Several options of delicious summer smoothies

green tea
Antioxidant-rich green tea makes this cocktail as a source of nutrients.
For 1 serving:
3 tbsp water
1 packet green tea
2 tsp. honey
1 ½ cups frozen blueberries
half medium banana
Calcined ¾ Cup vanilla soy milk
Boil water in the microwave. Then steep tea bag for about 3 minutes. Remove the tea bag and add honey, stir until full dissolution. In a blender combine the berries, banana, milk and tea, shake all ingredients on maximum speed until smooth.
Energy value, kcal: 269
Berry tomorrowto
Start your day with a SIP of refreshing berry cocktail.
For 2 servings:
1 Cup frozen raspberries
¾ Cup chilled unsweetened almond or rice milk
¼ Cup frozen raspberries or cherries
1 ½ tbsp. honey
2 tsp. spoon finely grated ginger
1 tsp. spoon ground Flaxseed
2 tsp. tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Combine in a blender all the ingredients, whisk until smooth.
Energy value, kcal: 112

passionate pineapple , This creamy will definitely satisfy your hunger.
For 1 serving:
1 Cup low fat vanilla yogurt
6 ice cubes
1 Cup pineapple pieces
Whisk in a blender with yogurt and pineapple to obtain a homogeneous mass. Add a ice cubes
Energy value, kcal: 283
Source: /users/60