Healthy behavior: 5 tips to get in shape
Behavioral science, or the science of behavior, has existed for more than a century. To date, this kind of mixture of behavioral Economics, social psychology and cognitive psychology studies how we make decisions.
For example, the so-called "principle of conformity and consistency", meaning that people try to conform to the intent which they announced publicly, were the political consultants, who led the election campaign of Barack Obama.
This principle, exactly like the other, derived behavioral science, have adopted researchers and practitioners of healthy lifestyles.
Before you 5 behavioral techniques that will help you begin to get in shape without waiting for the New year.
1. Not enough to set a goal, the more important the strategy to achieve
January 1 is not the only day to start all over again. Scientists have found that people tend to start moving towards new life goals in important dates. And it is not only a New year or a birthday, but even the days of the new month. Researchers from Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania called it the "effect start from scratch."
Scientists noticed that, for example, visiting gyms, search queries of the word "diet" markedly increased at certain intervals of time.
Professional triathlete and coach Doug Maclean believes that, commencing training, it is important to divide the process into periods — the formal end of one phase and the beginning of the following helps a person to regroup physically and mentally. Also do not forget about the pause at the end of the training season, which allows you to recover for the next start.
2. Train your willpower like a muscle
Our will power really has something in common with muscles — the more we tense during the day, the more she gets tired by the end. Behaviorists call this the phenomenon of "depletion of willpower". It largely explains why most of those who are on a diet, I break down and eat junk food at night. When a person resists all day to eat a doughnut in the office, at home the evening he was already hardly able to deny themselves in a similar situation.
Renowned psychologist Kelly Mcgonigal advises the following technique: every time you feel that you do not soak, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself whether what you want to do your ultimate goal. To further their actions try to approach rationally, and not let them go on "autopilot".
3. Give willpower the time to restore
Your weaknesses can be your strengths. Theory of the grouping of the temptations says that if a pair of actions that bring you a kind of guilty pleasure (for example, listening to your favorite pop music, which you wouldn't want to tell my friends), actions that require willpower (difficult exercise), the latter will give you much easier. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania brought this theory during an experiment with obscene audiobooks and gyms.
Those people who could listen to audiobooks obscene only in the gym, we went to him more often those who had unlimited access to these materials.
So first, decide on exercises that are given to you really really hard. Then choose the "fun" — something without which you can live and what you would cost less to do (food here, as you know, not ideal). Then combine these actions, but remember that this "indulgence" you give yourself only during the toughest workouts.
4. Become annoying instagrammer
One of the best means to achieve your goals is to tell about them to all my friends. This is the "principle of conformity and consistency", according to which we begin to experience when rassohnetsya our actions with our words in the public space. To not feel this discomfort, we will try our best to bring own acts into conformity with the image that we see in others.
Bragging publicly about their most important goals. In this case, it is a kind of public contract — you will get support from other people, but also a kind of responsibility, accountability. Best results are achieved when people share their ambitions on Twitter, Facebook or instagram, and not tete-a-tete with friends. You're not on social networks? Nothing wrong, the "principle of conformity and consistency" there are other ways of compliance. For example, tamp tattoo that won't look neat if your body is in shape.
The more you take care of the creation of his public image, the more likely you will meet him.
Also interesting: For a healthy life: against whom are friends?
All the emotions belong to the body: how emotion can mobilize or paralyze
5. Avoid exhaustion
Sometimes it is a little "back". In those sports that require endurance, the appointment of the "external controller" in the face of others, of course, brings results, but it is equally important here to keep balance and not turning the workout into a crazy chase for himself and thus preventing their own physical and moral exhaustion.
In some cases, you can switch to work with the younger generation, to volunteer in sports or even training tips on social networks, without sacrificing inclusion.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: dnpmag.com/2016/11/17/zdorovoe-povedenie/
For example, the so-called "principle of conformity and consistency", meaning that people try to conform to the intent which they announced publicly, were the political consultants, who led the election campaign of Barack Obama.
This principle, exactly like the other, derived behavioral science, have adopted researchers and practitioners of healthy lifestyles.
Before you 5 behavioral techniques that will help you begin to get in shape without waiting for the New year.
1. Not enough to set a goal, the more important the strategy to achieve
January 1 is not the only day to start all over again. Scientists have found that people tend to start moving towards new life goals in important dates. And it is not only a New year or a birthday, but even the days of the new month. Researchers from Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania called it the "effect start from scratch."
Scientists noticed that, for example, visiting gyms, search queries of the word "diet" markedly increased at certain intervals of time.
Professional triathlete and coach Doug Maclean believes that, commencing training, it is important to divide the process into periods — the formal end of one phase and the beginning of the following helps a person to regroup physically and mentally. Also do not forget about the pause at the end of the training season, which allows you to recover for the next start.
2. Train your willpower like a muscle
Our will power really has something in common with muscles — the more we tense during the day, the more she gets tired by the end. Behaviorists call this the phenomenon of "depletion of willpower". It largely explains why most of those who are on a diet, I break down and eat junk food at night. When a person resists all day to eat a doughnut in the office, at home the evening he was already hardly able to deny themselves in a similar situation.
Renowned psychologist Kelly Mcgonigal advises the following technique: every time you feel that you do not soak, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself whether what you want to do your ultimate goal. To further their actions try to approach rationally, and not let them go on "autopilot".
3. Give willpower the time to restore
Your weaknesses can be your strengths. Theory of the grouping of the temptations says that if a pair of actions that bring you a kind of guilty pleasure (for example, listening to your favorite pop music, which you wouldn't want to tell my friends), actions that require willpower (difficult exercise), the latter will give you much easier. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania brought this theory during an experiment with obscene audiobooks and gyms.
Those people who could listen to audiobooks obscene only in the gym, we went to him more often those who had unlimited access to these materials.
So first, decide on exercises that are given to you really really hard. Then choose the "fun" — something without which you can live and what you would cost less to do (food here, as you know, not ideal). Then combine these actions, but remember that this "indulgence" you give yourself only during the toughest workouts.
4. Become annoying instagrammer
One of the best means to achieve your goals is to tell about them to all my friends. This is the "principle of conformity and consistency", according to which we begin to experience when rassohnetsya our actions with our words in the public space. To not feel this discomfort, we will try our best to bring own acts into conformity with the image that we see in others.
Bragging publicly about their most important goals. In this case, it is a kind of public contract — you will get support from other people, but also a kind of responsibility, accountability. Best results are achieved when people share their ambitions on Twitter, Facebook or instagram, and not tete-a-tete with friends. You're not on social networks? Nothing wrong, the "principle of conformity and consistency" there are other ways of compliance. For example, tamp tattoo that won't look neat if your body is in shape.
The more you take care of the creation of his public image, the more likely you will meet him.
Also interesting: For a healthy life: against whom are friends?
All the emotions belong to the body: how emotion can mobilize or paralyze
5. Avoid exhaustion
Sometimes it is a little "back". In those sports that require endurance, the appointment of the "external controller" in the face of others, of course, brings results, but it is equally important here to keep balance and not turning the workout into a crazy chase for himself and thus preventing their own physical and moral exhaustion.
In some cases, you can switch to work with the younger generation, to volunteer in sports or even training tips on social networks, without sacrificing inclusion.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: dnpmag.com/2016/11/17/zdorovoe-povedenie/
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