This drink makes a perfect anti-depressant for the cold season
With the onset of the fall season disappear from the shelves in summer delicious fruits and berries, so we make a smoothie with what was left — the sun ripe persimmon of different varieties. To cope with the obstacles of cold weather, I add fresh ginger and turmeric for their anti-inflammatory properties, for a Sunny color and slightly tart taste.
Smoothie for a Cold Season for two 1 tbsp. almond milk (prepare in advance)1 ripe хурма1 see fresh root имбиря1 tsp ground куркумы1 tablespoons medamatcha pollen
Send all in a blender for about 10 seconds and ready to Cook with love!
Source: purefoodsandme.blogspot.com/2013/11/blog-post.html

Smoothie for a Cold Season for two 1 tbsp. almond milk (prepare in advance)1 ripe хурма1 see fresh root имбиря1 tsp ground куркумы1 tablespoons medamatcha pollen

Send all in a blender for about 10 seconds and ready to Cook with love!
Source: purefoodsandme.blogspot.com/2013/11/blog-post.html
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