Oysters: hard ... and delicious!

Not one decade oysters are a favorite exotic dish. They eat both raw and cooked.
Those who believe their strongest aphrodisiac, is not so far from the truth: in oysters a lot of zinc - a mineral that stimulates the production of testosterone. Zinc in combination with other minerals and amino acids making oysters one of the healthiest seafood species
Oysters - the food is not only the residents of the coastal areas, but also powerful. For example, the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck was known for his love of oysters, and at one time he could eat a very large number of them.
To eat oysters, not necessarily to be a real foodie. If you care about your health and strive to make balanced meals, you should include in your diet oysters. Besides the necessary fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish, oysters, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein and vitamins, stanblyudo of ustritsut great addition to your weekly menu.
Not only delicacy
Oysters belong to the family of mollusks, whose members have low fat and rich in minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids omega-3. These acids generate significant benefits to human health and, in contrast to the products contained in the plant alpha-linoleic acid, does not increase the risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart muscle and reduce the risk of heart disease. Positive effect on the brain, they can become part of the treatment or prevention of mental disorders. Reduce cholesterol, strengthen the immune system and a balanced natural product containing protein, vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus and zinc - who among us does not want that?

What are they?
Pacific, "Olympia" and the Atlantic - the main classes of oysters. Although these classes in more than seventy edible species, only a few are grown artificially for mass consumption. The taste of the oysters is very diverse and depends not only on the species, but also on the substrate where they grow, salinity and even its temperature. The taste and texture of oysters depends, oddly enough, and the time of year.

Kumamoto Samskaya bay, Bamboo boat, Pearl Bay, Malaspina, Royal Mayagi - the names of species of oysters depend on the locus thereof or subfamily. Folds Pacific oysters are usually deeper, and the meat tender and creamy.

Is small in size - less than 5 centimeters in length.

Malpek, Karaketov, blue cape, Pine Island, Pagvosh - the most famous species of Atlantic oysters. They taste more rich, ranging from salty to sweet, fruity.

Tips from oyster lovers
True connoisseurs of oysters will not allow foreign substances mixed with their favorite dish. To do this they have special knives and forks, and a special ability: to confront the living clam, opening the shell, can be difficult. If you want to taste richer, the best means - a few drops of lime juice.

The easiest way to eat fresh oysters, open them with knife and fork. Taste of young oysters consumed in this way, particularly good. If you prefer raw oysters, select the live, fresh shellfish before the meal. Check to see if their shells are open: open the shell means that clam is dead and he can not be there.

Eating raw oysters - an art in itself. Knife or a special seafood for oysters - the best tool to help you with this. Before you enjoy oysters, you open it with a knife, and then a special fork separate from mollusk shells. Take a closed shellfish in hand, find a comfortable position and one slight movement of the drink and oyster shells, and its juice. [/ Center]

Approximate cooking time: 20 minutes
The ingredients used in the recipe:
Only fresh (!) Oysters
In the store take only UNDISCOVERED oysters, shell weight, try to determine if the liquid inside. It's easy. DRY DO NOT TAKE !!!
Pink wine vinegar
Bread with bran

Preparation Instructions:
1) Prepare the sauce:
a) small (very) chopped shallots. Take only shallots!
b) pour gravy boat food pink wine vinegar and add the shallots 3-4 teaspoons minced shallots 100 g uksusa.Uksus better to take the imported, possibly the most expensive since this determines the taste of the dish). Available today in a broad sell relatively inexpensive approach the company Kuhne, about 50 rubles. (not advertising, as the quality of vinegar for 50% determines the taste of the dish).
c) leave for 1-2 hours
2) to open the oysters. It can be properly done only with a special knife oyster! Do not try to use homemade knives, pognetepolomaeteisportite (either a knife or an oyster). Now opener oysters can be freely bought at major chain stores - the western - type Auchan or Metro, or ours, but expensive, like the 7 continents. but believe me, it's worth it. Such a knife, one side smooth, the other - a thick, tapering to the blade, but the blade itself is not, ie, knife, can say "stupid." In an Internet easily find a bunch of pictures of the knife. The knife tip should be slowly, slowly, a little shaking, enter into the middle of a deep gap between the shell valves. This is a place you will find by touch, feeling that your shutters yield stress. Just say that the force should be not weak, that is, Not all girls women can open the shell, so keep that in mind !!! The main thing that shell is not cracked and crumbled inside. If this happens, then at the end of opening of the sink should be thoroughly rinsed from the crumbs of nacre, and thus you will lose all the fluid inside the oyster, without which the taste of oysters lost at least 50%. VERY IMPORTANT to keep maximum internal fluid oysters !!! Of course, first you will have crumbled shells, but 2-3 will exercise experience :) When the knife came into the edge of the sink, and very carefully (!) Slowly move the knife sharpened side of him on the slit shell valves (if split an).
Do not use for 1 person more than a dozen (12) oysters for 1 time, to avoid problems with digestion.

3) Bread with bran (seeds, oat flakes, etc. - if you're lucky, you can buy a special French bread for oysters in the form of circles) kruzhochkamikvadratami cut into 2x2 cm, brush one side with butter
4) Put the oysters on a very cold dish (preferably on ice), to file a separate bread and butter, the sauce in a gravy boat and lemon.

5) There are so:
a) a sharp knife separate the mounting location for the clam shell (muscle diameter of 2-3 mm)
b) pour in half shell with shallot sauce (12 tsp) 1 oyster
c) optional (!) add squeezed lemon juice, or just pour the juice (as you like, but with vinegar flavor will come from the French Middle Ages)
g) put in your mouth a slice of bread with butter (you can salt the little oil), just chew
d) of the tilting in the mouth with all the oyster liquid straight from the shell.
e) chew at least 30 seconds, to suit all tastes revealed.
g) understand what this tastes you have not yet experienced!
Bon Appetit!