Healing oatmeal doctor Izotov

Healing jelly Izotova doctor is oatmeal, which in 1992 was patented in the West as "Miracle Doctor Izotova jelly". In addition to the delicious and nutritious value it has unique healing properties. It includes a large number of vital amino acids ( lysine, choline, lecithin, etc.), vitamins (B1, B2, B5, E, A), minerals (magnesium, iron, fluorine, potassium, and calcium).
The doctor-the virologist, Mr K. Izotov successfully tested the jelly on itself. For a long time he suffered the consequences of tick-borne encephalitis. What are the only medication he was not treated! In the end — and even drug Allergy to boot! Being in a dire situation, he was forced to find its own way of dealing with the consequences of insidious infection. And we found it! This method was oatmeal, which literally put him on his feet. In 8 years of regular use jelly doctor Izotov became almost healthy.
Judging by the numerous letters that Vladimir Izotov receives from fans of oatmeal jelly, people do not just get rid of their ailments, but also noted improvement in General condition. It turned out that oatmeal and even slows the aging process, being a kind of natural biological stimulant. It increases stamina and tones the body, promotes longevity. Increases efficiency, begins to work better the brain, in the body there is an extraordinary lightness. Especially useful oatmeal for older people — it helps to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, cardiovascular system, promotes more rapid rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. The healing properties of jelly Izotova manifested in such diseases that are difficult to treat by conventional methods and techniques. Probably oatmeal pudding is tidying up the cells of the body, and the body adjusts to the fact that he handled all of the ailments.
Oatmeal has no contraindications, it is useful to both adults and children. You can use it both for treatment and for prevention. To obtain a stable effect to use oatmeal it regularly — every day for Breakfast.
Prescription doctor Izotova jellyfirst you need to prepare oat concentrate, which will later be used for cooking oatmeal jelly. To concentrate you need to perform several sequential operations:
1. Fermentation.
In a five-liter glass jar, pour 3-3,5 liters of boiled water, pre-cooled to a temperature of fresh milk. Add 0.5 kg of oat groats are rolled oats and 0.5 cups (100 ml) of yogurt.Jar cover tightly, wrap a cover of thick paper (winter placed near a radiator) and leave to ferment. To improve the fermentation process, it is advisable to add to the Hercules 10-15 tablespoons of crushed oatmeal, Paramonov it to a flour in a coffee grinder. If throughout the thickness of the aqueous slurry of oatmeal will be the characteristic bundle and the appearance of bubbles, so the process has begun. Usually lactic acid fermentation lasts 1-2 days. Longer fermentation is undesirable, since this impairs the taste of the jelly.
2. Filtering.
After completion of fermentation, the mixture is filtered. For filtering, you must have the sump and the filter. As a settler you can use additional glass jar, and the best filter in the home will serve as a colander with a hole diameter of 2 mm. the Filter is placed above the sump and through it is passed a suspension of oatmeal. Dense sediment is constantly accumulating on the filter, washed with a small portion mi of the flow of cold water from time to time his stirring intensively. Wash liquid volume should be about 3 times greater than the volume of the original slurry of oatmeal.
3. Treatment of the filtrate.
The filtrate is collected in the sump, leave it for 16-18 hours, after which the sump is formed two layers: the upper layer is fluid bottom — white loose sediment. The top layer should be removed through a rubber tube, and the bottom layer has oatmeal and a concentrate which is subsequently used not only for cooking oatmeal jelly, but also for lactic fermentation, adding to the aqueous slurry of oatmeal 2 tablespoons of this concentrate instead of yogurt.
Oatmeal concentrate is collected after filtering, put in glass jars of smaller capacity, close lid and store in the fridge. The greatest duration is 21 days. As required of banks take a small portion of the concentrate for preparation of jelly.
4. Now go directly to the cooking oatmeal jelly from concentrate, it needs a few tablespoons of oat concentrate (choose to taste from 5 to 10 tablespoons), stir in 2 cups cold water, bring to boil on low heat, intensively stirring with a wooden spoon, then boil until your desired consistency (enough 5 minutes). At the end of cooking add salt, any oil (butter, sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn), cool to lukewarm. Eat for Breakfast with black bread.
Source: www.med39.ru/recepts/oth1.html
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