Arranged a buffet at home, the first left snack from persimmon, bribed the appearance
For its useful properties and excellent taste, persimmon was greatly loved by our people. What to say, if the shelves of stores, starting from October, every day cleanly disassembled by customers, and even before the evening. But here's how it's stored. persimmon - the question is quite sensitive. There's a lot to think about.
Besides, few people know how to cook it. Just eating tart sweet flesh is some kind of primitive. After all, almost any product can be made an ingredient for a good recipe. It'll taste good. Well, let's talk about persimmon today. The season has just begun, and many experiments can be done with this useful fruit. Here we go!
Persimmon at home How persimmon is stored Let us say right away, persimmon lies not so long as other fruits we are accustomed to like apples or pears. Basically, the storage of persimmon differs in two points: persimmon is already ripe or it is still a little “green”.
Piabay Premature persimmon, poured with juices and having a dark yellow color, can be stored only at a certain humidity. Ideal if it is 80%. If lower, the fruits will inevitably begin to dry. Moisture higher will lead to the appearance of mold. But that's not all.
Piabay Temperature inside refrigerator (from 0 to -1 degrees) will help preserve persimmon for up to three months. On the one hand, this is not bad, but if there is a need for a large number of fruits, there may not be enough space. If the house has a freezer with a function quick-freezeThis will help preserve the fruit for up to six months. However, their flesh will become porridge-like at the end of this period.
Keeping persimmon outside the refrigerator is a thankless affair. Even if we are talking about unripe fruits. It will deteriorate very quickly, the vitamins and taste that are useful to us will disappear. This is a very demanding product.
Piabay Unripe fruits are best put in a common refrigerator chamber and tied in one bag with apples or bananas. These fruits secrete ethylene, which will help accelerate the ripening processes inside persimmon. Just a couple of days, and persimmon will become much softer and juicier. You can already think about what to do with it. That's a good option, by the way.
Simple Persimmon Salad Ingredients
Persimmon (it is better that it is not too ripe) cut into medium cubes. Roast in a pan with sugar and olive oil until light golden. No bigotry. And we put it in a container of cabbage. We also add chopped eggs and crushed fillets. Now if desired: you can leave the salad as is, sprinkling a little oil and balsamic sauce. Or just mix it up.
In fact, with persimmon, you can cook anything: jam, toast, pies. Even smoothies with pancakes. But perhaps these recipes are more suitable for the area where it grows. In our latitudes, persimmon is not that very valuable, but there is something to replace it in large quantities.
Now, when the weather is actively getting worse, and the temperature is lower, persimmon can be a great help. The colossal amount of vitamins that it contains will help your immunity cope with any sore. So we advise you to actively address this issue. Delicious and useful.

Besides, few people know how to cook it. Just eating tart sweet flesh is some kind of primitive. After all, almost any product can be made an ingredient for a good recipe. It'll taste good. Well, let's talk about persimmon today. The season has just begun, and many experiments can be done with this useful fruit. Here we go!
Persimmon at home How persimmon is stored Let us say right away, persimmon lies not so long as other fruits we are accustomed to like apples or pears. Basically, the storage of persimmon differs in two points: persimmon is already ripe or it is still a little “green”.

Piabay Premature persimmon, poured with juices and having a dark yellow color, can be stored only at a certain humidity. Ideal if it is 80%. If lower, the fruits will inevitably begin to dry. Moisture higher will lead to the appearance of mold. But that's not all.

Piabay Temperature inside refrigerator (from 0 to -1 degrees) will help preserve persimmon for up to three months. On the one hand, this is not bad, but if there is a need for a large number of fruits, there may not be enough space. If the house has a freezer with a function quick-freezeThis will help preserve the fruit for up to six months. However, their flesh will become porridge-like at the end of this period.
Keeping persimmon outside the refrigerator is a thankless affair. Even if we are talking about unripe fruits. It will deteriorate very quickly, the vitamins and taste that are useful to us will disappear. This is a very demanding product.

Piabay Unripe fruits are best put in a common refrigerator chamber and tied in one bag with apples or bananas. These fruits secrete ethylene, which will help accelerate the ripening processes inside persimmon. Just a couple of days, and persimmon will become much softer and juicier. You can already think about what to do with it. That's a good option, by the way.
Simple Persimmon Salad Ingredients
- persimmon
- 200g chicken fillet
- 200g Beijing cabbage
- 3 quail eggs
- olive-oil
- 0.5 tsp sugar
- Have a good chicken fillet and boil it. Simultaneously, hard-boiled eggs. Peking cabbage cut or even tear your hands into medium pieces. In our case, the tops of cabbage are best suited. The leaves themselves must be placed at the bottom of a deep container. They'll be our first layer.

Persimmon (it is better that it is not too ripe) cut into medium cubes. Roast in a pan with sugar and olive oil until light golden. No bigotry. And we put it in a container of cabbage. We also add chopped eggs and crushed fillets. Now if desired: you can leave the salad as is, sprinkling a little oil and balsamic sauce. Or just mix it up.
In fact, with persimmon, you can cook anything: jam, toast, pies. Even smoothies with pancakes. But perhaps these recipes are more suitable for the area where it grows. In our latitudes, persimmon is not that very valuable, but there is something to replace it in large quantities.
Now, when the weather is actively getting worse, and the temperature is lower, persimmon can be a great help. The colossal amount of vitamins that it contains will help your immunity cope with any sore. So we advise you to actively address this issue. Delicious and useful.
We can eat different products without prohibitions, and there are countries where they fell out of favor.
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