Eye tracking exactly the clue of the scallops
Eye tracking is a technology that allows you to track the movement of a person’s eyes and identify what they are currently focusing on. The data obtained is processed and then presented graphically using colors: from blue to red, depending on the number of views. The results of such studies are useful and extremely interesting. In particular, they show that men and women look at the same picture differently.
In this print, the viewer focuses exclusively on Scarlett Johansson and is not interested in the new fragrance from D&G.
This graph shows the differences between men and women. They spend more time looking at the female body. Representatives of the fairer sex are more interested in the rest of the information on the print.
Note that women are interested in shoes.
That's how men look at these pictures.
This is how women look at these pictures.
Looking at this package, people first pay attention to the meat itself, then they read the information on the label and finally look at the sticker.
When watching The Last Supper, a person’s gaze is evenly distributed between the faces of Jesus and the apostles.
When buying dairy products, people are most interested in prices.
People tend to only pay attention to the top five in Google SERPs.
In this Sunsilk ad, you can catch that putting a model alone is not enough. What matters is where this girl looks.
Here is a picture of two lovers. Pay attention to how much people are interested in jewelry.
How women and men watch baseball.
Michelangelo's David.
Source: mirfactov.com/