The principle of drying persimmon for housewives without drying and unnecessary doubts
I love persimmon. "It's a pity that you can only enjoy it in late autumn or winter," I thought before, until I learned how to dry persimmon at home. Now I can enjoy my favorite sweet fruit all year round!
Of course, you will tell me why it is so complicated, because in winter you can make jam or jams from persimmon, freeze for the worse. Yeah, you're right. It can be, but it is. persimmon The only option is to keep everything. nutrients.
By the way, in Japan, such a treat is considered classic. In addition, after drying, the fruit loses its tartness, which does not appeal to everyone.
Today's edition. "Site" This is a simple but useful guide to how dry at home. Who would have thought!
How to dry persimmon You will need
Progress of work
To get acquainted with the way of turning fresh persimmon into dried fruit, watch the video from the wonderful cook-channel "Yuliya Small." Thank you, Julia, for the recipes!
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1OzPbyrR02M
The advice of the editorial board A to succumb to fresh persimmon, I suggest to familiarize yourself with the original recipe for salad with persimmon and chicken fillet. By the way, I highly recommend preparing it for New Year’s Eve so that the White Metal Bull brings good luck to your home.
Now, you know how to dry. persimmonTo obtain natural dried fruits. I like to add this treat to puddings and ice cream.
And all lovers of experiments in the kitchen I suggest to try to prepare meat dishes with the addition of pieces of dried sharon. It is better to store dried persimmon in a dark dry place. Wooden boxes are most suitable for storage, but it is better to refuse plastic bags.
Of course, you will tell me why it is so complicated, because in winter you can make jam or jams from persimmon, freeze for the worse. Yeah, you're right. It can be, but it is. persimmon The only option is to keep everything. nutrients.
By the way, in Japan, such a treat is considered classic. In addition, after drying, the fruit loses its tartness, which does not appeal to everyone.

Today's edition. "Site" This is a simple but useful guide to how dry at home. Who would have thought!
How to dry persimmon You will need
- persimmon
- knife
- water
- knitting

Progress of work
- The first step is to choose the persimmon itself. Please note that both tart and impatient varieties are suitable for drying. It's a matter of taste, as they say. It is better to take a hard, hard persimmon with a peduncle and a piece of twig. But you can do without a twig. The tail on top must be dry. Avoid oversung fruits, especially if you dry ordinary persimmon. It could spread.
- The easiest way drying - in the fresh air. For hanging, prepare a strong rope, line, clean wire or dental floss. I'm most comfortable hanging it on knitting threads.
- Wash the persimmon and clean it with a knife. Take a rope or knitting thread in two folds and tie persimmon by a twig. If the berries have a peduncle, you can pierce and strung on it. Or you can wrap the tails, tie the rope with a knot.
- In a large pan boil water, and then for 10-15 seconds immerse persimmon in water. Let the water drain and move to hanging.
- It is better to hang persimmon in a dry and warm room. It is good to hang it over the window near the battery. Persimmon is dried for about 1.5-2 weeks. Persimmon dries at the same time about 10 times. It tastes like jellyfish inside. Try drying it this year. Such a dried fruit is not only useful, but also very tasty!
To get acquainted with the way of turning fresh persimmon into dried fruit, watch the video from the wonderful cook-channel "Yuliya Small." Thank you, Julia, for the recipes!
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1OzPbyrR02M
The advice of the editorial board A to succumb to fresh persimmon, I suggest to familiarize yourself with the original recipe for salad with persimmon and chicken fillet. By the way, I highly recommend preparing it for New Year’s Eve so that the White Metal Bull brings good luck to your home.
Now, you know how to dry. persimmonTo obtain natural dried fruits. I like to add this treat to puddings and ice cream.
And all lovers of experiments in the kitchen I suggest to try to prepare meat dishes with the addition of pieces of dried sharon. It is better to store dried persimmon in a dark dry place. Wooden boxes are most suitable for storage, but it is better to refuse plastic bags.
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