5 Easy Dinner Recipes
Are you exhausted from the heat and standing by the stove for two hours tonight is not part of your plans? Chef and host of the program “Summer Fresh” Mikhail Murzin shared with us super easy recipes. To prepare a delicious dinner, you will spend no more than 15 minutes!
Melon and Parma ham salad
A win-win version of the classic salad. Juicy melon, amazing Parma ham and sour-sweet orange will do their job and enthusiastic household members will insist on supplementation.
Recipe for Salad from Day and Parma Vetch:
200g melon
50g Parma ham
15 ml of olive oil
15ml soy sauce
5ml lemon juice
2 oranges
How to cook:
1. Cut the melon in half, peel the seeds and peel. Chop in big pieces.
2. Peel the orange and cut into thin slices, trying not to capture the films.
3. Mix soy sauce, olive oil and lemon juice.
4. Put melon on the plate, around - orange slices, put Parma ham on top. Pour the sauce.
Salmon steak
A healthy and juicy dish. Piquant notes of pickled ginger, mustard and soy sauce will transform ordinary fish beyond recognition. Salmon steak recipe
1 salmon steak
1 clove of garlic
1 tsp mustard
2 tsp soy sauce
20 pickled ginger
salt, freshly ground pepper - to taste
cherry tomatoes, fresh thyme - for decoration
How to cook:
1. Put the steak in a bowl, sprinkle finely chopped garlic, sprinkle olive oil, salt, pepper and rub the mixture into the fish. Marinate for a few minutes.
2. Roast steak in a grill pan.
3. For the sauce mustard mixed with soy sauce, add pickled ginger and olive oil. Stir thoroughly.
4. Ready salmon put on a dish, decorate tomatoes with cherry and thyme, pour with sauce.
Raspberry cocktail with basil
Raspberry, basil and carbonated water are combined, and a spicy refreshing cocktail is obtained. To prepare this wonderful drink, you will spend no more than 3 minutes. Raspberry Cocktail Recipe with Basilica
250g fresh raspberries
2 bundles of basilica
250 ml of carbonated water
25g cane sugar
How to cook:
1. Put raspberries, sugar and half of carbonated water in the blender bowl. Hit.
2. Add basil with stems, the remaining soda and once again whip the blender.
3. In the glass pour crushed ice, pour a cocktail and decorate with basil leaves.
Vegetable cocktail
Recipe for those who after six do not eat, but really want. Super useful and delicious cocktail is completely harmless to the figure! Vegetable Cocktail Recipe
2 cucumbers
5g mint
100g celery
50ml ginger juice
150 ml of mineral water
How to cook:
1. Cucumbers to peel and cut cubes.
2. Chop the celery into small strips.
3. Put cucumbers and celery in a blender, pour mineral water and whip.
4. Add lime juice, ice and ginger juice, mix.
5. Pour in the glass, serve immediately.
Jamaican bananas
A traditional Jamaican dish. A great dessert that does not need to be baked and spent on cooking invaluable evening time. Jamaican Banana recipe
1 banana
60ml orange juice
40g raisins
40g almonds
50g coconut shavings
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sugar
150ml orange juice
1 tbsp cornstarch
0.5 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
How to cook:
1. For the sauce, put butter in a saucepan, pour sugar, pour 150 ml of orange juice, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add corn starch, nutmeg and cinnamon. Stir vigorously, boil the mixture until it thickens.
2. Peeled and sliced into small mugs, place the banana in a pan, pour the remaining orange juice and cook for a few minutes.
3. Put the sauce on a plate, put a banana on top, pour orange juice in which bananas were boiled.
4. Decorate with chopped almonds, raisins and coconut shavings.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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