10 facts about the Queen of the season persimmon
Guess riddle: knits, but my grandmother? Tip straight title! < Website glad offensive season persimmon and invites readers to learn more about this remarkable a fruit!
1. Why persimmon knits? H2> Before speaking directly about the benefits of persimmon, let's understand why she knits. This effect is due to the high content of fruit ripening agents such as tannins, which disappears when the fruit is fully ripe. That is why we recommend you to choose a ripe, soft persimmons enough bright orange color with a slightly dried up leaves. But if, in spite of the main criteria of maturity, persimmon still a little knits, you can freeze it, then astringent effect disappears.
2. The source of iodine h2> Unfortunately, in today's world, we often see such a shortage of important elements such as iodine. This iodine is necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and his lack of it can lead to a variety of serious diseases. It should be noted that iodine is not produced by the body, so it is important to get a sufficient number of its food, and just the persimmon is one of the main sources of this trace element.
3. The benefits for the heart and blood vessels h2> Persimmon - a real godsend for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Firstly, the juicy fruit is rich in potassium, which supports the work of the heart muscle, and the high sugar content allows its food. In addition, the persimmon is rich in vitamins C and P, which the duo is very beneficial effect on blood vessels, greatly reducing their fragility. This is one of the reasons why doctors recommend regular use persimmons people suffering from atherosclerosis and varicose veins.
4. Assistant for weight loss h2> Persimmon - a real lifesaver for the sweet tooth, dreaming to lose weight. Average fruit contains an average of 60 calories, but due to the high content of glucose and fat, persimmon gives quick feeling of satiety, which persists long enough.
5. Restorative remedy h2> If you feel that you have a chronic shortage of power in the autumn and winter, try to include in your diet persimmons. It increases performance and has a powerful tonic and restorative effect. In addition, due to the high iron content, persimmon shown to people suffering from anemia. But if you have been diagnosed with diabetes or obesity, then you need to consult with your doctor.
6. The bactericidal action h2> I would like to underline that the persimmon has a very strong bactericidal action, especially against intestinal and hay bacillus, and Staphylococcus aureus carriers which, according to scientific data is up to 40% of the population. That is why nutritionists recommend eating a persimmon, especially if your body is weakened by frequent infections You were recently in the hospital or had surgery.
7. Kidney Health h2> As we mentioned, Persimmon is a diuretic and magnesium contained therein reduces the risk of kidney stones, bringing the sodium salt. So next time, noticing swelling, do not rush to the pharmacy for medicines diuretics, and try to make a cocktail, whisking persimmon pulp in a blender with a glass of milk and add a little vanilla ice cream.
8. Powerful antioxidant h2> His bright orange persimmons have to keep it to beta-carotene, which is not only a positive effect on eyesight, but also helps fight free radicals, preventing aging and protect against cancer. In addition, the persimmon is rich in vitamin C, malic and citric acids, which are on a par with beta-carotene have a powerful antioxidant effect. And these elements contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin, which makes this fruit so beloved among women.
9. For moms and kids h2> Already during pregnancy, women are reviewing your diet, giving preference to products with a high content of vitamins and minerals. Persimmon just because of the number of such products. But its main use for future mothers - is calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the skeleton of the fetus and health of women in this crucial period. However, at the stage of breastfeeding should eat persimmons carefully, as it can cause the infant diathesis. And despite the obvious benefits of this fruit, pediatricians do not recommend giving persimmons children up to 3 years.
10. Queen of the autumn-winter table h2> In the beginning of our review, we have already talked about how to choose a ripe persimmon, let us now see how it can be used in cooking. Here the range of possibilities is wide enough, because persimmon can be a great dessert, if you combine it, for example, yogurt or ice cream taste-neutral. It is also a wonderful complement the simple salad, giving it a sweet and slightly tart taste.