How to lose weight with the help of fatty foods
The fashion for “fat-free” life is gaining momentum: we prepare salads without a drop of oil, look for “zero” cottage cheese in the supermarket, order our favorite coffee without cream. But such a rejection of fatty foods is not always justified. When we go on a diet, we often overlook the fact that fat is important for our beauty and good for our health.
Without its help, vitamins A, D, E, K will not be absorbed. Fats keep our joints healthy, ensure their natural mobility, protect internal organs and improve brain and heart function.
All the fat in our everyday foods can be divided into three types:
1. Very harmful fat
2. It is harmless if not abused.
3. Extremely healthy fat
Very harmful fat This is trans fats that are contained in margarine or spread
They are not involved in metabolism, clog vessels, increase the risk of dangerous diseases, for example, heart disease. Where can we find trans fats? Margarine can be added to pastries, cheap chocolates and many semi-finished products. Margarine is often disguised as butter, and the price should alert you. Before buying, carefully study the composition of the product. That it has trans fat, we can tell the following information: “partially hydrogenated”, “hydrogenated”, “combined fat”, “cooking fat”, “frying fat”, “margarine”. Better put this product back on the shelf.
Sufficiently harmless fat, if not abused Next in harmfulness - animal fat. Why is it related to harmful products? This fat is hard to digest, slows metabolism, quickly deposited on our waist and other parts of the body and contains a lot of cholesterol. Animal fat is in meat, poultry skin and offal, milk and dairy products, cheeses, cottage cheese - in what we eat every day.
But, if these products are not abused, then they will not harm your health and figure. Here are some simple rules:
1. Choose low-fat meats. It's veal, beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken.
2. Consume lard, pork and lamb as little as possible
3. Remove the skin from the bird, and cut white pieces of fat from the meat.
4. Choose low-fat dairy products (but in no case “zero” option)
5. Reduce the use of butter and cream. For example, cream can be replaced with milk.
For comparison: chicken breast contains about 4 grams of fat per 100 grams of fillets, and pork fat in the same 100 grams – 90 grams.
Extremely healthy fat
Useful for our body fat - fish oil and vegetable oil - preserves our youth and beauty, helps to accelerate metabolism, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, reduces the risk of heart disease, cleanses and softens the skin and gives additional energy without the risk of getting fat.
When losing weight, it is easiest to achieve impressive results by including as many seafood as possible in your diet, because fish oil is an essential omega-3 fatty acid, which is rich in sea fish and seafood.
Which fish do you prefer?
Salmon, sturgeon, tuna, herring, sardine, saury, halibut, notothenia are the most fatty fish species. The perfect breakfast dish.
Por salmon, sea bass, salaka is a medium-fat fish. Excellent solution for lunch.
Cod, perch, ice fish, flounder, gob, pollock - low-fat fish, the best option for dinner.
Vegetable oil is extracted from olives, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, flax, corn, nuts (hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, pine trees), avocados, cocoa beans, soybeans. Olive, sunflower, nut oil can be added to salads or cereals. And with cocoa butter, which has an amazing chocolate aroma, make homemade masks and scrubs for the face, neckline and whole body.
Now advice for those who dream of attractive forms:
Tip 1 Always control the amount of even healthy fats: one tablespoon of oil contains about 153 kcal and 17 grams of fat. An extra spoonful of vegetable oil will turn a light vegetable salad into a fatty high-calorie dish
Tip 2 In a normal daily diet of a person should be about 15-20% of healthy fats. Try to maintain the recommended norm
Tip 3 Pay special attention to flaxseed oil, which we usually do not use in nutrition. Try to introduce it into your diet. Like fish oil, flaxseed oil contains omega-3, it accelerates metabolism and the process of burning fat, improves the condition of hair and skin, controls appetite, removes toxins from the body and improves digestion. It is not recommended to heat the oil, it is better to take it inside without additional processing. You, as well as the vegetable oils familiar to you, can add it to salads as a dressing or in already cooked dishes - porridge or vegetables.
