What a woman who never leaves a man has
The famous Russian psychologist M.A. Labkovsky called The strongest qualities of women. Thanks to them, she will never feel dependent. A man will not have the slightest desire to leave the lady of his heart. Intrigued? In this article, the editorial board "Site" He will try to figure out what distinguishes a mature woman from the crowd.
Without a doubt, all women are unique. Each combines many special features, manner of behavior and communication, external and internal beauty. It is foolish to think that you can create some universal list of qualities, curbing which, you can become the perfect woman.
However, the practice of psychologists and just life experience show that The behavior of strong and independent women There's something similar. Let me try to explain it with a specific example.
One day a woman of mature age came to the reception to Labkovsky. The reason for the consultation was a problem in personal life, or rather a trifling quarrel with her husband. Why a trifle? Yes, just against the background of all the variety that the psychologist had to face, the client’s situation seemed really frivolous.
However, Mikhail Alexandrovich was most surprised by the woman’s decisive question: “Do you think I should file for divorce?” Or maybe just close your eyes to it? On the one hand, it may seem that this sounds very frivolous. But Labkovsky, on the contrary, emphasizes that such a statement of the question says a lot.
Despite the mature age (lady was over 50) and a decent marriage experience, the woman was absolutely not afraid to be alone. Her husband was not the only possible support or salvation for her. She didn't need to cling to him. I thought that marriage might end.
Of course, not every woman will understand this attitude to marriage. For some, family is an unshakable thing, where husband and wife are one Satan, one essence. But it often happens that behind this illusion people lose their own “I”.
But a strong woman is always confident in herself in the present moment. She knows that her future is in her hands. She is not afraid of changes in her life because she knows she can handle them. Such a lady literally glows, radiating powerful energy.
A wise woman will not let a man sit on her neck. They will never let anyone manipulate or control them. This is an example of a rational person who is calm about any difficulties in life. In addition, she will not climb on the edge and make rash decisions.
Instead, a strong woman will choose the help of a qualified specialist who will help her understand everything. But sometimes it takes years to come to such a worldview and self-identification. Of course, not everyone succeeds.
The other side of the problem, and here's another situation. The husband files for divorce and the woman is left alone. What happened was almost a tragedy for her. And now she is only thinking about how to get the man back. Instead, you could take care of your life and change it for the better.
Yes, we tend to follow our feelings. But you can only call a strong woman who will be able to say “stop” to emotions in time. She does not impose her opinion on others, she does not try to re-educate a man. It accepts it as it is, filling its voids and thus nourishing itself.
“I am a person, you are a person” is the concept of a healthy relationship between a man and a woman. In them, both partners are equal, they support each other, but they are independent. It is not surprising that such a union, as a rule, does not have serious difficulties. All possible problems are discussed and solved.
Well, according to Labkowski, that's it. The strongest qualities of women. But you may disagree with him, and that will be fine. Therefore, we suggest you to talk about this topic in the comments and describe the portrait of a strong woman with your eyes. Looking forward to it!

Without a doubt, all women are unique. Each combines many special features, manner of behavior and communication, external and internal beauty. It is foolish to think that you can create some universal list of qualities, curbing which, you can become the perfect woman.
However, the practice of psychologists and just life experience show that The behavior of strong and independent women There's something similar. Let me try to explain it with a specific example.

One day a woman of mature age came to the reception to Labkovsky. The reason for the consultation was a problem in personal life, or rather a trifling quarrel with her husband. Why a trifle? Yes, just against the background of all the variety that the psychologist had to face, the client’s situation seemed really frivolous.
However, Mikhail Alexandrovich was most surprised by the woman’s decisive question: “Do you think I should file for divorce?” Or maybe just close your eyes to it? On the one hand, it may seem that this sounds very frivolous. But Labkovsky, on the contrary, emphasizes that such a statement of the question says a lot.

Despite the mature age (lady was over 50) and a decent marriage experience, the woman was absolutely not afraid to be alone. Her husband was not the only possible support or salvation for her. She didn't need to cling to him. I thought that marriage might end.
Of course, not every woman will understand this attitude to marriage. For some, family is an unshakable thing, where husband and wife are one Satan, one essence. But it often happens that behind this illusion people lose their own “I”.

But a strong woman is always confident in herself in the present moment. She knows that her future is in her hands. She is not afraid of changes in her life because she knows she can handle them. Such a lady literally glows, radiating powerful energy.
A wise woman will not let a man sit on her neck. They will never let anyone manipulate or control them. This is an example of a rational person who is calm about any difficulties in life. In addition, she will not climb on the edge and make rash decisions.

Instead, a strong woman will choose the help of a qualified specialist who will help her understand everything. But sometimes it takes years to come to such a worldview and self-identification. Of course, not everyone succeeds.
The other side of the problem, and here's another situation. The husband files for divorce and the woman is left alone. What happened was almost a tragedy for her. And now she is only thinking about how to get the man back. Instead, you could take care of your life and change it for the better.

Yes, we tend to follow our feelings. But you can only call a strong woman who will be able to say “stop” to emotions in time. She does not impose her opinion on others, she does not try to re-educate a man. It accepts it as it is, filling its voids and thus nourishing itself.
“I am a person, you are a person” is the concept of a healthy relationship between a man and a woman. In them, both partners are equal, they support each other, but they are independent. It is not surprising that such a union, as a rule, does not have serious difficulties. All possible problems are discussed and solved.

Well, according to Labkowski, that's it. The strongest qualities of women. But you may disagree with him, and that will be fine. Therefore, we suggest you to talk about this topic in the comments and describe the portrait of a strong woman with your eyes. Looking forward to it!
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