee goes to finance ekomeropriyaty, held DiCaprio Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund WWF.

7. DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg hated each other
In 2013, in an interview with Mark Wahlberg revealed that DiCaprio originally wanted with him to star in the movie "Basketball Diaries", and Mark himself was not thrilled with his partner. Still, the actors managed to work well together.

6. Shark Attack
In 2006, Leo has been diving in Cape Town, South Africa. For the safety of the star, DiCaprio was lowered into the water in a special cage, it's the actor saved by a huge white shark. Predator repeatedly tried to bite him, but he survived. Since then, the actor is deathly afraid of sharks. One more time the actor was on the verge of death when during a jump from an airplane in his parachute did not open. Fortunately, the instructor was close enough to save him.

5. He speaks fluent German
Leo's mother was born in Germany and trained his son to her native language. DiCaprio's parents divorced when he was very young baby, so it was brought up mother and grandmother, a German. Leo is very close to his mother, they can often be seen together on the red carpet.

4. He wanted to change his name to Lenny Williams
When Leo was 10, his agent advised him to change his name to Lenny Williams, to give him more willing roles. Agent seemed that the actor's name sounds too "ethnic". Leo did not listen to advice, and now we can not imagine the modern cinema without Leonardo DiCaprio.

3. He generously donates money to charity
As mentioned earlier, DiCaprio much involved in charity work. Only one in 2013, he donated millions of dollars out of their fees. The actor spent the auction of works of art and 31 rescued, 7 million. Dollars. All the money went to charity initiatives. He also donated 61,000 dollars to support the rights of gays and 3 million. Dollars to save tigers in Nepal. This is just the tip of the iceberg. However, Kate Winslet, he donated money Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the Titanic passenger, were used to pay for nursing home services.

2. He once was a part of «The Pussy Posse»
At the beginning of his career, Leo was a regular at bars. Boys, with whom he hung out, soon became known as «The Pussy Posse». The company includes Tobey Maguire, Harmony Korine, David Blaine and several other actors.

1. He never married
At DiCaprio was so stormy romances with famous beauties, but he never had never married. He met with Demi Moore and Blake Lively, and even Naomi Campbell. Perhaps he is too keen on a career, or he just likes the relationship without commitment. Now there are rumors that the actor still made a marriage proposal to his beloved Kelly Rohrbach. Let us hope that someday this actor is still married, and finally will catch "Oscar».
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