Gymnastics for eyes glaucoma
1. Inhale the air through the nose, expanding the nostrils and exhale through mouth (shocks).
3. Close your eyes. Make them a circular motion in both directions.
4. Massage hands land in both directions around the eyes.
5. Counting to three, open your eyes and close again. Then much zazhmurte them and count to five. Repeat 3-6 times.
6. Run your tongue in a circle with my mouth closed in both directions.
7. Massage your forehead.
8. Massage your earlobes.
9. Massage the ears and ear.
10. Massage your entire scalp, then separate the head.
11. "Chew" with her mouth closed.
12. Stretch the chin up and the head does not move.
13. Exercise on accommodation (with your finger or with a pencil holding it before my eyes, led in different directions, watching him with her eyes).
Source: helps.com.ua