Gretcheva Diet

Buckwheat is a popular dietary grain product. Can I lose weight on buckwheat? How to properly prepare dietary porridge, what is the scheme of its use?
By its nutritional value, buckwheat is not inferior to meat. In large quantities, it contains essential amino acids, vitamins E, groups B, minerals (phosphorus, iron, iodine, etc.). Grains are rich in fiber and useful carbohydrates. It is worth knowing that the calorie content of this product is quite high - 100 g of buckwheat provides us with 313 kcal. Does this make it possible to lose weight with buckwheat? As studies show, the calorie content of this product does not affect the figure - however, you will have to cook porridge on water and without fat. Complex carbohydrates provide a long inflow of energy, buckwheat suppresses hunger, relieves changes in blood sugar levels. Croup has in its composition polyunsaturated fats, so it relieves the body of excess cholesterol. The chemical composition of buckwheat accelerates metabolism, which best affects the figure.
How to lose weight with Greek help? As already mentioned, weight loss contributes only to dietary porridge. To prepare it in the evening, pour boiling water (500 g/1.5 liters). Wrap up the dishes (you can make porridge in a thermos instead). The porridge is ready for use in the morning. Salt, sugar, seasonings and fats can not be used.
You need to eat porridge 4-5 times a day with an interval of 2-3 hours. The last meal should be completed before 18.00. Liquid diet includes still water and unsweetened teas. If desired, you can afford low-fat kefir (no more than 1 liter per day). The duration of the diet is 1-2 weeks. Weight loss - 5-8 kg. You can again resort to the diet a month after the completion of the first stage.
If the above diet does not suit you, you can resort to another version of this diet. In this case, the diet can be enriched with apples and brown rice. In lean porridge, you can add greens - cilantro, dill, parsley. Rice should be cooked without salt. During the day you can eat 1 serving of rice, 3-4 servings of buckwheat and 2-3 apples. You can also eat green leafy vegetables - they will cope with constipation. The liquid ration remains the same. The duration of the diet is 1-3 weeks. Weight loss in 3 weeks - 7-9 kg.
Another recipe for losing weight on buckwheat is based on the principles of raw food. In this case, green seeds are used - they are sprouted and used for food. The content of vitamins and minerals in this product is even higher than in ordinary cereals. It is not difficult to germinate the seeds – they need to be placed in a container, poured with raw filtered water and left for 24 hours in a cool dark place. Mix the sprouts with flax seeds and with pieces of fruit. Such a "dish" can not be subjected to heat treatment - it will deprive the product of benefit. Eat green buckwheat instead of dinner (the optimal portion size is 2 tbsp). During the day you will have to observe reasonable restrictions - do not abuse sweets and fats, give up fast food and alcohol. 1 week of such a diet will take 2-3 kg.
Diet on buckwheat not only removes excess fat, but also cleanses the body and helps to cope with acne. Since porridge suppresses the feeling of hunger, and it itself has a rather specific taste, the daily calorie content of the diet is in minimal limits. This allows you to lose weight without annoying rumbling in the stomach.
The disadvantages of the diet are quite a lot. It is important to remember that the buckwheat diet can not boast of a balanced menu. With prolonged adherence to the buckwheat diet, there is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals - although they are present in grains, they cannot cover all the needs of the body (in addition, without fat, some of them are not absorbed). Lipid deficiency affects metabolic processes and even hormonal balance. Fats are necessary for hair and skin – after a long diet, you may notice a deterioration in their condition.
Crude porridge from buckwheat can cause constipation (with a tendency to this problem). Since porridge contains rutin, it should not be carried away with increased blood clotting. Contraindications to diet are chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system.
Buckwheat for weight loss is used quite successfully - with a diet, the weight goes away stably. Unfortunately, a monotonous diet and lack of salt does not have the best effect on both mood and determination to finish the job (many do not stand the diet and complete it prematurely).
Source: updiet.info/
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