The spine, the conduit of our emotions
The skeleton of our body consists of 24 vertebrae. This amazing structure supports the skeleton in an upright position and simultaneously provides reliable protection for our Central nervous system.
Every nerve impulse, conscious or unconscious, emotional or mechanical, through the spine enters the brain or out of it, if for a superfast highway. Unfortunately, we often underestimate the value of this complex system — like our health and emotional balance.
In the truest sense of the WORD We instinctively feel deeply connected with our posture experiences. When negative emotions "is a heavy burden on the shoulders" or failure "knocked down", we are depressed, slouching, feeling the tension in the neck and upper back. Unexpected luck, on the contrary, makes us "soar", straighten the back, and the satisfaction of a allows you to "walk through life with your head held high". Severe stress can cause not only stress but also pain in the back.
The doctors came to the conclusion that emotional pain is somehow transferred to the body, but the mechanisms of this phenomenon are still not well understood.
"Pain in the back, which arise as a result of stress, the so-called psychogenic pain, do not have otdelyvanija orthopedic reasons, — says neurologist Natalia Shcherbakova. — Stress can cause tonic tension of muscles in any part of the spine causing pain. Perhaps the mechanism of formation of this reaction lies in the experience capturing pain behavior relatives who are around the individual in childhood, or experience of their own pain, moved once".
It is the basis of our body in every sense of the word — not just helping us to stay on his feet, but not letting to fall spirit.
The spine is also an excellent damping system: the intervertebral discs absorb shocks coming from the knees, hips and all joints. This kind of "safety cushion" that protects from damage during strikes.
Almost all the muscles of the abdomen and thorax are connected with the spine. In addition to the superficial muscles, which helps us to move in space and to lift weights, there is still deep inside the muscles — it supports our internal organs, helps to fight gravity and stay upright. The whole system is extraordinarily stable and capable of withstanding very heavy loads.
The biggest problem is that we load it is very uneven and unreasonable. We spend a lot of time sitting, resulting in 40% increases the pressure on the lower back. In addition, some of the muscles are constantly in tension, and others are completely ineffective.
"The disruption of the microcirculation leading to dystrophic processes in the spine, — continues Natalia Shcherbakova. — This affects the surrounding nerves, broken links of the autonomic nervous system, which in turn can lead to the fact that there are problems in perifericheskaya target".
So, a pinched nerve going to liver's ability to send signals, and it affects the work of the body. Poor digestion can be caused by a pinched nerve in the base of the skull and Thus in violation of remotecache any body can lead us in a long chain of doctors, while the root of all evil — the problem with the spine.
Pain in the shoulders
This is a common consequence of long sitting at the computer or driving a car is associated with muscle tension leads to tightness of the spine in the neck.
How to help the situation. Take a deep breath, lift the chest and pull your shoulders back, repeat this movement several times.
The tension in mid-back
Muscle tension in this area restricts the innervation of the internal organs and can affect the adrenal glands, bladder or kidneys. Sometimes a feeling of tension, on the contrary, can be caused by functional disorders in the genitourinary system.
How to help the situation. Breathe with your stomach, this will help reduce muscle tension and stress. Visit your doctor to exclude the possibility that the reason — in the internal organs.
Pain in lower back
They can be caused by tension of the intrinsic muscles when the person sits for a long time. Most of us are slightly "slide" the long sitting, flexing the spine and further overloading it.
How to help the situation. Try sitting on a fitball, ball of large diameter, for balance you need to keep your back straight. Another option is to pick an orthopedic pillow for a chair. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.psychologies.ru/wellbeing/immunity/_article/pozvonochnik-provodnik-nashix-jemoczij/
Every nerve impulse, conscious or unconscious, emotional or mechanical, through the spine enters the brain or out of it, if for a superfast highway. Unfortunately, we often underestimate the value of this complex system — like our health and emotional balance.

In the truest sense of the WORD We instinctively feel deeply connected with our posture experiences. When negative emotions "is a heavy burden on the shoulders" or failure "knocked down", we are depressed, slouching, feeling the tension in the neck and upper back. Unexpected luck, on the contrary, makes us "soar", straighten the back, and the satisfaction of a allows you to "walk through life with your head held high". Severe stress can cause not only stress but also pain in the back.
The doctors came to the conclusion that emotional pain is somehow transferred to the body, but the mechanisms of this phenomenon are still not well understood.
"Pain in the back, which arise as a result of stress, the so-called psychogenic pain, do not have otdelyvanija orthopedic reasons, — says neurologist Natalia Shcherbakova. — Stress can cause tonic tension of muscles in any part of the spine causing pain. Perhaps the mechanism of formation of this reaction lies in the experience capturing pain behavior relatives who are around the individual in childhood, or experience of their own pain, moved once".
It is the basis of our body in every sense of the word — not just helping us to stay on his feet, but not letting to fall spirit.
The spine is also an excellent damping system: the intervertebral discs absorb shocks coming from the knees, hips and all joints. This kind of "safety cushion" that protects from damage during strikes.
Almost all the muscles of the abdomen and thorax are connected with the spine. In addition to the superficial muscles, which helps us to move in space and to lift weights, there is still deep inside the muscles — it supports our internal organs, helps to fight gravity and stay upright. The whole system is extraordinarily stable and capable of withstanding very heavy loads.
The biggest problem is that we load it is very uneven and unreasonable. We spend a lot of time sitting, resulting in 40% increases the pressure on the lower back. In addition, some of the muscles are constantly in tension, and others are completely ineffective.
"The disruption of the microcirculation leading to dystrophic processes in the spine, — continues Natalia Shcherbakova. — This affects the surrounding nerves, broken links of the autonomic nervous system, which in turn can lead to the fact that there are problems in perifericheskaya target".
So, a pinched nerve going to liver's ability to send signals, and it affects the work of the body. Poor digestion can be caused by a pinched nerve in the base of the skull and Thus in violation of remotecache any body can lead us in a long chain of doctors, while the root of all evil — the problem with the spine.
Pain in the shoulders
This is a common consequence of long sitting at the computer or driving a car is associated with muscle tension leads to tightness of the spine in the neck.
How to help the situation. Take a deep breath, lift the chest and pull your shoulders back, repeat this movement several times.
The tension in mid-back
Muscle tension in this area restricts the innervation of the internal organs and can affect the adrenal glands, bladder or kidneys. Sometimes a feeling of tension, on the contrary, can be caused by functional disorders in the genitourinary system.
How to help the situation. Breathe with your stomach, this will help reduce muscle tension and stress. Visit your doctor to exclude the possibility that the reason — in the internal organs.
Pain in lower back
They can be caused by tension of the intrinsic muscles when the person sits for a long time. Most of us are slightly "slide" the long sitting, flexing the spine and further overloading it.
How to help the situation. Try sitting on a fitball, ball of large diameter, for balance you need to keep your back straight. Another option is to pick an orthopedic pillow for a chair. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.psychologies.ru/wellbeing/immunity/_article/pozvonochnik-provodnik-nashix-jemoczij/