How to make silver water ionization in the pool
Disinfection of water in pools can not only get rid of harmful bacteria and prevent the formation of mold, but also improves the quality of water. Initially this procedure was performed with the help of various chemical additives, which, unfortunately, are harmful to humans. Now on the market you can find a more perfect products that sparing refers to the skin, has no odor and normalizes pH level.
Methods of disinfection of water without chlorine
Among the most advanced pool water purification methods is isolated:
Methods of disinfection of water without chlorine
filtration units,
installation ozonation,
ionirovaniya installation.
Less than actively apply ultraviolet radiation and active oxygen. This is due to the fact that these technologies can not provide a complete bacteriological safety.
The filtration plant consist of several pumps are gradually filtering water from large, small and microscopic particles. The majority of the bacteria are killed, but viruses remain. This method is good for small pools frame type.
Ozonation is a chemical reaction with a large heat release. Temperature of the water molecules is increased to several hundred degrees, and any microorganisms burned. A feature of the reaction is that the water does not boil. To install a very large room and the complex communication system. The home is set rarely.
Ionization of water - is the processing of the waters of the basin of silver ions. It is carried out either on the principle of electrolysis, or mechanically. This method allows you to not only clean the water but also to keep it in this state much longer than any other. The only drawback, the need to install an additional sand filter.
Nevertheless, the ionization is by far the best solution for pool owners. It significantly reduces the cost of care for the pool and at times improves the quality of any water.
Useful properties
ionizers These devices allow:
enter the water ions of silver and copper, which remain active for several weeks, constantly obezzarazhivaya water, without the use of additional chemicals,
precipitate the heavy metals and destroy the harmful chemicals that make the water fit to drink,
completely get rid of the odor,
reduce the negative influence of water on the skin and mucous membranes,
minimize the possibility of allergic reactions,
connect debris using electrostatic forces into larger entities that can already grasp the primary filter.
Variety of water ionizers in
pool Essentially, any device for the ionization of the water is arranged as follows:
electrolytic plant,
water supply system,
System water enrichment,
the outer casing.
They differ from each other in power. Allocate:
industrial ionizers,
domestic ionizers.
Industrial consist of one or more interconnected, blocks that contain powerful container for the electrolysis. During this reaction under the influence of the current of copper and silver ions are released from the guide and into the water. Although modern technology has leaped forward, to significantly reduce the size of the conductors did not happen. Therefore, these units are used in public pools with a large water area.
At home, use more compact alternatives. They work exactly the same principle, but calculated on the amount of water up to 60 cubic meters. m. In addition, it should be remembered that domestic ionizers can not fully cope with the disinfection of water in the pool, but the need to reduce the use of chemicals by 80%. Instead of the standard chlorine or bromine is recommended to carry out further cleaning with the help of active oxygen.
Ionization of silver water with their hands
In fact, the ionization of the water - this is a common chemical reaction, which is fairly easy to play at home. You will need:
Two plastic containers,
pieces of silver and copper.
Cathode - the conductor, which connects the negative pole, the anode - positive. They are made from either lead or take on special carbon electrodes. Simple anode and cathode are cast from fishing sinkers. Diameter from 0, 5 to 1 cm. Length does not matter.
Plastic does not conduct and does not enter into chemical electrolysis reaction. The easiest option - to cut off two two-liter bottles of water
. The conductor - any material that conducts electricity well
. Rectifier - the most important part of the device. This is a special device that alternating current from the network turns into a permanent, while sharing in the "plus" and "minus". Although self-assemble such a device is not difficult, it is easier to buy ready-made.
Silver and copper are needed for the preparation of the electrolytic solution.
Wiring diagram:
pour in the water tank is not topped up to the edge of 5 cm,
pour into the prepared container both copper and silver shavings,
set the anode and cathode,
install guide (should not touch the anode and the cathode),
connected to the anode of a "plus" to the cathode of the "minus"
turn rectifier.
In the reaction, the released copper and silver ions pass through the conductor in a container the cathode and the more volatile compounds are not metals in the anode container. In the electrolysis of the metal shavings destroyed, but the remains are suitable for the next reaction.
