Persimmons can replace many medications!

Nutritional and medicinal value of persimmon: persimmon fruits are of great nutritional value. It includes vitamin C, provitamin A, malic and citric acid, is rich in iron, calcium, copper, manganese and potassium. With cold and cough useful gargle with juice of one ripe persimmon mixed with 3, 5, Art. tablespoons of warm water. Persimmon has tonic properties. It improves appetite, increases efficiency, calms the nervous system. Due to the high content of easily digestible sugars, persimmon is not recommended to use a lot of obesity and diabetes. Dried persimmon fruits are used to treat hypertension - it can replace valokordin when to eat fruit daily 2-3. Persimmon Fruits help to cope with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. It serves as the prevention of cancer, lung disease, and kidney stones. It has a diuretic and tonic effect, it is recommended for nervous disorders, bad mood. It strengthens eyesight and does not allow the body to age prematurely. It is said that the persimmon lovers often become centenarians.
Persimmon, eaten for breakfast, enhances mental performance. It is recommended to those who are struggling with excess weight - in spite of the sweet taste of persimmon contains few calories
. Tea made from persimmon leaves is recommended for anemia and as a fortifying agent. Ironically, the highest content of useful properties of persimmon in them.
Tea and milled roasted persimmon seeds has an invigorating effect, but unlike coffee does not cause quickened heart rate and other side effects.
Persimmon is useful high content of beta-carotene, which not only improves eyesight and helps maintain a healthy respiratory system, prevent lung cancer.
Useful properties Persimmon also lie in its diuretic effect. Persimmon is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, as it is rich in potassium (200 mg). The most famous source of potassium are apricots (or dried apricots). Therefore, people have long since learned to dry persimmons. The fruit is very sweet and so after drying covered with a thin white coating of sucrose. But, despite the sweetness and satiety, calorie persimmon low, only 60 kcal per 100 grams, so it gladly snack with people who adhere to the diet.
Since the persimmon contains a sufficiently large amount of iron, it is useful for anemia.
How to dry persimmons.
Dried persimmons taste and nutrition qualities of dried persimmon close to dried figs or dates.
Already ripe, but still firm persimmon cut so that the left stalk. Then, gently remove the skin, leaving only a very little from the cutting to the heavy fruit fell. Thus harvested persimmon linked together by one thread at a great distance from each other. Bundles are hung on wooden spacers so that the fruits hanging down. And then the fun begins. After 4-5 days, the sugar in large quantities contained in the persimmon begins to go outside, forming a light white plaque on the surface of the fruit. Plaque creates a semblance of a crust. To facilitate even distribution of sugar and avoid the formation of thick crusts, each fruit gently massaged his hands, will drive the sugar back inside. This continues every 2-3 days for 5-8 weeks! But all this work was not wasted - the result will impress even gourmets. Properly dried persimmon turns delicate, fragrant, sweet, indeed honey. It represents the essence of the fruit, in the course of all the vitamins and flavor characteristics are enhanced. You can talk a lot, but it is better to try once.
"The Chinese peach»
Homeland of the plant is China.
Residents of China, Korea and Japan for centuries worshiped the persimmon. In China, the persimmon is called the "food of the gods", considering that the first persimmon tried the ancient deities of persimmon in Japan called "the fruit of the sun." Chinese considered a symbol of joy persimmon, and this fruit meant victory over the Japanese.
In the countries of South-East Asian persimmon - this is one of basic foodstuffs. Its there and eat fresh, and dried, and candy making. More it is supplied to the green tea.
Incidentally, dried persimmon is very tasty, and after drying it completely loses its astringent flavor component. However, it recovers when cooked, so of dried persimmons can not cook compotes.
This hurmovaya revolution in the world was due to Matthew Perry, American admiral who in 1855 opened the West Japan, there are more than 200 years in isolation. Commodore returned to the US empty-handed, he brought a persimmon, persimmon other, the one that today the whole world knows - Japanese or east.
Persimmon has about 500 varieties! Most of them grows in tropical climates. The Japanese persimmon is the most common. But the birthplace of the fruit is actually China where this fruit spread in other parts of East Asia, and later in Japan. Today persimmon grown in a variety of places: from the Himalayas to Crimea. We are best known are 3 types:
Caucasian persimmon or persimmon usual. In the former Soviet Union naturally grows only this species. The fruits are small, fresh extremely tart, astringent, are rich in sugar and vitamins. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of figs (but much they are inferior), in connection with which there was Russian genus name - persimmon, as some dialects of Iraq and Iran the fruit of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) are called
«persimmon» Japanese Persimmon or kaki. It is cultivated along with persimmon common in the former Soviet Union. The fruits of this species are large, during the ripening of some tart in the maturation often completely lose their astringency. Japanese Persimmon, despite the name, originally from China, fruits temnomyakotnye neterpkie perfectly, even in the immature state, and ripened with firm flesh, very sweet.
Persimmon chocolate (chocolate pudding, black apple, we also called the wren). The fruits resemble the shape of a tomato, which changes its color from green, at the initial stage of its development, to brown, when it reaches maturity. Ripe fruits have creamy powdery myakost, they are extremely fragrant, sweet and delicious.
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