Here's how a couple of minutes to get rid of a cold. Simple and free!

Sinusitis and sinusitis — a thing very unpleasant and often painful. Starting from the constant pressure in the head and ending with a squished nose, sore throat and fever, this disease is able to unsettle. But if this attack defeated you or someone in your family, do not hurry to run to the pharmacy! The website recommends that you try one of these effective natural methods.
Method 1: Push your eyebrows If you're bothered with a stuffy nose, this simple method will bring you a quick relief. Just press your fingers on both eyebrows with equal force.
Start with the edges of the eyebrows, while tilting your head forward and leaning on your hands (elbows rest on the smooth surface).
When you feel that the pressure subsides, go to the middle part of the eyebrows. Apply pressure until you feel the pressure shifted, then move to the ends of the eyebrows. Reaching the extreme point, make circular movements with your fingers.
This procedure will help you to unclog a stuffy nose in seconds!
Method 2: Do a mini-massage not only that, mini-massage perfectly relieves stress, acupressure point massage again and clears stuffy nose!
Repeatedly pressing down on the top (rounded part) of the clavicle with a finger, you will accelerate the current of nasal mucus. After that you will feel purged and open ears!
The second method is to use a mini-massage — cross my arms in a V shape and massage the neck on both sides. It stimulates the elimination of lymph from the body and the result clears stuffy nose!
Method 3: Use the language you Can also combine the two techniques and to clean the nose using your finger and tongue!
As hard as you can press language to the sky and simultaneously press down your finger on the point between the eyebrows. Don't loosen the pressure for 15-20 seconds to stimulate the outflow of the nasal mucus.
If that doesn't work, try to alternately press on the sky and on the point between your eyebrows for 10 seconds!
via lifter.com.ua/post/4620
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