The most useful in the world of fruit for health and beauty

The daily diet of each person must be present fruits. Not only do fruits contain high amounts of vitamins for the body as a whole, they help maintain youthful skin.
Fruits loves almost everyone, but few people know about their true benefits. Scientists have found that eating fruits that are especially rich in vitamins and minerals, the use of which replaces the reception complex synthetic vitamins in pills. To date, the most useful fruits found: kiwi, persimmons, pineapple, apple. Complement rating the usefulness of fruits - grapes, bananas and lemon
. Apricot - a rich source of vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2. Also this fruit contains iodine, fluorine, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium. Apricot improve bowel function, as well as normalize the circulatory system. Indispensable apricot and pregnant women, as It contains a large amount of potassium and folic acid. Because vitamin A best apricot fruit for those who are weak and dull hair.
Banana - the best anti-depressant. It stimulates the production of serotonin, which helps a person cope with excessive nervousness and irritability. It contains high amounts of potassium and magnesium, which help reduce blood pressure. Also, this fruit is good for the stomach, reducing the level of acidity. Bananas help perfectly preserve the youthfulness of the skin.
Pomegranate - the fruit rich in amino acids. Garnet strengthens the immune system, increases the level of hemoglobin and also helps to normalize pressure. Excellent fruit slows down the aging process through the production of collagen and elastin.
Kiwi - reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation of blood clots and normalizes metabolism. Excellent helper for those who want to bring the stones from the kidney. Kiwi is also recommended to use for people with diabetes.
Persimmon - the widespread worldwide oriental fruit. On the shelves of Russian this fruit appears in the winter. Researchers concluded that the persimmon contains all the useful elements of fruit, changing each other for years. According to the content of vitamin C, this fruit is superior to black currant, iron also contains more than apples, plus potassium persimmon more than apricots. This solar fruit a quarter consists of glucose and fructose, and at full maturity persimmon contains 1, 5 and 0% protein, 85% fat. Several fruits of persimmon can satisfy your hunger, plus everything she has a pleasant sweet taste. Of particular benefit is the persimmon for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Fructose and glucose in the body are used as power fuel, that improves endurance. High potassium content in persimmon helps to replenish its losses inherent in cardiac problems. If patients with heart disease and blood vessels to eat per day, 2-3 fetus, the treatment results improve. It also has a diuretic effect. For the treatment is suitable for both fresh and dried persimmons. When kidney stones is difficult to overestimate the benefit of the "orange doctor." Fruits are rich in magnesium, which greatly reduces the likelihood of stone formation in the body. Furthermore, persimmon outputs sodium salt, thereby relieving the kidney. For diabetics Dried persimmon - a delicious treat, a perfect substitute candy and other sweets.
Pineapple - he truly deserves the title of king of fruit is not only because of its solemn and unusual species, but also because of the content of a huge number of useful bio-elements. Pineapple pulp is rich in a substance called bromelain, which breaks down protein and is actively involved in the process of metabolism. Pineapple contains vitamin C, organic acids, reduce appetite, the sensation of hunger and enhancing the protective functions of the body. Light pineapple diuretic property prevents the formation of edema of the limbs and prevents the formation of so-called "bags" under the eyes. No wonder this fruit in dried form part of many homeopathic remedies and teas for weight loss. In addition to the use in food, pineapple and used in the cosmetics industry to create masks, creams, lotions, body gels. During holidays and abundant supply is recommended to arrange pineapple fasting days, because the pineapple is considered to be low-calorie treat.
Apple - it is considered a fruit, most successfully combines vitamins and useful microelements. No wonder the English say that eating an apple a day, you can forget about trips to the doctor. Apples are rich in vitamin C, which enhances the body's resistance to various viral infections and colds. Often ill people fresh apples or apple juice in the diet are required. People are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system of apple consumption can help prevent the disease. These fruits contain ferrous compounds and pectin - a valuable dietary fiber, which binds excess toxins, quickly removes them from the body. Also, due to apple pectin quickly quench the hunger that makes them suitable for use in food during the diet.
Grapes - a delicious and extremely healthy fruit. In the pulp of grapes are concentrated substances such as bioflavonoids, which are actively fighting cancer cells, prevent the formation of blood clots. Grapes in red, in green and in a large number register holds fructose and glucose, which contribute to the normal operation of the heart. In addition, the use of grapes decreased irritability and drowsiness, the body is in good shape. Dried grapes in common - raisins, is also rich in nutrients: boron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, iron. Raisins useful central nervous system, heart, lungs and bones. It should pay particular attention to the point that it contains eight times more sugar than grapes.
Lemon - the most widely used representative of the citrus family. Lemon peel contains huge reserves of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and resistance of protective functions of the body. In addition, the lemon has B vitamins, that improve the work of the human nervous system, increase its efficiency. Especially useful for people often have a lemon with great mental stress, students and pupils during the session.