The seven-day buckwheat diet

Buckwheat is considered a dietary product, in its composition, it has a large number of useful elements. Buckwheat diet is designed for 7 days, will allow you to lose weight and get healthier.
The advantages of the diet is What attracts buckwheat diet for 7 days? This technique has many advantages. It doesn't make you count calories, weigh food and cook special diet menus. The slimming process is not accompanied by the feeling of hunger. By eating a healthy diet, you will not have to take extra vitamins – buckwheat is composed of a rich range of b-vitamins and minerals (you can select magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, calcium). Buckwheat diet has a positive effect on health – strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the body, improves the condition of skin and hair.
How to cook buckwheat dietary? To successfully lose weight, you have to take care of the cooking "proper" meals – it does not contain salt, seasoning and fat. 1 tbsp. buckwheat rinse with water, place in a pot or thermos, pour boiling water (2 tbsp.), wrap (thermos, close) and leave for a few hours. Porridge makes sense to prepare before going to bed so in the morning you can have Breakfast. If the dealer does not fully absorb the liquid, then water can be pumped. Cooked this recipe porridge retains more nutrients – there is no long-lasting thermal effects.
Diet Buckwheat diet is designed for 7 days. Daily supposed to eat several servings of oatmeal prepared according to the above recipe. Since the diet lasts only 1-2 days, and much longer, porridge is not limited to (lack of protein will adversely affect the General condition of the body). On this basis, to Supplement the diet need low-fat yogurt (yogurt without sugar, yogurt). Allowable milk beverages – 1 liter a day. Kefir and buckwheat is permissible to combine in one meal by cooking a kind of soup and can be eaten separately (the second option is more efficient as it involves separate meals). Theoretically, kefir and buckwheat are quite enough to maintain normal digestive tract, but if you will experience difficulties with the chair, you can add a handful of dried fruit. If the buckwheat is already disgusted, then add foods of plant origin – leafy green vegetables, greens, sour-sweet fruits. Many people have a complete lack of salt causes severe discomfort – in this case, you can use soy sauce. Important to keep an optimal drinking regime – drink plenty of drinking water and teas (do not add sugar on the diet it would have to give up).
Diet During the diet you need to eat often, but gradually the interval between meals should not exceed 2 hours. The last meal should be completed before 20.00. Throughout the year you can spend several courses weight loss. The optimal interval between them is 3-6 months.
Cons of diet and contraindications to the Diet is 7 days, so a serious injury causes. However, the lack of salt and sugar and poor diet cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. You may feel weakness, dizziness, increased irritability, short attention span. Neutralize them help Cup of warm sweet tea (it is better to use honey, not sugar). Contraindications to the diet are pregnancy, lactation, presence of chronic diseases, reduced immunity.
Reviews of Buckwheat diet for a week — quite a difficult method of weight loss. Flavor unsalted cereal is not a pleasure, to the end of the week many people can't look at this dish. Judging by the reviews, the positive feature of diet is is that its effectiveness in 7 days you have the opportunity to lose up to 6 kg of excess weight.
Source: updiet.info/
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