Should I ask for gifts?

You can, of course, say, "Hey!" And why should I even think about What gift can I ask for?? A normal man should know everything himself, without reminders. The beautiful utopia that goes to one woman in a thousand is not a fact: for the most part, the male sex is inattentive and immersed in solving their own problems. Nothing will change until you take the problem by the hand and take it to a psychologist. While weighing its degree and depth, look carefully at these letters.

At least once it occurred to you that everyone normal He sleeps and sees how to start making gifts and why it is vital for him. It's funny to read, isn't it? Funny if it wasn't true. Editorial "Site" I'm about to dispel a couple of silly myths living in your pretty head, so read carefully and don't take the tears off your beautiful eyelashes.

What a gift to ask, dear, you must want gifts! Because otherwise, it seems that you are able to be satisfied with a little, and therefore there is nothing to worry about once again. Your man's default is not going to work it out, like it's gonna work. You catching a mess? This defeatist philosophy must be put to fire and the ashes scattered in the wind. Not literally, of course.

There's something else that's going to open up yours. surprise-eye. Imagine your man is not a telepath! It is clear that at the time of acquaintance he should submit to you for consideration his resume, where this item must be taken into account, but you were so drunkenly encouraged that a little missed. So, elephant (this is not a mistake!), we inform you with all responsibility - psychics exist only on TV.

If you're muffling a half-sweet sparkling, visionary It doesn't mean he's reading your mind, it's just you and him on the same wavelength. In all other cases, you will have to be patient and learn to communicate your desires to his rectangular brain. Remember, you can’t avoid it, so pick the right screwdriver for an effective pick in a man’s skull.

You. That thought should leave your head forever. Here is an example that illustrates the problem. For example, you ask to buy you a “Lada Priora” (we can’t ask why you need it), and he gets excited / forgets / does not want to. You spit in his face, throw a tantrum, and buy the unfortunate Priore yourself. Now, you either ask and he does, or you don't ask. No offense = everybody's fine.

It's yours. royalty Makes you stick out your lower lip and pick up your nose higher. You know what? When you married him, it doesn't mean you're equal in status. There are no perfect people, your man is no exception. For a lot of worries and problems, he may forget something very important to you, and not very important to him (not a telepath, remember?). Put your pride in it and just remind him what's criminal about it?

This does not mean that you should take a stake and try to drive it and that light with your requests. Because a request is not a demand, not an ultimatum, not coercion or humiliation. Even if it's his fault, have bit of heart. You love your daddy, don't you? Try to ask gently, with a smile, not afraid to show your weakness. Or were you a desperate whim when you were a kid?

Learn to ask everywhere: in the gym, in the office, at the gas station, when you fill up your richted Priora (Oh, dearest, put the gun carefully, my tank is so gentle!) and you will see striking change. A woman who attracts attention more often than others through a request looks much more attractive in the eyes of men. Believe me, even your heartless orc will soon become jealous.

But don't take everything for granted. If he gives you flowers, and you don’t stop biting seeds with a missing look, don’t think that he will continue to pursue you by buying everything randomly. most expensive. Most likely, he will just turn around and go to a woman who, unlike you, knows how to be grateful. And don’t think about these inappropriate thoughts: a grateful smile and manifestation of joy will be enough.

Respect has not been denied; after all, it is the same person you once fell in love with. Of course. real motives No one knows your relationship, maybe you too. If you allow yourself to disrespect your man, it will only hurt him, lower self-esteem, and this, in turn, affects finances. So where do gifts come from? L is logic.

Asking for money is important and useful for both of you. Do it not in thought, but verbally as it is. With respect, with weakness, sincerely, with an adequate degree of prudence. And don't be a victim who makes a man miserable. A bottomless cup, by the way, should not be made of it either. If he dies, we'll have to look for someone else. Move, run, start over.

The ability to give and take, however ambiguous it may sound, creates harmony between a man and a woman. Learn to ask and say “thank you” is a simple and understandable formula of love. giftFull of wisdom, a grateful man will never forget. Not only that, he'll do it willingly. What can you imagine, the whole world will throw at her feet! So share this article with others and let everyone be happy.


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