What kind of drink can be made from currant
Black currant is a useful berry, which, in addition to a wonderful sweet taste with sourness, has a large set of useful properties. What to say, even if vitamin C here is 5 times more than in lemons. It is not surprising that you want to enjoy the taste and benefits of currants not only in June-July, but also all year round.
Savvy housewives grind currants with sugar or cook delicious jam. We offer to get acquainted with the berry on the other hand, preparing blackcurrant. This taste is much better than any store drinks. In addition, you will always have something to surprise the most expensive guests.
Homemade Currant Wine Ingredients
This wonderful drink is considered young, and therefore connoisseurs advise to keep it longer, because the longer it costs, the more tasty and quality it becomes. It all depends on your preferences and patience.
And if you enjoy black currants hunting now, then prepare a delicious cottage cheese cake with this berry. Everyone will be very grateful for this dessert. If the hunt takes the most benefit from currants, then prepare fermented tea.
Save this one. currantNot to lose, but to cook this summer. And also share with friends, for sure this drink will appeal to them.
Savvy housewives grind currants with sugar or cook delicious jam. We offer to get acquainted with the berry on the other hand, preparing blackcurrant. This taste is much better than any store drinks. In addition, you will always have something to surprise the most expensive guests.

Homemade Currant Wine Ingredients
- 10kg currants
- 5kg of sugar
- 15 liters of warm water
- Prepare the currants first. It is impossible to wash berries, because there is a risk of washing off the yeast necessary for fermentation. So just remove garbage, as well as green and spoiled berries. Then put your hands on the currants.
- Move the clamped currants to a separate container, where the mezga for wine will wander. We use a large plastic barrel for this purpose.
- Half the sugar (2.5 kg) add to barely warm water. Stir it well and pour it into the mezza barrel. Stir it. Tie up gauze so no insects sit on the contents. Transfer the container to a dark and warm room (22-25 degrees) and leave for fermentation for 3-4 days.
- Do not forget 1-2 times a day to gently stir the contents so that the berries do not sour. If it is cold at night, wrap the container with mezza to maintain the optimal temperature.
- When the contents become pale after a couple of days, the mezga should be removed. To do this, you can use a dummy or gauze, carefully pressing the liquid.
- Now all the liquid must be drained into a container where the fermentation process will continue. It is best to use a glass bottle for this. It is important to note that wine should occupy no more than 75% of the glass container space, because there should be room for gases and other fermentation products.
- Add another 0.5kg of sugar. To do this, take a little fermented juice, dissolve the sugar in it, then pour back into the juice.
- Install the water shutter. You can also use a glove, first puncture it with a needle. Put the container in a room with a temperature of 18-25 degrees for fermentation for 30-50 days, although the wine can ferment more.
- If the fermentation process does not begin and the glove does not swell, you can add 8-10 pieces of unwashed raisins to the bottle, which will help start fermentation.
- After 5 days after installing the water shutter (or gloves), drain some of the juice into a separate container. The juice is slightly heated (but not hot) and dissolve 1 kg of sugar in it. Then pour the resulting syrup back into the bottle. Put the glove on again. 712380.
- After 10 days, add the remaining sugar. Remember that sugar adds to the guilt of the fortress, but you can add it only before the fermentation process is over. If you add later, instead of wine you get something more like compote.
- When the glove falls after 30 to 50 days, it means that the yeast has processed all the sugar and the active fermentation process is over. Pour wine (without precipitation) into clean dishes. And put it in the basement, let the fortress be built.
- Over time at the bottom of the dishes will fall precipitate. We recommend filtering the wine every 20-25 days. Over time, precipitation will appear less often, and the filtration procedure will need to be carried out not so often.
- When the sediment stops falling, the wine can be considered ready. Which means you can start trying it. It took about a year before the wine was ready. The strength of the drink was 12%.
This wonderful drink is considered young, and therefore connoisseurs advise to keep it longer, because the longer it costs, the more tasty and quality it becomes. It all depends on your preferences and patience.
And if you enjoy black currants hunting now, then prepare a delicious cottage cheese cake with this berry. Everyone will be very grateful for this dessert. If the hunt takes the most benefit from currants, then prepare fermented tea.
Save this one. currantNot to lose, but to cook this summer. And also share with friends, for sure this drink will appeal to them.