How to get rid of the fear of asking and accepting gifts

Why is it so hard for some people to accept gifts or ask for something? This fear is rooted in psychological attitudes that are formed from childhood and reinforced by social norms. Let’s see how to overcome this barrier.
1. Causes of fear of gifts
The fear of accepting or asking for gifts can be caused by several factors:
- A sense of dutyA person is afraid that he will have to answer with something more.
- Low self-esteemFeeling that he is not worthy of attention and care.
- Experience with manipulationIn the past, gifts were used as a form of pressure.
- Fear of addictionThe desire to be completely independent and not to accept help.
To learn to accept gifts with joy, it is important to change your perception:

- Understand that A gift is not a dutyIt's an expression of care and attention.
- Practicing gratitude: even small gifts deserve a sincere thank you.
- Remind yourself that you are worthy of love and support.
Asking for help or a gift is not a weakness, but a skill that can be developed. Research shows that people are more willing to help than we expect (Flynn & Lake, 2008).
- Start small.Ask for small things to get used to the process.
- Be specific.The clearer the request, the easier it is for another person to respond.
- Avoid excusesDon’t try to explain why you can’t do it yourself.
To change your attitude towards gifts, try the following:

- Make a list of things you are grateful for.
- During the week, accept any help and gifts without refusal.
- Giving small gifts to others will help you feel the joy of sharing.
The fear of asking and accepting gifts is a psychological barrier that can be overcome. The main thing is to work on self-esteem, awareness and change the attitude that accepting gifts makes us dependent. Try to incorporate these techniques into your life and you will soon see that fear disappear.
- Cognitive attitudes beliefs that shape human behavior.
- Empathy. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.
- Gratitude. Recognize the value of what we receive from others.
- Manipulation Hidden psychological influence to control behavior.