How to grow vegetable oyster
The plant in question, called oat root. In people, it is better known as salsify or sweet (white) root. Europeans call it vegetable oyster. The root is boiled, really, the taste associated with oysters, for which he is appreciated in many countries. In Russia this plant is obscure, but sorry. Oat root unpretentious and hardy. The seeds in the sale are occasionally in specialized stores.
The benefits and ways to use oat root the taste of the root vegetables spicy, sweet. In fresh form it is used as ingredient of various salads. Boiled and roasted form are used as a garnish or a separate dish. In combination with mushrooms – a great filling for pies. Dried and powdered roots can be brewed, it turns out the beverage coffee. Food except the roots can use and bleached leaves.
The roots of salsify contain proteins, mineral salts, inulin and minerals. Their low calorie content and high nutritional value. Therefore, the vegetable is appreciated by people looking for weight and diabetic. Regular consumption of these roots normalizes metabolism, improves digestion.
Bipartite Oat root is a biennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. In the year of sowing formed a rosette of oblong-lanceolate leaves and roots. The following year, the plant forms an erect, branched stem height of 1.5 m stems over the flowers (actually inflorescences-baskets) blue or dark purple color. Seeds light brown, their germination remains up to 4 years, although fresh seeds germinate better.
The root is greyish-white in colour, fleshy, smooth. Its length is about 30 cm, a diameter of 4, average weight about 100 g. the Core is white, in violation of the integrity stands out a translucent white juice. At the bottom of the root branches are formed due to which the plant was not very sonorous name — salsify. Grow and care for Oatmeal root can grow in any soil, except acidic. On the fertile root crops quality and yield is much higher. The place for planting it is necessary to choose solar. If you want to grow a plant in a two-year cycle, it will look good in the background of a flower bed, creating a background to low-growing specimens.
You can sow the seeds in spring (end of April) or late autumn. The soil must be prepared in advance: dig to a depth of 30 cm, making a fall of phosphate-potassium fertilizers, and in the spring complex. Acidic soil will need to be limed.
When spring sowing distance between rows is about 25 cm Patch seeds need a depth of 2.5 cm After planting a bed it is desirable to mulch, for example, humus or sawdust layer of 3 cm, to form a soil crust. Seedlings appear after 14-20 days. The growth they need to be thin. First, between the plants-leave 3 cm, and the second thinning should be about 7 cm.
While the leaves do not close should be regularly weeded planting, loosen the aisle. Watering is only necessary during the period of active leaf growth and drought. The rest of the plants can do without water. Zastarevshie the plant is better to remove as their roots get woody, and unfit for food.
Oat root is responsive to feeding. They are especially needed in poor soils. The first feeding, for example, nitrophoska (15 g/sq. m) need to conduct after thinning. The second feeding should take place in the period of formation of root crop, best of ash (1 Cup per metre). On poor soils, is not superfluous to the introduction of magnesium sulfate (5 g/sq. m). 1.5 months prior to harvest, we need a third fertilizer – superphosphate (20 g/bucket) and potassium sulfate (15 g/bucket). With such care in the roots the accumulation of nitrates is minimal.
The collection and storage of harvest
To remove the roots should be later in the fall in Central Russia – in October. If you wish, you can leave them until spring, okocim for the winter. Farming is complicated by the fact that in the lower part there is branching, so the plant is firmly held in the soil. Conveniently near the first row to dig the groove, pull the roots for the leaves, undermining the bottom with a pitchfork. In the same way to do the following ranks. The leaves should be cut at a height of 7 cm Root vegetables dry and put into storage.
To store the harvest, preferably in plastic bags with holes for ventilation, filled with half and strapped to the top rope. The optimum temperature is about 0 °C, fluctuation is highly undesirable. Some portion of roots may be washed using brushes, to remove side branches and roots. Podvyalit, cut into slices and dry in oven on low heat. Store preferably in glass jars, tightly closed lids. I hope that after our publication, you have any desire to grow oat root on the site. Deficiencies in the plants, and the advantages: delicious and healthy vegetables, ornamental foliage, interesting flowers, and care almost not required.
