Photos—modern China,which will surprise you
It is worth noting be sure that everything is very subjective and you in China could be sick and to pull the home after the first day spent in the company of very loud people who are constantly sharkawy, yawning with open mouth, kids navalawala their business in the middle of the road. The connection between my pictures and the reality to some it may seem not, but it is. I really like this place and it is not for these reasons.
I have the best job in the world — I teach physical education at a first rate local uni. Came here by chance Dating. Earn$ 1000 per month, English teachers here earn as much. China wants to learn all English (even in the original movie) — this is the reason mass study English so that almost anyone (knows English and has a tower peda or TESOL certificate) anyone can come here.
As some of you know here I didn't come in that China, not the one I imagined, I was stupid and that most likely left. Speaking of stupidity — Chinese, I never learned it after one and a half years here.
Everything is on a gigantic scale. If you build skyscrapers at once a dozen at a time, if you build a road, then all at once, and cars and W/d, in General there is one big building( it will be later).
However as later explained to me the older this the most developed province in China and its name Zhejiang(Zhejiang). About the fact that hovers here in the air I will not write, I think you can guess.
The second thing, after the extent of China which strikes it is the traffic on the roads. First, there is in Shaoxing (Shaoxing) no cars older than approximately 2005, except for taxi drivers. I, of course, may be wrong about the exact dates, put simply, it seems that everyone who drives a car, go to the new.
Secondly, 95% of all mopeds and motorcycles electric motors, gasoline here is in the Central part of the city. But the silence on the road will not enjoy, because all who have something to honk or ringing, do it all the time — so it's worth continuing pipemania. But what is most interesting is not a way of expressing emotions, but simply a statement about yourself “I'm — I'm going.” Zoom not angry, and one who is presumed guilty, i.e. “freak who rides as he wants”. And about emotions — the drivers are so calm, that's just hard to believe that. Here the norm of the transfer or reversal where the like — and nobody will get out of the car and will not swear and the funny thing is — in these situations do not honk. And all this is done slowly.
There is a great road with a separate lane for mopeds and bicycles. And yet here the cheapest cost of building a kilometer how many some strips in the world, from which the road does not suffer and even bloom in some places luxurious beds on the autobahn.
The next degree of approximation this is my University Zhejiang Yuexiu University Of Foreign Languages — the so-called University where I work, it is private and sponsored by a local pharmaceutical company. It is located on the outskirts of the city between the industrial area and the beautiful mountains.
I live on campus. The school provides room or without kitchen or a 3 room apartment but with a roommate. My neighbor lady from Jamaica. The choice fell on an apartment for two reasons — the fabulous view of the mountains from the monastery neverust and the presence of food, which is much easier for me then the process of eating — I don't eat meat and fish, and the Chinese are very engaged in this, the ability to graze on local restaurants to me are severely limited. Especially the curious reader may ask, “can I still drink?”. The only intoxication that I continue to use is the local air.
Off campus you can live nowhere to go if you wish or Vice versa with reluctance: a river, lots of parks, shops, hairdresser, stadiums, driving school, canteens, fast food restaurants of all sorts. But out there somewhere in the mountains, which here side by side. They are more famous than the city itself because on one of the peaks is the tomb of the first imerator China, Da Yu the Great. And on the next mountain is a cascade of Buddhist monasteries on the mountains, will write later. One thing not happy with is the fact that these mountains are often not visible because of smog. Now I have my own interpretation of the concept of “middle Kingdom” — because of the smog the sky is not visible, and all that is seen is a gray mass looming overhead and referred to as smog. And so you can live.
My first attempt to climb the mountain that is a 5 minute walk from uni, to get her out of the city, was in some sense a failure — the city I did not see because of the fog, but climb on Buddhist monasteries. This complex of monasteries at the foot of the special because with them the tomb of their first Emperor.
Plunging deep into the topic of religion, it's easy to see the resemblance in external rites, the ceremonies of worship. Instead of candles they have sandalwood sticks (sometimes sticks the size of logs). Instead of the crucifixion, ogromeznaya statue. Instead of bells — large copper vats. In General, I am once again convinced that all religion, at its root, come from the same source.
Pleased with the abundance of yellow–orange color and cheerful monks in robes of the same color.
As I said in my first climb to see the city I failed, but this time I saw everything I wanted. The height of the mountain about 360 meters, and climb at a relaxed pace for about 50 minutes, but I ran for 20 because I was afraid that once again will come the clouds and get a view of the city.
My city hotel Shaoxing (Shaoxing) large by our standards and mediocre by the Chinese for obvious reasons. The population of about 5 million people. the Concept of the city there is tensile in the literal sense — the territory of the city is not the end just a road sign — city flows smoothly from one to the other. When traveling on the road is not clear where one ended and the next began. They live everywhere here. In the photos you can see my University.
Distance to the city center is 10 minutes bike. Close to the town 5 hours away by bus there are mountains similar to those that were in the film “Avatar”, as it turned out later there I also visit, but it will be later.