The average time required for the successful completion of the reaction - 10 minutes. Next pliers insulated conductor is removed and switched off the current. Fluid from the container with the cathode - electrolyte is a concentrated solution of copper and silver ions. Pour it into the pool. The approximate proportion to the capacity of two liters (enough to disinfect the 10 cubic meters of pool water..):
5 g of copper,
1 g of silver.
Tip: The smaller the baby, the easier it is going electrolysis. This concentration is significantly higher than the plant devices and current is much stronger. Therefore, the ionizer eliminates the need to use chemicals. The ions remain active for two weeks. Then their number starts to decline. Deadline for the following disinfection of water in the pool - one month. The same rule holds true for factory ionizers.
The assembled device is suitable not only for the ionization of the water basin, but also for the filtration of drinking water. On dvadtsatilitrovuyu canister will need 0, 1 g of silver, the reaction time of 2-3 minutes. In addition, if the site is well, the children will be interesting to watch the reaction of the electrolysis of alkaline water (at the cathode metals will precipitate on the anode colored salts).
manufacturers Swimming pool without chlorine - is the dream of anyone who is faced with the problems of dry skin, unpleasant sensations in the eyes and a terrible smell. Solve the following companies offer problem:
Van Erp,
Clearwater based in Florida for more than twenty years ago. During this time the company has managed to become the largest manufacturer of equipment for water purification and filtration. The main priority of the company - products designed for domestic consumers. Clearwater engineers make the most compact equipment, reliable and efficient. Pleases also a wide range.
Van Erp is another large company in New Zealand. In the domestic market is represented by a series of products under the name «Blue lagoon». These are complex devices that combine both ionization and the use of ultraviolet light. Allow to completely abandon the chemical cleaning agents.
The most popular Spanish group Hydrover, which presents its products under the brand name Oxymatic. The principle of operation of the devices, as in the previous case, completely exclude chemical treatment of water in the pool, but active oxygen is used instead of the UVC rays. The lineup is represented mainly by industrial units, but there are a few small household ionizers.
The most inexpensive option to get clean water in the pool - this is the use of ionizing BIO-pool. It does not take a lot of space, quite reliable, and has almost all the features of larger counterparts. The only drawback is that it is designed more for small frame or inflatable pools of up to 10 cu. m. The longer need chemistry for most waters.
Methods of disinfection of water without chlorine
Among the most advanced pool water purification methods is isolated:
Methods of disinfection of water without chlorine
filtration units,
installation ozonation,
ionirovaniya installation.
Less than actively apply ultraviolet radiation and active oxygen. This is due to the fact that these technologies can not provide a complete bacteriological safety.

The filtration plant consist of several pumps are gradually filtering water from large, small and microscopic particles. The majority of the bacteria are killed, but viruses remain. This method is good for small pools frame type.
Ozonation is a chemical reaction with a large heat release. Temperature of the water molecules is increased to several hundred degrees, and any microorganisms burned. A feature of the reaction is that the water does not boil. To install a very large room and the complex communication system. The home is set rarely.
Ionization of water - is the processing of the waters of the basin of silver ions. It is carried out either on the principle of electrolysis, or mechanically. This method allows you to not only clean the water but also to keep it in this state much longer than any other. The only drawback, the need to install an additional sand filter.
Nevertheless, the ionization is by far the best solution for pool owners. It significantly reduces the cost of care for the pool and at times improves the quality of any water.
Useful properties
ionizers These devices allow:
enter the water ions of silver and copper, which remain active for several weeks, constantly obezzarazhivaya water, without the use of additional chemicals,
precipitate the heavy metals and destroy the harmful chemicals that make the water fit to drink,
completely get rid of the odor,
reduce the negative influence of water on the skin and mucous membranes,
minimize the possibility of allergic reactions,
connect debris using electrostatic forces into larger entities that can already grasp the primary filter.
Variety of water ionizers in
pool Essentially, any device for the ionization of the water is arranged as follows:
electrolytic plant,
water supply system,
System water enrichment,
the outer casing.

They differ from each other in power. Allocate:
industrial ionizers,
domestic ionizers.
