Forbidden nicknames that should not be called a child
How parents name their child can affect their identity and outlook. The right words to children about how the world works and how to behave should be said. But the nicknames, even as a joke, it is better to forget.
The family forms the main habits of the child, his behavior and worldview. Therefore, before the child goes to school, it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to his education. But sometimes parents do not think about how much their words affect a small person. Mom and Dad are the closest people on Earth, and when one parent jokingly calls a child a strange nickname, it is sealed in the child’s memory. Pay attention to the fact that it is better to call the child by name, and try to treat him respectfully, despite his small age.
Inappropriate nicknames Good Word used by many parents. Only in the future, such treatment can play a cruel joke with the child. Up to some point, he will think that he can do everything, and when he faces a difficult situation and can not solve it, there will be problems with self-esteem. In this case, it is better to encourage the actions of the child. Tell him you like his writing or the way he cleaned his room.
Such a nickname from parents can greatly offend the child. In the future, the girl-commander will think that she should not lead and will suppress her leadership abilities. Instead of an offensive label, teach the child to ask respectfully for something, rather than speaking in an orderly tone. And pay attention to her own behavior, maybe she learned it from her parents.
A demeaning nickname at any age. Especially if the child hears this from mom and dad, he eventually fences off from them. Mom and dad should radiate care and warmth, not offensive nicknames and ridicule. Even if they behave like this with a child, what can we expect from the rest of the world?
Princess A parent-imposed label child will take with him into adulthood. If your daughter isn't wearing a princess outfit, don't call her that. Let her grow up and call herself as she sees fit.
A complex word, the meaning of which the child may not understand, determines his behavior in the future. Beautiful boys who break girls' hearts, is that good? Then these boys grow up and become toxic partners who take advantage of their attractiveness.
The word of a parent to a child is the law. Don’t underestimate the importance of a thoughtless phrase. What seems trifling to you, a child can carry the rest of his life in his heart, and you will not know what it is. So that there was a trusting relationship between you, try to support the child in all endeavors, and stop labeling the child. What were you called when you were a kid?

The family forms the main habits of the child, his behavior and worldview. Therefore, before the child goes to school, it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to his education. But sometimes parents do not think about how much their words affect a small person. Mom and Dad are the closest people on Earth, and when one parent jokingly calls a child a strange nickname, it is sealed in the child’s memory. Pay attention to the fact that it is better to call the child by name, and try to treat him respectfully, despite his small age.

Inappropriate nicknames Good Word used by many parents. Only in the future, such treatment can play a cruel joke with the child. Up to some point, he will think that he can do everything, and when he faces a difficult situation and can not solve it, there will be problems with self-esteem. In this case, it is better to encourage the actions of the child. Tell him you like his writing or the way he cleaned his room.

Such a nickname from parents can greatly offend the child. In the future, the girl-commander will think that she should not lead and will suppress her leadership abilities. Instead of an offensive label, teach the child to ask respectfully for something, rather than speaking in an orderly tone. And pay attention to her own behavior, maybe she learned it from her parents.

A demeaning nickname at any age. Especially if the child hears this from mom and dad, he eventually fences off from them. Mom and dad should radiate care and warmth, not offensive nicknames and ridicule. Even if they behave like this with a child, what can we expect from the rest of the world?

Princess A parent-imposed label child will take with him into adulthood. If your daughter isn't wearing a princess outfit, don't call her that. Let her grow up and call herself as she sees fit.

A complex word, the meaning of which the child may not understand, determines his behavior in the future. Beautiful boys who break girls' hearts, is that good? Then these boys grow up and become toxic partners who take advantage of their attractiveness.

The word of a parent to a child is the law. Don’t underestimate the importance of a thoughtless phrase. What seems trifling to you, a child can carry the rest of his life in his heart, and you will not know what it is. So that there was a trusting relationship between you, try to support the child in all endeavors, and stop labeling the child. What were you called when you were a kid?
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