Tip 4 Eat sea fish dishes 2-4 times a week
Tip 5 In addition, you can take fish oil in capsules, after consulting a doctor.
Source: domashniy.ru/
Without its help, vitamins A, D, E, K will not be absorbed. Fats keep our joints healthy, ensure their natural mobility, protect internal organs and improve brain and heart function.
All the fat in our everyday foods can be divided into three types:
1. Very harmful fat
2. It is harmless if not abused.
3. Extremely healthy fat
Very harmful fat This is trans fats that are contained in margarine or spread
They are not involved in metabolism, clog vessels, increase the risk of dangerous diseases, for example, heart disease. Where can we find trans fats? Margarine can be added to pastries, cheap chocolates and many semi-finished products. Margarine is often disguised as butter, and the price should alert you. Before buying, carefully study the composition of the product. That it has trans fat, we can tell the following information: “partially hydrogenated”, “hydrogenated”, “combined fat”, “cooking fat”, “frying fat”, “margarine”. Better put this product back on the shelf.
Sufficiently harmless fat, if not abused Next in harmfulness - animal fat. Why is it related to harmful products? This fat is hard to digest, slows metabolism, quickly deposited on our waist and other parts of the body and contains a lot of cholesterol. Animal fat is in meat, poultry skin and offal, milk and dairy products, cheeses, cottage cheese - in what we eat every day.
But, if these products are not abused, then they will not harm your health and figure. Here are some simple rules:
1. Choose low-fat meats. It's veal, beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken.
2. Consume lard, pork and lamb as little as possible
3. Remove the skin from the bird, and cut white pieces of fat from the meat.
4. Choose low-fat dairy products (but in no case “zero” option)
5. Reduce the use of butter and cream. For example, cream can be replaced with milk.
For comparison: chicken breast contains about 4 grams of fat per 100 grams of fillets, and pork fat in the same 100 grams – 90 grams.
Extremely healthy fat
Useful for our body fat - fish oil and vegetable oil - preserves our youth and beauty, helps to accelerate metabolism, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, reduces the risk of heart disease, cleanses and softens the skin and gives additional energy without the risk of getting fat.
When losing weight, it is easiest to achieve impressive results by including as many seafood as possible in your diet, because fish oil is an essential omega-3 fatty acid, which is rich in sea fish and seafood.
Which fish do you prefer?
Salmon, sturgeon, tuna, herring, sardine, saury, halibut, notothenia are the most fatty fish species. The perfect breakfast dish.
Por salmon, sea bass, salaka is a medium-fat fish. Excellent solution for lunch.
Cod, perch, ice fish, flounder, gob, pollock - low-fat fish, the best option for dinner.
Vegetable oil is extracted from olives, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, flax, corn, nuts (hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, pine trees), avocados, cocoa beans, soybeans. Olive, sunflower, nut oil can be added to salads or cereals. And with cocoa butter, which has an amazing chocolate aroma, make homemade masks and scrubs for the face, neckline and whole body.
Now advice for those who dream of attractive forms:
Tip 1 Always control the amount of even healthy fats: one tablespoon of oil contains about 153 kcal and 17 grams of fat. An extra spoonful of vegetable oil will turn a light vegetable salad into a fatty high-calorie dish
Tip 2 In a normal daily diet of a person should be about 15-20% of healthy fats. Try to maintain the recommended norm
Tip 3 Pay special attention to flaxseed oil, which we usually do not use in nutrition. Try to introduce it into your diet. Like fish oil, flaxseed oil contains omega-3, it accelerates metabolism and the process of burning fat, improves the condition of hair and skin, controls appetite, removes toxins from the body and improves digestion. It is not recommended to heat the oil, it is better to take it inside without additional processing. You, as well as the vegetable oils familiar to you, can add it to salads as a dressing or in already cooked dishes - porridge or vegetables.
Tip 4 Eat sea fish dishes 2-4 times a week
Tip 5 In addition, you can take fish oil in capsules, after consulting a doctor.
Source: domashniy.ru/