I helped once farmers figure to collect — I for some reason was very interesting.
Oh, and it's not an easy job. The mud knee–deep and hell–heavy bags that need to be carried off. Local did it with such ease that I decided to try, what then regretted. The actual job was to transfer these bags from the field. All the work on the collection to make a Chinese rice “Wally”.
Another funny moment — the pic they dried right there next to the field near the road, that revealed to me the mystery of the black stones in the rice.
To be in China and not write about the site it would be strange, because China is the solid construction.
Build round the clock. Know where you could use the hands of our lawyers and economists.
I already wrote that the skyscrapers here are built from dozens, but the conventional home areas. All that is built, wrapped in a green mantle, and with red banners looks picturesque. Interestingly, the fences that surround construction made of stone or brick, as well as the toilets for the builders of capital and long.
Despite the fact that people here as there are many, to settle the people not in a hurry because of the wrong price of the accommodation.
At the end of October begins the harvest season of tangerines. I visited the plantations of these little suns.
If my kid said that I would be in a place where you can eat all you like Mandarin, and I eat only 5 pieces, I would not have believed. Something tells me that it will be with with all. But Oh well)
What a wonderful smell of fresh–plucked like that. Less than Mandarin, so it is tastier and more expensive, respectively. Funny and symbolic was the Great wall of China lined with a plastic tangerine and the outlines of China.
And the name is laid out of these Mandarin ducks which are periodically disappear mysteriously there. Tangerines in season there are 0.4 dollar per kilogram.
Capture the world the Chinese will be possible of course without an army, nevertheless it may give the impression that they are going to implement it with the fragile female shoulders.
After their lessons, I often observed the students of the first course, which work for different drill exercises. In the photos one of the elements — stand at attention for 2 hours in a row.
Everything is done completely voluntarily. To the question “why” the answer is simple — “we are interested” — military themes popular on TV is a couple of TV shows about the military. Classes at the military Department lasts one year. I want to believe that such a number of ladies in the slender ranks dictated just by the nature of this University (linguistics).
The snow here is a rarity — maybe once every 5 years to fall, and talking about how to delegate to lunch at present. The trees there are some beautiful and green all year round and it's not a Christmas tree. In Ukraine them — would be happier, I think. Oh, how beautiful winter in Shaoxing without the mud.
Generally here the weather shifted somehow. Here at the end of December I have the feeling that the beginning of November, and when I arrived(October) felt like the end of August. So that's a sly way to travel. If you like, and we can be chased all over the world. To live always in September or may! This is my home. The house cool, as well, and all the houses in this area — Central heating here.
At work and in homes all dressed to go. I'm on the fourth floor of a live — and look for the first photo. The sun really late appear until the roll out for the mountains.
Cuisine in China is very diverse and occupies a very important place in their culture. I understand that in every culture, but there are special. They can have it all! On my question about whether or not they eat human children did not get a clear answer, so for me the question is open.
The meat here is the main product after rice, of course, for this to be a vegetarian in China is difficult. And it's not even the language barrier with an explanation of my eating quirks. Even if my Chinese friend explains the restaurant that I don't eat meat, they still bring meat. There are several reasons: 1. understanding that a little meat, then no meat at all, 2. without the meat tasteless.
In this province it is customary to eat a bird with the head and paws, and she was entirely fried or cooked. Chicken feet here instead of seeds. All pleasant.
Recently mastered the profession of primary school teachers. Trying to teach them English, if I may say so, but rather was just a babysitter. It was crazy the first and second classes. Fortunately it lasted only a month. A lot of interesting things there.
Each lesson in the first class begins with 10 minutes of charging to the eye, make it one, the others pretend, rubbing the chin, the forehead.
Classes are broken-down kids, but well equipped — each has a projector and a table with a computer and all sorts of bells and whistles to it. For them I Jack, they constantly repeat the name, saying goodbye and shaking hands indiscriminately, to the point and out of place.
School surprised me with another point, namely, to dine with first graders. Surprised not a food, but an action that precedes it. They eat the right classes, but before that occurs strange to me the process of food delivery. Cook everything somewhere, and then rolled down on the three–wheeled bike.
So these pans are quite heavy, especially for children... And lunch classics — rice and meat.
It was the first thing I saw in school and I'm very impressed. Every day on the big break, an hour before lunch, the whole school goes to the stadium to warm up.
All the action takes place under the cheerful music that I heard in the old Soviet films about scouts. On the podium one or two girl shows motions that all repeat.
Such a charge lasts about 20 minutes. And when more than a thousand children jumping rope is scary.
Shanghai is very tremendous. Thanks for the architecture of the French — the main promenade of Bands say similar places in new York. A nice walk in China on American streets, which was built by the French. Go and do not can understand where you are.
In China everywhere build skyscrapers, what can we say about Shanghai, on the opposite side of the Gang, a huge glass–concrete jungles.
And of course the most interesting thing in the slums. There grandmother at the gym, huge tangles of wires, which weighs linen, fish and of course chicken heads.
Source: interest-planet.ru