Source: 101dizain.ru

The benefits and ways to use oat root the taste of the root vegetables spicy, sweet. In fresh form it is used as ingredient of various salads. Boiled and roasted form are used as a garnish or a separate dish. In combination with mushrooms – a great filling for pies. Dried and powdered roots can be brewed, it turns out the beverage coffee. Food except the roots can use and bleached leaves.
The roots of salsify contain proteins, mineral salts, inulin and minerals. Their low calorie content and high nutritional value. Therefore, the vegetable is appreciated by people looking for weight and diabetic. Regular consumption of these roots normalizes metabolism, improves digestion.
Bipartite Oat root is a biennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. In the year of sowing formed a rosette of oblong-lanceolate leaves and roots. The following year, the plant forms an erect, branched stem height of 1.5 m stems over the flowers (actually inflorescences-baskets) blue or dark purple color. Seeds light brown, their germination remains up to 4 years, although fresh seeds germinate better.
The root is greyish-white in colour, fleshy, smooth. Its length is about 30 cm, a diameter of 4, average weight about 100 g. the Core is white, in violation of the integrity stands out a translucent white juice. At the bottom of the root branches are formed due to which the plant was not very sonorous name — salsify. Grow and care for Oatmeal root can grow in any soil, except acidic. On the fertile root crops quality and yield is much higher. The place for planting it is necessary to choose solar. If you want to grow a plant in a two-year cycle, it will look good in the background of a flower bed, creating a background to low-growing specimens.
You can sow the seeds in spring (end of April) or late autumn. The soil must be prepared in advance: dig to a depth of 30 cm, making a fall of phosphate-potassium fertilizers, and in the spring complex. Acidic soil will need to be limed.
When spring sowing distance between rows is about 25 cm Patch seeds need a depth of 2.5 cm After planting a bed it is desirable to mulch, for example, humus or sawdust layer of 3 cm, to form a soil crust. Seedlings appear after 14-20 days. The growth they need to be thin. First, between the plants-leave 3 cm, and the second thinning should be about 7 cm.
While the leaves do not close should be regularly weeded planting, loosen the aisle. Watering is only necessary during the period of active leaf growth and drought. The rest of the plants can do without water. Zastarevshie the plant is better to remove as their roots get woody, and unfit for food.
Oat root is responsive to feeding. They are especially needed in poor soils. The first feeding, for example, nitrophoska (15 g/sq. m) need to conduct after thinning. The second feeding should take place in the period of formation of root crop, best of ash (1 Cup per metre). On poor soils, is not superfluous to the introduction of magnesium sulfate (5 g/sq. m). 1.5 months prior to harvest, we need a third fertilizer – superphosphate (20 g/bucket) and potassium sulfate (15 g/bucket). With such care in the roots the accumulation of nitrates is minimal.
The collection and storage of harvest
To remove the roots should be later in the fall in Central Russia – in October. If you wish, you can leave them until spring, okocim for the winter. Farming is complicated by the fact that in the lower part there is branching, so the plant is firmly held in the soil. Conveniently near the first row to dig the groove, pull the roots for the leaves, undermining the bottom with a pitchfork. In the same way to do the following ranks. The leaves should be cut at a height of 7 cm Root vegetables dry and put into storage.
To store the harvest, preferably in plastic bags with holes for ventilation, filled with half and strapped to the top rope. The optimum temperature is about 0 °C, fluctuation is highly undesirable. Some portion of roots may be washed using brushes, to remove side branches and roots. Podvyalit, cut into slices and dry in oven on low heat. Store preferably in glass jars, tightly closed lids. I hope that after our publication, you have any desire to grow oat root on the site. Deficiencies in the plants, and the advantages: delicious and healthy vegetables, ornamental foliage, interesting flowers, and care almost not required.
Source: 101dizain.ru