Industrial consist of one or more interconnected, blocks that contain powerful container for the electrolysis. During this reaction under the influence of the current of copper and silver ions are released from the guide and into the water. Although modern technology has leaped forward, to significantly reduce the size of the conductors did not happen. Therefore, these units are used in public pools with a large water area.
At home, use more compact alternatives. They work exactly the same principle, but calculated on the amount of water up to 60 cubic meters. m. In addition, it should be remembered that domestic ionizers can not fully cope with the disinfection of water in the pool, but the need to reduce the use of chemicals by 80%. Instead of the standard chlorine or bromine is recommended to carry out further cleaning with the help of active oxygen.
Ionization of silver water with their hands
In fact, the ionization of the water - this is a common chemical reaction, which is fairly easy to play at home. You will need:
Two plastic containers,
pieces of silver and copper.
Cathode - the conductor, which connects the negative pole, the anode - positive. They are made from either lead or take on special carbon electrodes. Simple anode and cathode are cast from fishing sinkers. Diameter from 0, 5 to 1 cm. Length does not matter.

Plastic does not conduct and does not enter into chemical electrolysis reaction. The easiest option - to cut off two two-liter bottles of water
. The conductor - any material that conducts electricity well
. Rectifier - the most important part of the device. This is a special device that alternating current from the network turns into a permanent, while sharing in the "plus" and "minus". Although self-assemble such a device is not difficult, it is easier to buy ready-made.
Silver and copper are needed for the preparation of the electrolytic solution.
Wiring diagram:
pour in the water tank is not topped up to the edge of 5 cm,
pour into the prepared container both copper and silver shavings,
set the anode and cathode,
install guide (should not touch the anode and the cathode),
connected to the anode of a "plus" to the cathode of the "minus"
turn rectifier.
In the reaction, the released copper and silver ions pass through the conductor in a container the cathode and the more volatile compounds are not metals in the anode container. In the electrolysis of the metal shavings destroyed, but the remains are suitable for the next reaction.
The average time required for the successful completion of the reaction - 10 minutes. Next pliers insulated conductor is removed and switched off the current. Fluid from the container with the cathode - electrolyte is a concentrated solution of copper and silver ions. Pour it into the pool. The approximate proportion to the capacity of two liters (enough to disinfect the 10 cubic meters of pool water..):
5 g of copper,
1 g of silver.
Tip: The smaller the baby, the easier it is going electrolysis. This concentration is significantly higher than the plant devices and current is much stronger. Therefore, the ionizer eliminates the need to use chemicals. The ions remain active for two weeks. Then their number starts to decline. Deadline for the following disinfection of water in the pool - one month. The same rule holds true for factory ionizers.
The assembled device is suitable not only for the ionization of the water basin, but also for the filtration of drinking water. On dvadtsatilitrovuyu canister will need 0, 1 g of silver, the reaction time of 2-3 minutes. In addition, if the site is well, the children will be interesting to watch the reaction of the electrolysis of alkaline water (at the cathode metals will precipitate on the anode colored salts).
manufacturers Swimming pool without chlorine - is the dream of anyone who is faced with the problems of dry skin, unpleasant sensations in the eyes and a terrible smell. Solve the following companies offer problem:
Van Erp,
Clearwater based in Florida for more than twenty years ago. During this time the company has managed to become the largest manufacturer of equipment for water purification and filtration. The main priority of the company - products designed for domestic consumers. Clearwater engineers make the most compact equipment, reliable and efficient. Pleases also a wide range.

Van Erp is another large company in New Zealand. In the domestic market is represented by a series of products under the name «Blue lagoon». These are complex devices that combine both ionization and the use of ultraviolet light. Allow to completely abandon the chemical cleaning agents.
The most popular Spanish group Hydrover, which presents its products under the brand name Oxymatic. The principle of operation of the devices, as in the previous case, completely exclude chemical treatment of water in the pool, but active oxygen is used instead of the UVC rays. The lineup is represented mainly by industrial units, but there are a few small household ionizers.
The most inexpensive option to get clean water in the pool - this is the use of ionizing BIO-pool. It does not take a lot of space, quite reliable, and has almost all the features of larger counterparts. The only drawback is that it is designed more for small frame or inflatable pools of up to 10 cu. m. The longer need chemistry for most waters.