Transcarpathian hostess add honey to the cakes, such a delicious Easter is not baked anywhere else
The period of preparation for Easter is a special time when the soul rejoices in spring and the pre-holiday troubles seem pleasant. Cleaning, making a menu, cooking delicious dishes and dyes and, of course, baking cakes. From the anticipation of the celebration, the soul is filled with joy, and we with the editorial board "Site" Learn how to bake traditional cake-cake, called in Ukraine Paska, according to the recipe from Transcarpathia.
This wonderful recipe is taken from an old cookbook with traditional Transcarpathian pastries. A feature of these sweet straws is the addition of honey to the dough. It is thanks to this addition that the cakes turn out to be a very beautiful color and just smell incredibly. By the way, at the end of the article we add a video to the hostess did not miss anything important.
Ingredients for opar
Ingredients for muffin
Preparation of the opare
Preparation of muffin
Baking stucco
As promised, we share a detailed video:
The recipe for glaze can be seen in this article or use the option suggested in the video. I remember my grandmother never made icing - she decorated only with small crosses from dough.
The sweet cakes according to this recipe are wet and soft, They don't stale for long. And they delight in their color, aroma and taste with the addition of honey. Finally, I would also like to add that pasta should be baked in a good mood, pure-minded. Do not argue, do not think or say bad things. That's what Grandma taught.
We wish delicious cakes and peaceful, warm holidays to all readers!

This wonderful recipe is taken from an old cookbook with traditional Transcarpathian pastries. A feature of these sweet straws is the addition of honey to the dough. It is thanks to this addition that the cakes turn out to be a very beautiful color and just smell incredibly. By the way, at the end of the article we add a video to the hostess did not miss anything important.

Ingredients for opar
- 1 l milk
- 100g pressed yeast
- 2 tbsp of sugar (of total)
- 10 tbsp flour (of total)
Ingredients for muffin
- 5 eggs
- 1, 9 kg flour (+-100g)
- 100 ml of vegetable oil
- 300g butter (82% fat content)
- 1 tsp salt
- 300g sugar
- 30g vanilla sugar
- 50g honey
- 1 tbsp vodka
- 500g dried fruit
Preparation of the opare
- We start, of course, with the opara. Take a large bowl and pour 1 liter of warm milk into it. It is desirable to take milk with a high percentage of fat, better. Add yeast and 2 tbsp of sugar to the milk. Stir everything thoroughly so that the yeast dissolves.
- Then add 10 tbsp of flour (of the total). Mix liquid dough - like thin pancakes.
- Cover the dough with food film and send warmly. When the opara comes, it begins to bubble - this is a sign that the yeast is working properly.
Preparation of muffin
- In a separate bowl, we mix eggs, ordinary and vanilla sugar, salt and liquid honey. If the honey is thick, you can melt it a little in a water bath so that it mixes well with the other ingredients. Also add melted butter. Mixed to uniformity. It is important that all products are at room temperature. Then the dough will come faster.
- Then we return to our gardens and add to it the dough. Flour (necessarily sifted!) sprinkle Do not add everything at once. It is better to visually divide the flour into three parts and sprinkle in stages.
- After sprinkling the first part of the flour add 1 tbsp of vodka to the dough so that our paskies do not become stale too quickly. Thanks to the gradual addition of flour, the dough will be better mixed and we will be able to trace the consistency so that it does not turn out to be too thick.
- After adding all the flour, mix the dough with your hands. at least 15-20 minutes. The better we knead the dough, the more delicious our paskies will turn out. During kneading, add vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to the hands and bowl.
- Properly mixed dough turns out to be quite thick, but stretches well and doesn't tear. Divide the finished dough into 2 parts and lay out in 2 different bowls, as it will grow well. From above, lubricate with vegetable oil, cover bowls with food film and leave for 1 hour in warmth.
- After 1 hour we make the first round of the test. - just stir it up again. We add dried fruits: apricots, raisins, cranberries or others at will. You can't add anything at all. Raisins before adding to the dough, pour boiling water and dry with a paper towel. It is not necessary to interfere strongly with the dough - only in order for the dried fruits to connect with it.
- Again, lubricate the dough on top with vegetable oil. We cover it with film and We leave it for another 1.5 hours.
Baking stucco
- After an hour and a half, we once again knead the dough and lay out the forms. You can take paper of different sizes.
- The working surface is slightly lubricated with vegetable oil. We take a piece of dough, bend it, pinch the edges and roll out the surface. so it's smooth. We shape it by bending the dough down. Put the dough in the form, so that it occupies no more than 1/3 of the form. In the center of the pasca insert a wooden sword. This is necessary in order to get the air out and the paskies turned out even.
- We put the dough in the forms on the pan. While the oven will warm up, from the remaining dough you can make jewelry, for example, in the form of pigtails. A detailed process is shown in the video.
- When the dough comes, can take out the swords and decorate the pacifiers. We lubricate it with water on top. We don't send lubricated pacifiers straight into the oven. Wait for the yolk to dry a little..
- Bake at 170°C. Small paskies - about 40 minutes, large - about an hour. Baking mode: top and bottom.
As promised, we share a detailed video:
The recipe for glaze can be seen in this article or use the option suggested in the video. I remember my grandmother never made icing - she decorated only with small crosses from dough.
The sweet cakes according to this recipe are wet and soft, They don't stale for long. And they delight in their color, aroma and taste with the addition of honey. Finally, I would also like to add that pasta should be baked in a good mood, pure-minded. Do not argue, do not think or say bad things. That's what Grandma taught.
We wish delicious cakes and peaceful, warm holidays to all readers!
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