I want to bow to the belt of Nina Supergrandmother for her revolutionary recipe kulich
They say that there is nothing perfect in the world. But if Nina Supergrandmother’s culinary raisin recipe isn’t perfect, how else can this culinary art be labeled?
Besides the fact that the recipe is really delicious, it is also quite fast. So everything you need to prepare this fragrant pastry, we advise to prepare in advance. Here's the ingredients list!
Cookie recipe with raisins Ingredients
Ready cakes can only be removed from the oven, cooled and covered with glaze. By the way, can you tell us about your favorite glaze recipe?

Besides the fact that the recipe is really delicious, it is also quite fast. So everything you need to prepare this fragrant pastry, we advise to prepare in advance. Here's the ingredients list!
Cookie recipe with raisins Ingredients
- 500 ml of milk
- 1.5kg flour
- pinch
- 50g yeast
- 6 eggs
- 200g butter
- 300g sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- 300g raisins
- First, we pick out raisins from extra twigs and other garbage. Then pour it with hot water and leave to stand for 10-15 minutes. Then we drain the water, dry the raisins with paper towels. And then we throw him in the torment and let him wait.
- Next, dissolve the yeast in slightly heated milk, add 0.5 kg of flour to the mixture and stir everything well. Then cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and leave in a warm place for half an hour.
- During the time while the opara is infused, we separate the yolks from the proteins, and then rub them with ordinary and vanilla sugar white. As for proteins, they need to be well whipped, adding a pinch of salt to get a persistent foam. The resulting yolk mass is stirred with a raised dough, after which we add melted butter to the bowl and again mix everything well. Protein foam is added last, after which we mix the ingredients again, but this time we do it slowly, carefully.
511468 - Now gradually add sifted flour to the bowl and after each added portion, mix the dough. When the dough ceases to stick strongly to the hands, lay it out in a large container, slightly sprinkled with flour and left in a warm oven for 40-60 minutes.
- Next, take the dough out of the oven, add prepared raisins to it, mix well and send back to the oven for another 20 minutes. When the dough grows again, again remove it from the oven and distribute it to molds with oiled bottoms. An important point is to fill only 1/3 of the form, as the dough will still grow. The oven is set to warm up to 100 degrees.
And while the oven is heated, put the forms on the bowl and cover with napkins so that the dough grows and fills the entire mold. - At the end, send cakes baked for 10 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees. Then increase the temperature to 180 degrees and bake another 25-40 minutes. Time depends on the size of the shape.
Ready cakes can only be removed from the oven, cooled and covered with glaze. By the way, can you tell us about your favorite glaze recipe?
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