Why eat persimmon for breakfast instead of coffee
Autumn is a time of such a useful and tasty fruit as persimmon. It tastes good, but here it is. what's good for persimmon? This bright autumn fruit contains a huge amount of trace elements, and also has many useful properties for our body. Persimmon is in the first row among fruits for the content of sodium, magnesium, potassium and iron. The ripe fruits of persimmon improve the work of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and also normalize the work of the skin and sex glands.
Now is the season of persimmon, and it is time to introduce it into your diet. Let's figure out what useful properties persimmon hides in itself and how to use it for the benefit of the body.
Persimmon properties
As it turned out, persimmon is a storehouse of vitamins. But don't forget that it's not worth it. In everything, moderation is important. Therefore, add a bright autumn fruit to your diet, but do not forget about the measure!

Now is the season of persimmon, and it is time to introduce it into your diet. Let's figure out what useful properties persimmon hides in itself and how to use it for the benefit of the body.
Persimmon properties
- Fighting overweight
Persimmon is recommended for those who are struggling with excess weight, because it is very sweet, but it has few calories. Only 60 calories per 100 g of product! So if you are on a diet, but it is not possible to give up sweets, then persimmon is the solution for you. It is often used in dietary diets and is even recommended for a vegetarian diet as a source of sucrose. - Instead of coffee for breakfast
Humma can become delicious and healthy breakfast. It has tonic properties, improves appetite, calms the nerves, increases efficiency. For the charge of vivacity and activity, it is much more useful to eat one fruit of persimmon in the morning. - To maintain the heart.
Since persimmon contains a large amount of potassium, it is very beneficial for the heart. Beneficial persimmon also affects the condition of the vessels. 315689 - From gastrointestinal problems
The astringent properties of persimmon help bring the stomach back to normal. However, it is not worth leaning on it, of course. - Persimmon in cosmetology
Persimmon is widely used in cosmetics against acne. Mask of persimmon and egg yolk is what you need for pimples and dilated pores. Even persimmon has tonic properties, so it perfectly refreshes the skin and fights signs of aging. To prepare a tonic mask of grinding persimmon on a grater, add the same amount of cream or yolk. Apply to the face, leave for 15-20 minutes, after washing off with cool water - enjoy fresh and beautiful skin.
As it turned out, persimmon is a storehouse of vitamins. But don't forget that it's not worth it. In everything, moderation is important. Therefore, add a bright autumn fruit to your diet, but do not forget about the measure!
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