"Cold curd pads" cake that melts in your mouth like fluffy snow

The best thing that ever happened to me in the kitchen! A gentle and fast cake with cottage cheese and cherries is definitely worth cooking now, in winter. When it is cold and snowy outside, drinking lemon tea at home and enjoying this delicious food is a special kind of pleasure!

Stop, look out the window and then take it. slice: feel the aroma of cocoa, feel a light sour cherry in combination with a delicate, like a cloud, curd filling. At this moment there is only you, the taste of cake and a snowy morning or afternoon or evening. Perhaps happiness lies in enjoying simple things, but sincerely, as small children do.

Sweet and fast cake with cottage cheese today "Site" offers to throw away any experiences and fears, not to cycle on the bad, but just take and prepare this delightful cherry-cake. Taste cannot be expressed in words, it must be tried!

Test ingredients
  • 150g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp cocoa
  • 100g sugar
  • 7-8g vanilla sugar
  • 50ml vegetable oil
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder
  • 50–70 ml of milk
  • pinch
  • 100g cherry

Filling ingredients
  • 250g cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tsp starch
  • 50g sugar
  • 2g vanilla
  • sour cream (if necessary)

  1. To prepare the dough in a convenient container, mix the flour with cocoa, vanilla sugar, baking powder and salt.

  2. In a deep bowl, beat the eggs with sugar to lush foam. Continuing to whip, pour vegetable oil and milk. In two doses, add a dry mixture. Stir it well. The dough should be in consistency as sour cream. If it is thicker, you can add more milk.

  3. For filling, beat the cottage cheese with sugar, vanillin, egg and starch with a blender to homogeneity. If the cottage cheese is not very fatty, then you should also add a little sour cream. If there is no blender, the cottage cheese can be rubbed through a sieve. For convenience, cottage cheese mass can be poured into a confectionery bag.

  4. The form for baking (I have a round jack shape, but it is better to take a rectangular 20 by 20) was covered with parchment paper. Pour dough to the bottom of the mold. Put the cherry on the dough. I used to take a frozen one, so before adding it to the dough, the cherries need to be thawed.

  5. Now the stuffing. Ideally, curd mass is better squeezed on the dough from a condite bag, drawing on the test rhombic or square as in the photo. I baked late at night and decided not to look for a confectionery bag in the closet, just spoon laid out cottage cheese filling on the dough in the form of slides. The trick is that in places where cottage cheese, the dough sags, and in places where it is not, the dough rises, because it has baking powder. As a result, cushions are formed from the test.

  6. Bake the cake in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for half an hour.

  7. That's it, gentle and fast. cheesecake And cherry ready. Bon appetit!

Editorial Board I also suggest to familiarize yourself with the instructions for cooking cottage cheese cake with berries. This recipe was found in my mother’s old cookbook “Pleasant Appetite” (1974 edition, by the way)!

I'm sure this gentle and cake With cottage cheese and cherries will definitely be one of your favorite recipes. By the way, instead of cherries, you can try to add blueberries, blueberries or currants. I've had a lot of frost in the summer, so I'll try it soon.

You can also add a little cinnamon and orange peel, it will be quite in winter!


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